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File Photo, wart ponders the meaning of life, the universe, and everything. Name: Christopher
Title: Special Agent In Charge of (SAICO) Philosophizing with officially selected root beers.
Player CPID: wart=
Handle: (113)=Wart (From T.H. White's The Once and Future King, King Arthur's nick name)
Favorite Plane: "P-51 Cadillac of the Skies" need I say more...
Date of Induction into the 113th: Charter Member -- 5 January 1999
Favorite mission: There is nothing like coming to the aid of a buddy who is out numbered -- to drop down out of the sky with guns blazing, P-51 gleaming in the sunlight -- I only wish I could see the look on the bad guy's face................. =P
Catch Phrase: The most useless things in the world are: dumped fuel and altitude above you......
Homepage URL:
Let's just say its a coming attraction..........

Favorite Calvin and Hobbes Character:
Calvin who's a fellow day dreamer........
Battle Cry: The game is afoot.......