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Our staff has a combined 40 plus years in sales and marketing, working with small business owners to IT directors of Fortune 500 companies. Using our global marketing background with a well known high tech company, continual extensive training and aggressive approach has resulted in numerous successful marketing campaigns.
Our focus is on your success. As you are probably noticing large corporations are starting to redesign their existing sites to rid them of every thing but the basics to speed up the time it takes their site to load for you to see.
We recommend no more than one or two small images per page to help accomplish this. Images cause the page to load very slowly for non-DSL users. (And the percentage of non-DSL users is much higher than DSL users.) Most people will not wait but a few seconds for a site to load.
Of course some web page developers want you to put as many pictures on as possible since they charge for each image they place on your site. This can be the "kiss of death" for your site. If you have too many images and the site loads too slowly people "bailing out" and going to your competition is costly to you.
We examine each page for load time so that even the slowest bandwidth user can see your page quickly.