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This is not a professional counseling service

If you feel you have a serious problem, you should seek the care of a mental health or other health care professional.  If you would like, I can help you find someone in your area. 

However, professional counselors, as good as they are, charge professional fees.  Often this fee can be $100 or more per hour.  Even 'Internet counselors are charging folks huge fees to send them emails or text messages or to talk to them over the phone.  These fees can be expensive, and often you can get the same results from simply talking about your situation with a friend who cares. 

Our conversations will be 100% confidential.  I will never share our discussions with anyone unless you ask me to. 

Though I do not charge a fee, discussing people's issues with them takes up a lot of my time.  Because of this, if you feel that this service has helped you greatly you may wish to donate an honorarium so that I might continue to provide this service to others.  What you give is completely up to you.

If you would like to donate, please contact me
and I will provide you with the information you need to get that done.

What have you got to lose?  Talk to me