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1. Where do you get the horses?

I (Alyssa/Faith) draw them, and scan them in. But I color them with my Photo program.

2. How many horses per person?

2 per person and website.

3. Could I ever trade one in for another horse?

Yes, you can. If you have one horse, but see another one you like, e-mail me. I will give you a new horse in exchange for your old one.

4. Can I request a specially made horse just for me?

Unfortunatly, no. I usually always have ten horses, and those eight only. Whenever one is taken down, a new horse is put up as soon as possible. If you don't like what you see, come back in a few days/weeks, and maybe you'll find the one your looking for. But if you don't, and you want a certain color, e-mail me with your suggestions.

5. Once I sent in a form for my horse, but I got an e-mail back saying you couldn't allow me to have that horse. Why?

You must have sent me your form with only one choice. Sometimes, people will request a horse, but someone already did before them, and I didn't get a chance to take down that horse. Well, sorry, but it's first some first serve. That's why you always put in your second choice.