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1985 Hyundai Pony

My first attempt at racing in a demo derby in Kingston, Ontario! My good friend Maris donated this car to me to use. He helped me with the preperation and building as I had never built one of these Hyundais before. The car had very little rust on it. One of my pit crew guys offered to pay for the paint for it if I painted it John Deere Green. Well, not to turn down free paint, I painted it that colour. It turned out not bad! If you have visited Maris's web site before, you will notice the Mickey Mouse car on the top looks familiar (LOL). In my heat, I was doing well. It was down to 4 cars (3 advanced to the feature). I dished out a decent hit with the front bumper and all of a sudden the car quit. It would only backfire while rolling over. Eventually, raw fuel at the end of the exhaust caught on fire and they had to put it out with a fire extinguisher. Me and the crew thrashed on the car to try to fix the problem. What happened? This motor had a chain driven cam. The chain had jumped several teeth. They were calling the cars in for the hard luck heat when we finally got it running again. I went out and my friend Mike Horton and I cleaned house. We both advanced to the final. In the finals, I was doing well. It was down to about 5 cars left counting mine. I made a suicide (stupid, actually)front to front hit and mashed the front bumper into the distributor, totally killing my car. I had forgotten that on a Hyundai, it is right at the front of the engine. So that was it. The car was junk in one race. The leaf springs (stock on these cars) helped out big time. I will get them Kingston boys next year!

Click Here For Before The Derby Pictures!

Click Here For In Action Pictures!

Click Here For The After Picture!

