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Pictures at the Toronto Power Generating Station (in Niagara Falls, ON)

The above picture is a great look at what the architecture around our photo site looked like! My mom always comments that there are lots of kisses and hugs in the background of every photo due to the X's and O's on the building!!

My little flower girl, Audra, and I. She was a darling, and a very good girl the whole day! (even tho she didn't want to take her coat off for pictures!)

Anna and the boys...Mark on the left, Rob on the right

Mike and the girls... Mahlah on the left and Mary Ann on the right

Our folks...Carol and Gord McCormack (left) and Aggy and Richard Beaudry (right)

My Grandma Jennie and I

You go Girls!!

Just goofing around

Some Wedding links for you...

to go HOME
Reception Photos
Ceremony and misc. photos
