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Storm Phoenix Hall

        Welcome, MechWarrior!  After a brief (right) bit of downtime thanks to our old host going weird, the Storm Phoenix Combine website is once again up and running!  And no more under construction than the old one was... though that's still not entirely finished.  Looks better now, though.  In case you've not heard of us, SPC is a MechWarrior 3/MechWarrior 4 non-league unit, out to battle with honor and have a lot of fun while we're at it.  Feel free to look around, but be warned, warrior... the Phoenix has no patience with dishonor.

History of the Combine
(Abbreviated version. We're working on the long version...)
(What's been going on lately)
The Great Houses
(The 13 factions of the Combine. Someday the names on the image map will be fixed.)
Combine Culture
(And you thought Clan culture was militant.  Still working on this.)
Combine Ranks
(The ranking system of the Combine... kinda self-explanatory)
(Unique SPC designs... blending the best technology of the Clans and the Inner Sphere. Still working on this.)
(The seventeen planets of the Combine. Still working on this.)
Chronicles of the Phoenix
(Stories of the Combine, and of BattleTech in general)
The Lancie Test
(Not exactly SPC, but still fun. Which MW3 lancie are you most like?)
Joining Information
(Well, we ARE looking to recruit. Want to join?)
Storm Phoenix Hall
(Our forum. A little insane, but always fun. Drop on in.)
Phoenix Council
(Members Only past this point.)