QuaToqti Letter to the Editor

Qua Toqti - The Eagle's Cry - Serving The Hopi Nation

July 15, 1976

The Eagle's Cry

Qua Toqti

Serving The Hopi Nation

Vol.3 No.50 New Oraibi, Arizona 86039
Editor-Publisher, Wayne Sekaquaptewa
Telephone (602) 734-2425 [subsequently deceased]

Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor,

A common thread runs through the prophecies of the world's religions:

Times of disharmony, disunity and mental suffering for even the faithful (caused by confusion as to what to believe in) followed by a glorious future of peace, harmony and unity among all peoples, cultures and religions of the one human race -- with the change to be brought about by the knowledge of a new light from our Creator described by some person given the insight into that new light.

These prophecies from around the world are analyzed in a 1961 book called "Warriors of the Rainbow" by an Eskimo named William Willoya who states the reasons for his total personal conviction that this re-awakening change towards world peace will happen through the leadership of the Native American peoples and that the re-awakening will begin in the Hopi Nation as foretold by the Hopi prophecy outlined in the book and reviewed for accuracy by Thomas Bancyacya.

According to Thomas Banyacya's videotaped message as a Hopi interpreter in January 1976 to the annual world gathering of the International Cooperation Council entitled "Towards Universal Consciousness," the Hopi expect the one in red to come to the Hopi Nation "very soon" with "many inventions."

On the June 1976 new moon, one scientist (this observer writing as a chemical physicist) came to Oraibi (after dying his lab coat red) to bring the new unifying insight into the nature of light (as described by the newly finished unified field theory left uncompleted on his death by Albert Einstein) and to commit his life to the fulfillment of these prophecies. Having forsaken all possessions and all other commitments for this purpose, he now walks among you waiting for your wish.

In love towards our paradise and everlasting life, observe me as you.

David Crockett Williams Matter
Santa Barbara, California

------end published letter to the editor, retyped