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h0mIe SaY wHuT?!

Homie   Say   What?!

Well howdy lil kiddiez! Looks like I have changed alot doesn't it? Well, I thought my site needed a makeover, and since I'm off of school today I did it. Thank you sooo much to Andrew (beep beep) who made that awesome graphic thingy that you clicked on to get here. He's the best, and the sexiest, he is going to be stallion for this week. Haha. Anyways, next rave I'm goin to is on March 6th, and it's Breakin Point (I think thats what it is called). Hehe, anyways come and join me, it will be fun cause they playing happyhardcore! Ok I love you all! PLUR

All the pages I have made and you will love, right? =)

My shout out page.
The page just gets bigger and bigger everytime I think of ppl, if you name ain't there, I still love you, just wait, I gotta work on it more.
My Links Page
All my buddies links on a page, they were fillin this page up to much. (most of em don't work, I really gotta update this page=)
Stallion of the week
This is Bryce, I thought I would surprise him by makin him my stallion!
Some Progressive Tunes
Listen to these tunes while you are at my web page, they are real funky. My fave is track 11, so check it out.
My lovely kiddies from school!
It isn't done yet, I actully I have tons more to put on! And when I go to hullabloo, I'm taken my camera and takin pics.
A page dedicated to my best friend Jen
This is just a page that i made to show my love to my best friend jen.
I got bored and added a lil survey
Hey do it for fun. It ain't that bad. It will take like 1 min.
Anti- MMR
This is why I dislike my school
My poem page!
These are poems I have written. This page grows whenever I feel like writing poems. =)
My new puppy!
This has pics of my new puppy chino. Now changed and working!
My page dedicated to Gracie
This page means a lot to me, please if ya don't like it, don't comment cause it will make me sad cause I miss her =(
I keep profiling parties and stuff I go to
It's got piccy's here of me, jen and rachel b4 clubbin. Hehe, clubing, I am such a loser.
I review Hulla9!!.
This is a must see page, Erich, you will hate it because it has to do with ravers, and you seem to be a poopy head and you hate them

This page has been kissed by the fingers of you times.

My guestbook, Please sign it, and then go to the links below it :)

Please sign me! I'm cute!:

uSeLeSsNoOdLe's OrGy, StaBBinG WeStWaRd and GoD LiVeS UnDeRwAteR PaGe