Specializing in illustrations of fat women and female weight gain. All pictures of hot, chubby, thick, round, plump, pudgy, chunky, tubby, soft, smooth, blubbery, and/or fat girls are welcome!

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Illustration Gallery
Animation Gallery


12-5-2003: The files section of the Yahoo! groups site is full, so look for further updates of big files at this website

11-24-2002: So yeah... This is the angelfire version of the Yahoo! group wg_illustrated. I decided I wanted to break free of the yahoo format so i made my own site, but I'm still trying to get everything here the way it should be. Feel free to leave me messages via the yahoo group message board until I find a way to make a message board on this site, or email me at kastemel@hotmail.com

Email: kastemel@hotmail.com