0 HEAD 1 SOUR AncestQuest 2 NAME Ancestry Family Tree 2 VERS 3.0 2 CORP Incline Software, LC 3 ADDR 360 West 4800 North 4 CONT Provo, UT 84604 1 DEST Ancestry Family Tree 1 DATE 20 APR 2003 2 TIME 23:09:10 1 FILE anthonyfa.ged 1 GEDC 2 VERS 5.5 2 FORM LINEAGE-LINKED 1 CHAR ANSEL 0 @I1@ INDI 1 NAME Timothy /Brush/ 1 SEX M 1 BIRT 2 DATE Abt 1694 2 PLAC Huntington,Long Island,New York 1 DEAT 2 DATE Bef 29 MAR 1732 2 PLAC Huntington,Long Island or New Jersey 1 BURI 2 DATE 1732 1 IDNO 588 1 FAMS @F1@ 1 FAMC @F2@ 1 NOTE SOURCE: Genealogies of Long Island Families, Volume I, Thomas and 2 CONC Richard Brush of Huntington, Long Island, Page 180 & 196-197; Contributed 2 CONC by Connlin Mann, Member of the Publication Committee; Copy Right 2 CONC Genealogy.com, October 21, 2002. 2 CONT Pages 196-197 2 CONT "22. Timothy3 Brush (Thomas 2, 1), born at Huntington, L. I., about 2 CONC 1694, named in town records 7 Jan. 1705 as son of Sarah Brush with an 2 CONC interest in the Baiting Place purchase of 1698. He and brothers Jacob, 2 CONC Jr., and Thomas, Jr. exchanged ratifying deeds for their land holdings on 2 CONC 6 Mar. 1722/23. He purchased a home lot of Nathaniel Whitman on 8 Nov. 2 CONC 1717 and received land from the town on 20 Feb. 1722/23. He witnessed 2 CONC the will of Henry Titus on 23 Nov. 1725. On 18 June 1720 Jonathan Lewis 2 CONC conveyed to Timothy Brush a 400 pound right in the West Purchase. 2 CONT A statement in the Scudder collection makes Elizabeth Conklin the 2 CONC wife of Timothy Brush. It seems improbable. 2 CONT On 6 July 1731 timothy Brush signed two deeds either in 2 CONC conjunction with his will or which in themselves constituted a will. One 2 CONC deed gave a life interest in his property to his wife Elizabeth until his 2 CONC eldest son reached 21, after which she was to have an interest in 2 CONC two-thirds of the property until his youngest son reached twenty-one when 2 CONC her interest dropped to a one-third share. The second deed conveyed to 2 CONC eldest son Timothy, Jr. all lands except as stated in the previous deed 2 CONC and also provided for daughters Elizabeth, Ruth and Azuba. 2 CONT He was dead by 29 Mar. 1732, when the town granted land to the 2 CONC rights of Timothy Brush, deceased. Town records dated in 1739 show that 2 CONC his brother Thomas Brush had served as his executor. Under date 23 Nov. 2 CONC 1746 the town records state: "Whereas Timothy Bursh, late of Huntington 2 CONC by his last will gave his West Hills Farm to his two sons Timothy, the 2 CONC elder, and Israel Brush, to be divided between them, and whereas Thomas 2 CONC Brush, the uncle of Timothy and Israel, being an executor of his deceased 2 CONC brother's will, and Samuel Brush being chosen guardian of Israel Brush, 2 CONC etc.," a division of 152 acres was ordered and made. His widow Elizabeth 2 CONC on 29 Jan. 1732/33 married Thomas Campbell "from the Bowery, New York 2 CONC City." Campbell joined the church 31 May 1733, his wife already being a 2 CONC member. On 2 Aug. 1754, Campbell, having been suspended for many years 2 CONC because of an axe he had purloined from Jonas Brush, made 2 CONC acknowledgement, "but other things being objected his suspension was 2 CONC continued." On 29 Jan. 1755 he was cited along with "some other 2 CONC disorderly brethren" to appear at the next session. 2 CONT Authorities: 1, 2, 30. 2 CONT AUTHORITIES FOR BRUSH FAMILY 2 CONT 1. Huntington town, land and miscellaneous records, either published or 2 CONC in town clerk's office. 2 CONT 2. Huntington church records including those of Rev. Ebenezer Prime, 2 CONC Rev. Mr. Close, Rev. Mr. Hartt, Rev. Mr. Woodhull, Rev. Mr. Schenck. 2 CONC Copies are in Huntington Historical Society Library. 2 CONT 30. Account Books of Henry Lloyd (unpublished). These books, six in 2 CONC number, are the property of The Long Island Historical Society. Henry 2 CONC Lloyd, second Lord of the Manor of Queens Village, evidently kept a store 2 CONC at Lloyd's Neck from 1711 until about 1744. Many Oyster Bay as well as 2 CONC Huntington families ran open accounts on his books. Apparently this 2 CONC source has been drawn upon but little for genealogical data." 1 SOUR @S1@ 2 PAGE Page 177 & 179-180 1 CHAN 2 DATE 20 APR 2003 3 TIME 21:45:35 0 @I2@ INDI 1 NAME Elizabeth /Lewis/ 1 SEX F 1 BIRT 2 DATE 1699 2 PLAC New York 1 DEAT 2 DATE Aft 1730 2 SOUR @S2@ 1 IDNO 612 1 FAMS @F1@ 1 NOTE SOURCE: Genealogies of Long Island Families, Volume I, Thomas and 2 CONC Richard Brush of Huntington, Long Island; Contributed by Connlin Mann, 2 CONC Member of the Publication Committee; Copy Right Genealogy.com, October 2 CONC 21, 2002. Pages 196-197 2 CONT "A statement in the Scudder collection makes Elizabeth Conklin the 2 CONC wife of Timothy Brush. It seems improbable. 2 CONT On 6 July 1731 Timothy Brush signed two deeds either in 2 CONC conjunction with his will or which in themselves constituted a will. One 2 CONC deed gave a life interest in his property to his wife Elizabeth until his 2 CONC eldest son reached 21, after which she was to have an interest in 2 CONC two-thirds of the property until his youngest son reached twenty-one when 2 CONC her interest dropped to a one-third share. The second deed conveyed to 2 CONC eldest son Timothy, Jr. all lands except as stated in the previous deed 2 CONC and also provided for daughters Elizabeth, Ruth and Azuba. .......... 2 CONC ....... His widow Elizabeth on 29 Jan. 1732/33 married Thomas Campbell 2 CONC "from the Bowery, New York City." Campbell joined the church 31 May 2 CONC 1733, his wife already being a member. On 2 Aug. 1754, Campbell, having 2 CONC been suspended for many years because of an axe he had purloined from 2 CONC Jonas Brush, made acknowledgement, "but other things being objected his 2 CONC suspension was continued." On 29 Jan. 1755 he was cited along with "some 2 CONC other disorderly brethren" to appear at the next session. 2 CONT Authorities: 1, 2, 30. 2 CONT AUTHORITIES FOR BRUSH FAMILY 2 CONT 1. Huntington town, land and miscellaneous records, either published or 2 CONC in town clerk's office. 2 CONT 2. Huntington church records including those of Rev. Ebenezer Prime, 2 CONC Rev. Mr. Close, Rev. Mr. Hartt, Rev. Mr. Woodhull, Rev. Mr. Schenck. 2 CONC Copies are in Huntington Historical Society Library. 2 CONT 30. Account Books of Henry Lloyd (unpublished). These books, six in 2 CONC number, are the property of The Long Island Historical Society. Henry 2 CONC Lloyd, second Lord of the Manor of Queens Village, evidently kept a store 2 CONC at Lloyd's Neck from 1711 until about 1744. Many Oyster Bay as well as 2 CONC Huntington families ran open accounts on his books. Apparently this 2 CONC source has been drawn upon but little for genealogical data." 2 CONT 2 CONT SOURCE: Owen & Related Familes by Calvin Owen (CalOwen@attbi.com); 2 CONC Ancestry World Tree Project; 29 Jan 2003 vlww. 1 CHAN 2 DATE 20 APR 2003 3 TIME 21:45:35 0 @I3@ INDI 1 NAME Thomas (2nd) /Brush/ 1 SEX M 1 BIRT 2 DATE Abt 1652 2 PLAC Probably Southold,Long Island (B: Abt. 1651/52),New York 1 DEAT 2 DATE 16 APR 1698 2 PLAC Probably Huntington,Long Island,New York 1 BURI 2 DATE 1698 1 IDNO 2676 1 FAMS @F2@ 1 WILL 2 DATE 8 APR 1698 2 PLAC Will dated 1 WILL 2 DATE 26 APR 1699 2 PLAC Will probated 1 RESI 2 DATE 3 JUL 1671 2 PLAC Huntington,Long Island,New York (1st appears on records) 1 NOTE Administered father's estate 2 CONT Quartered Captain Suydam's soldiers 2 CONT 2 CONT SOURCE: Genealogies of Long Island Families, Volume I, From the New York 2 CONC Genealogical & Biographical Record, by Henry B. Hoff, (Baltimore 2 CONC Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc. 1987 [[Thomas & Richard Brush of 2 CONC Huntington, Long Island]] Contributed by Connlin Mann, Member of 2 CONC Publication Committee), Page 177 & 179-180. 2 CONT Pages 179-180 2 CONT "3. THOMAS BRUSH (Thomas 1), born about 1651/52, probably at Southold, 2 CONC L.I., first appears in Huntington, L.I., records on 3 July 1671 when the 2 CONC town voted him six or eight acres on the hill at rear of Samuel Titus' 2 CONC lot. He drew a share in lot No. 10 in the famous Ten Farms of Huntington 2 CONC in 1672, but exchanged it for a share in lot No. 8. He was assessed on a 2 CONC farm and stock in 1675, probably being credited with his father's 2 CONC undivided holdings, and in 1683 was assessed on Pound 129. He 2 CONC administered his father's estate in June, 1675, under conditions which 2 CONC prove him his father's eldest son. On 9 December 1680 he mortgaged 2 CONC important lands to George Baldwin, proprietor of Eaton's Neck, perhaps to 2 CONC pay the portion of his younger brother Edward Brush, as the mortgage was 2 CONC for Pound 50, the exact amount which would have been due a younger child 2 CONC of Thomas Brush under the terms of administration of his estate. He 2 CONC discharged this mortgage on 2 April 1683 by sale of the mortgaged land 2 CONC to Thomas Scidmore for Pound 60. The children of William Smith, 2 CONC deceased, on 25 June 1684 confirmed to Thomas Brush by deed the purchase 2 CONC of a house and lot which Brush had received from Smith. The town owed 2 CONC him 5s. 6p. on 5 October 1687 for quartering Captain Suydam's soldiers. 2 CONC It appears that this company from west of Huntington had been quartered 2 CONC in the town for a week or more. Thomas Brush was named on a town 2 CONC committee of eight men on 1 December 1693 to obtain a new charter from 2 CONC the Governor, and his name appears as a proprietor in the charter of 2 CONC 1694. He was a townsman in 1691 and in 1694 served on the first board of 2 CONC trustees under the new charter. He was assessed on Pound 250 right in 2 CONC commonage to pay for the charter. 2 CONT Thomas Brush purchased the home and lands of David Scudder and 2 CONC his wife Mary on 26 June 1686 and witnessed the will of Phebe Platt, 2 CONC widow of Epenetus Platt, on 12 January 1696/97. He deeded a house and 2 CONC important rights and lands to Jacob Brush on 16 March 1692 for the 2 CONC nominal sum of Pound 29:10:00, perhaps in payment of Jacob's portion in 2 CONC the estate of their father Thomas 1st Brush. Thomas Brush held a Pound 2 CONC 300 right in commonage and in 1694 took up Pound 250 of it while Jacob 2 CONC Brush took up the remaining Pound 50. He was an important owner in the 2 CONC Naguntatogue Neck purchase from the Indians in 1691, and his estate 2 CONC appears among the owners of the Baiting Place purchase of 1698. 2 CONT Thomas Brush died 16 April 1698, leaving a widow Sarah and a large 2 CONC family of children all under age. His will, dated 8 April 1698, probated 2 CONC 26 April 1699, mentions wife Sarah, makes his son Thomas, unmarried, his 2 CONC heir (including Great Bible, gun, sword and carpenter's tools). It 2 CONC mentions lands and cooper's tools for son Jacob. Mentions son Timothy 2 CONC and his own brother Joh Brush. One paragraph reads: "As yet not knowing 2 CONC whether my wife shall be with child with a son or with a daughter," etc. 2 CONC Mentions "my six or seven duahters" and names Rebecca, Sarah, Susannah, 2 CONC Elizabeth, Mary and Martha. The eldest daughter Rebecca to get iron pot 2 CONC and Book of Sermons that were her Grandmother's. Wife Sarah, John Wickes 2 CONC and brother John Brush, executors. Witnesses: John Brush, John Wickes 2 CONC and John Ketcham. 2 CONT The widow Sarah Brush was a proprietor in the Baiting Place 2 CONC purchase on 4 October 1698. It is frequently stated in print that she 2 CONC was Sarah Wickes, daughter of Thomas 1st Wickes and a sister of John 2nd 2 CONC Wickes, one of the executors of Thomas 2nd Brush's will. The close 2 CONC associations of John Wickes and Thomas 2nd Brush, plus the names of 2 CONC Brush's children, form strong circumstantial evidence to support the 2 CONC statement.* The account books of Henry Lloyd prove that before 1711 the 2 CONC widow Sarah Brush had married Nathaniel Williams as several of her Brush 2 CONC daughters are carried on his account as his daughters in that year, i.e. 2 CONC "Elizabeth Brush daughter of Nathaniel Williams." 2 CONT Children of Thomas 2nd Brush and Sarah (? Wickes) (Parentage 2 CONC established by father's will and town records): 2 CONT 15. i. Rebecca, b. 3 Apr. 1681; m. Thomas Brush (Richard 1st). 2 CONT 16. ii. Thomas, b. 16 Jan. 1682/83 2 CONT 17. iii. Sarah, b. say 1684. Perhaps m. Jeremiah Chichester, 2 CONC after 1711. 2 CONT 18. iv. Susanna, b. say 1686. 2 CONT 19. v. Jacob, b. cir. 1689, g.s. 2 CONT 20. vi. Elizabeth, b. say 1691, unm. in 1711 when she bought 2 CONC goods of Henry Lloyd. 2 CONT 21. vii. Mary, b. cir. 1692/3, unm. in 1711. She later m. David 2 CONC Corey, b. Southold, 16 Apr. 1690, High Sheriff of Suffolk Co. She d. 24 2 CONC Dec. 1721 in her 30th yr. 2 CONT ***22. viii. Timothy, b. say 1694. 2 CONT 23. ix. Martha, b. say 1696. Nathaniel Williams deeded her lands 2 CONC in West Neck, 1 Jan 1717/18. 2 CONT 24. x. Eliphalet, b. 1698, after his father drew his will and 2 CONC presumably after his father's death. Mentioned in town land records in 2 CONC 1705 with brother Timothy as sons of Sarah Brush entitled to an interest 2 CONC in the 1698 Baiting Place purchase. Tow set aside eight acres for him 2 CONC adjoining his own land on 19 Mar. 1709/10. He evidently d. y. as his 2 CONC name does not appear again. His three brothers gave ratifying deeds 2 CONC among themselves for their land holdings in 1722 but his name is not 2 CONC mentioned. 2 CONT AUTHORITIES: 1, 4, 5, 7, 17, 30. 2 CONT * However, Brush and John Ketcham had even closer association and Bursh's 2 CONC wife may have been a Ketcham. 2 CONT AUTHORITIES: 2 CONT 1. Huntington town, land and miscellaneous records, either published or 2 CONC in town clerk's office. 2 CONT 4. N. Y. Wills, published by N. Y. Hist. Soc. Also on record in 2 CONC Surregate's Office Hall of Records, N. Y. City. 2 CONT 5. Southold, L. I., Town Records (published). 2 CONT 7. Suffolk County Probate Records, Riverhead, L. I. (unpublished). Also 2 CONC abstracts by Mrs. DeWitt Van Buren in library of N. Y. Gen. and Biog. 2 CONC Soc. 2 CONT 17. Documentary History of N. Y. 2 CONT 30. Account Books of Henry Lloyd (unpublished). These books, six in 2 CONC number, are the property of The Long Island Historical Society. Henry 2 CONC Lloyd, second Lord of the Manor of Queens Village, evidently kept a store 2 CONC at Lloyd's Neck from 1711 until about 1744. Many Oyster Bay as well as 2 CONC Huntington families ran open accounts on his books. Apparently this 2 CONC source has been drawn upon but little for genealogical data." 1 SOUR @S1@ 2 PAGE Page 177 & 179-180 1 CHAN 2 DATE 20 APR 2003 3 TIME 22:47:38 0 @I4@ INDI 1 NAME Sarah /Wickes/ 1 SEX F 1 BIRT 2 DATE UNKNOWN 1 DEAT 2 DATE UNKNOWN 1 IDNO 2677 1 FAMS @F2@ 1 FAMS @F3@ 1 FAMC @F4@ 1 NOTE 1 NAME Sarah /Ketcham/ 2 CONT 1 NAME Sarah /Weeks/ 2 CONT 2 CONT 2 CONT Proprietor in the Baiting Place Purchase 2 CONT 2 CONT SOURCE: Genealogies of Long Island Families, Volume I, From the New York 2 CONC Genealogical & Biographical Record, by Henry B. Hoff, (Baltimore 2 CONC Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc. 1987 [[Thomas & Richard Brush of 2 CONC Huntington, Long Island]] Contributed by Connlin Mann, Member of 2 CONC Publication Committee), Page 177 & 179-180. 2 CONT "Thomas Brush died 16 April 1698, leaving a widow Sarah and a large 2 CONC family of children all under age. His will, dated 8 April 1698, probated 2 CONC 26 April 1699, mentions wife Sarah, makes his son Thomas, unmarried, his 2 CONC heir (including Great Bible, gun, sword and carpenter's tools). It 2 CONC mentions lands and cooper's tools for son Jacob. Mentions son Timothy 2 CONC and his own brother Joh Brush. One paragraph reads: "As yet not knowing 2 CONC whether my wife shall be with child with a son or with a daughter," etc. 2 CONC Mentions "my six or seven duahters" and names Rebecca, Sarah, Susannah, 2 CONC Elizabeth, Mary and Martha. The eldest daughter Rebecca to get iron pot 2 CONC and Book of Sermons that were her Grandmother's. Wife Sarah, John Wickes 2 CONC and brother John Brush, executors. Witnesses: John Brush, John Wickes 2 CONC and John Ketcham. 2 CONT The widow Sarah Brush was a proprietor in the Baiting Place 2 CONC purchase on 4 October 1698. It is frequently stated in print that she 2 CONC was Sarah Wickes, daughter of Thomas 1st Wickes and a sister of John 2nd 2 CONC Wickes, one of the executors of Thomas 2nd Brush's will. The close 2 CONC associations of John Wickes and Thomas 2nd Brush, plus the names of 2 CONC Brush's children, form strong circumstantial evidence to support the 2 CONC statement.* The account books of Henry Lloyd prove that before 1711 the 2 CONC widow Sarah Brush had married Nathaniel Williams as several of her Brush 2 CONC daughters are carried on his account as his daughters in that year, i.e. 2 CONC "Elizabeth Brush daughter of Nathaniel Williams. .............. * 2 CONC However, Brush and John Ketcham had even closer association and Bursh's 2 CONC wife may have been a Ketcham." 1 SOUR @S1@ 2 PAGE Page 177 & 179-180 1 CHAN 2 DATE 20 APR 2003 3 TIME 21:45:35 0 @I5@ INDI 1 NAME Rebecca /Brush/ 1 SEX F 1 BIRT 2 DATE 3 APR 1681 2 PLAC Huntington,Suffolk Co.,NY 1 DEAT 2 DATE Aft 11 FEB 1730/1731 1 IDNO 2678 1 FAMS @F5@ 1 FAMC @F2@ 1 SOUR @S1@ 2 PAGE Page 177 & 179-180 1 CHAN 2 DATE 20 APR 2003 3 TIME 21:45:35 0 @I6@ INDI 1 NAME Thomas /Brush/ 1 SEX M 1 BIRT 2 DATE 16 JAN 1682/1683 2 PLAC Huntington,Suffolk Co.,NY 1 DEAT 2 DATE 1749 2 PLAC Huntington,Suffolk Co.,NY 1 BURI 2 DATE 1749 1 IDNO 2679 1 FAMS @F6@ 1 FAMS @F7@ 1 FAMC @F2@ 1 SOUR @S1@ 2 PAGE Page 177 & 179-180 1 CHAN 2 DATE 20 APR 2003 3 TIME 21:45:35 0 @I7@ INDI 1 NAME Sarah /Brush/ 1 SEX F 1 BIRT 2 DATE Abt 1684 2 PLAC Probably Huntington,Long Island,New York 1 DEAT 2 DATE 8 MAY 1739 1 IDNO 2680 1 FAMS @F8@ 1 FAMC @F2@ 1 SOUR @S1@ 2 PAGE Page 177 & 179-180 1 CHAN 2 DATE 20 APR 2003 3 TIME 21:45:35 0 @I8@ INDI 1 NAME Jacob /Brush/ 1 SEX M 1 BIRT 2 DATE Abt 1689 2 PLAC Huntington,Suffolk Co.,NY 1 DEAT 2 DATE 15 OCT 1731 1 IDNO 2681 1 FAMS @F9@ 1 FAMC @F2@ 1 SOUR @S1@ 2 PAGE Page 177 & 179-180 1 CHAN 2 DATE 20 APR 2003 3 TIME 21:45:35 0 @I9@ INDI 1 NAME Elizabeth /Brush/ 1 SEX F 1 BIRT 2 DATE BET 1690 AND 1691 2 PLAC Huntington,Suffolk Co.,NY 1 DEAT 2 DATE Aft 1711 1 IDNO 2682 1 FAMS @F10@ 1 FAMC @F2@ 1 SOUR @S1@ 2 PAGE Page 177 & 179-180 1 CHAN 2 DATE 20 APR 2003 3 TIME 21:45:35 0 @I10@ INDI 1 NAME Mary /Brush/ 1 SEX F 1 BIRT 2 DATE Abt 1692 2 PLAC Probably Huntington,Long Island,New York (1692/93) 2 SOUR @S1@ 3 PAGE Page 177 & 179-180 1 DEAT 2 DATE 24 DEC 1721 2 SOUR @S1@ 3 PAGE Page 177 & 179-180 1 IDNO 2683 1 FAMS @F11@ 1 FAMC @F2@ 1 SOUR @S1@ 2 PAGE Page 177 & 179-180 1 CHAN 2 DATE 20 APR 2003 3 TIME 21:45:35 0 @I11@ INDI 1 NAME Martha /Brush/ 1 SEX F 1 BIRT 2 DATE Abt 1696 2 PLAC Huntington,Suffolk Co.,NY 2 SOUR @S1@ 3 PAGE Page 177 & 179-180 1 DEAT 2 DATE UNKNOWN 1 IDNO 2684 1 FAMC @F2@ 1 NOTE Deeded lands in West Neck by Nathaniel Williams 1 SOUR @S1@ 2 PAGE Page 177 & 179-180 1 CHAN 2 DATE 20 APR 2003 3 TIME 21:45:35 0 @I12@ INDI 1 NAME Eliphalet /Brush/ 1 SEX M 1 BIRT 2 DATE 1698 2 PLAC Huntington,Long Island,New York or New Jersey 2 SOUR @S1@ 3 PAGE Page 177 & 179-180 1 DEAT 2 DATE UNKNOWN 1 IDNO 2685 1 FAMC @F2@ 1 NOTE Mentioned in town records 2 CONT 2 CONT SOURCE: Genealogies of Long Island Families, Volume I, From the New York 2 CONC Genealogical & Biographical Record, by Henry B. Hoff, (Baltimore 2 CONC Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc. 1987 [[Thomas & Richard Brush of 2 CONC Huntington, Long Island]] Contributed by Connlin Mann, Member of 2 CONC Publication Committee), Page 177 & 179-180. 2 CONT " 24. x. Eliphalet, b. 1698, after his father drew his will and 2 CONC presumably after his father's death. Mentioned in town land records in 2 CONC 1705 with brother Timothy as sons of Sarah Brush entitled to an interest 2 CONC in the 1698 Baiting Place purchase. Tow set aside eight acres for him 2 CONC adjoining his own land on 19 Mar. 1709/10. He evidently d. y. as his 2 CONC name does not appear again. His three brothers gave ratifying deeds 2 CONC among themselves for their land holdings in 1722 but his name is not 2 CONC mentioned." 1 SOUR @S1@ 2 PAGE Page 177 & 179-180 1 CHAN 2 DATE 20 APR 2003 3 TIME 21:45:35 0 @I13@ INDI 1 NAME Susanna /Brush/ 1 SEX F 1 BIRT 2 DATE Abt 1686 2 SOUR @S1@ 3 PAGE Page 177 & 179-180 1 DEAT 2 DATE UNKNOWN 1 IDNO 2686 1 FAMC @F2@ 1 SOUR @S1@ 2 PAGE Page 177 & 179-180 1 CHAN 2 DATE 20 APR 2003 3 TIME 21:45:35 0 @I14@ INDI 1 NAME Thomas (Weeks) /Wickes/ 1 SEX M 1 BIRT 2 DATE Abt 1645 1 DEAT 2 DATE 1716 1 IDNO 2886 1 FAMS @F4@ 1 RESI 2 PLAC Oyster Bay,Long Island,New York 1 NOTE 1 BIRT 2 CONT 2 DATE 1651 1 CHAN 2 DATE 20 APR 2003 3 TIME 21:45:35 0 @I15@ INDI 1 NAME Isabella /Harcourt/ 1 SEX F 1 BIRT 2 DATE 1662 1 DEAT 2 DATE UNKNOWN 1 IDNO 2887 1 FAMS @F4@ 1 FAMC @F12@ 1 CHAN 2 DATE 20 APR 2003 3 TIME 21:45:35 0 @I16@ INDI 1 NAME Jeremiah /Chichester/ 1 SEX M 1 BIRT 2 DATE UNKNOWN 1 DEAT 2 DATE UNKNOWN 1 IDNO 2888 1 FAMS @F8@ 1 SOUR @S1@ 2 PAGE Page 177 & 179-180 1 CHAN 2 DATE 20 APR 2003 3 TIME 21:45:35 0 @I17@ INDI 1 NAME Thomas /Brush/ 1 SEX M 1 BIRT 2 DATE 13 JAN 1675/1676 2 PLAC Huntington,Suffolk Co.,NY 1 DEAT 2 DATE Bef 22 FEB 1726/1727 2 PLAC Huntington,Suffolk Co.,NY 1 IDNO 2893 1 FAMS @F5@ 1 NOTE 1 BIRT 2 CONT 2 DATE 13 JAN 1675/76 1 SOUR @S1@ 2 PAGE Page 177 & 179-180 1 CHAN 2 DATE 20 APR 2003 3 TIME 21:45:35 0 @I18@ INDI 1 NAME Susanna /Ketcham/ 1 SEX F 1 BIRT 2 DATE UNKNOWN 2 PLAC Huntington,Suffolk Co.,NY 1 DEAT 2 DATE Bef 1730 2 PLAC Huntington,Suffolk Co.,NY 1 IDNO 2940 1 FAMS @F6@ 1 NOTE 2 CONT Daughter of Jane Ketcham & husband. 1 CHAN 2 DATE 20 APR 2003 3 TIME 21:45:35 0 @I19@ INDI 1 NAME Hannah /(Brush)/ 1 SEX F 1 BIRT 2 DATE UNKNOWN 1 DEAT 2 DATE UNKNOWN 1 IDNO 2949 1 FAMS @F7@ 1 CHAN 2 DATE 20 APR 2003 3 TIME 21:45:35 0 @I20@ INDI 1 NAME Mary /(Brush)/ 1 SEX F 1 BIRT 2 DATE Abt 1695 1 DEAT 2 DATE 1 NOV 1761 1 IDNO 2952 1 FAMS @F9@ 1 CHAN 2 DATE 20 APR 2003 3 TIME 21:45:35 0 @I21@ INDI 1 NAME Richard /Smith/ 1 SEX M 1 BIRT 2 DATE 1684 2 PLAC Smithtown,Suffolk Co.,New York 1 DEAT 2 DATE 16 JUN 1759 2 PLAC Rhode Island 1 BURI 2 DATE 1759 1 IDNO 2965 1 FAMS @F10@ 1 NOTE 2 CONT Son of Job Smith & Elizabeth Thompson. 1 CHAN 2 DATE 20 APR 2003 3 TIME 21:45:35 0 @I22@ INDI 1 NAME David /Cory/ 1 SEX M 1 BIRT 2 DATE 16 APR 1690 2 PLAC Southampton,Suffolk Co.,New York 1 DEAT 2 DATE 30 OCT 1758 2 PLAC Southold,Suffolk Co.,New York 1 BURI 2 DATE 1758 1 IDNO 2972 1 FAMS @F11@ 1 OCCU 2 PLAC High Sheriff of Suffolk County 2 SOUR @S1@ 3 PAGE Page 177 & 179-180 1 NOTE 1 BIRT 2 CONT 2 DATE 16 APR 1690 2 CONT 2 PLAC Southold, Suffolk Co., New York 2 CONT 2 SOUR S01898 2 CONT 3 PAGE Page 177 & 179-180 2 CONT 2 CONT 2 CONT 2 CONT Son of Isaac Cory & Sarah Ludlam. 1 SOUR @S1@ 2 PAGE Page 177 & 179-180 1 CHAN 2 DATE 20 APR 2003 3 TIME 21:45:35 0 @I23@ INDI 1 NAME Nathaniel /Williams/ 1 SEX M 1 BIRT 2 DATE UNKNOWN 1 DEAT 2 DATE UNKNOWN 1 IDNO 3017 1 FAMS @F3@ 1 CHAN 2 DATE 20 APR 2003 3 TIME 21:45:35 0 @I24@ INDI 1 NAME Elizabeth /Weeks/ 1 SEX F 1 BIRT 2 DATE UNKNOWN 1 DEAT 2 DATE UNKNOWN 1 IDNO 3020 1 FAMC @F4@ 1 CHAN 2 DATE 20 APR 2003 3 TIME 21:45:35 0 @I25@ INDI 1 NAME Isabella /Weeks/ 1 SEX F 1 BIRT 2 DATE UNKNOWN 1 DEAT 2 DATE UNKNOWN 1 IDNO 3021 1 FAMC @F4@ 1 CHAN 2 DATE 20 APR 2003 3 TIME 21:45:35 0 @I26@ INDI 1 NAME Richard /Weeks/ 1 SEX M 1 BIRT 2 DATE UNKNOWN 1 DEAT 2 DATE UNKNOWN 1 IDNO 3022 1 FAMC @F4@ 1 CHAN 2 DATE 20 APR 2003 3 TIME 21:45:35 0 @I27@ INDI 1 NAME Richard /Harcourt/ 1 SEX M 1 BIRT 2 DATE Abt 1623 2 PLAC England 1 DEAT 2 DATE Aft 2 AUG 1696 2 PLAC Oyster Bay,Suffolk Co.,New York 1 BURI 2 DATE 1696 1 IDNO 3027 1 FAMS @F12@ 1 WILL 2 DATE 2 MAY 1696 2 PLAC Date of Codicil to last will 1 NOTE 1 NAME Richard /Harcurt/ 2 CONT 2 CONT 2 CONT Surname Spellings: Harcutt, Harcarte, Harcurt & Harcourt. vlww 2 CONT Richard's mother might have been a Weston. 2 CONT 2 CONT 1] SOURCE: Robert Charles Anderson. The Great Migration Begins: 2 CONC Immigrants to New England, 1620-1633 [database online] Provo, UT: 2 CONC Ancestry.com, 2000. Original data: Robert Charles Anderson. The Great 2 CONC Migration Begins: Immigrants to New England, 1620-1633, vols. 1-3. 2 CONC Boston, MA: New England Historic Genealogical Society, 1995. 2 CONT "The Great Migration Begins 2 CONT Sketches 2 CONT PRESERVED PURITAN 2 CONT FRANCIS WESTON 2 CONT "............. On 4 November 1646 "Richard Harcourt sells Thomas Angel 2 CONC his house lot or home share & housing, which formerly belonged unto his 2 CONC uncle Francis Weston and lately he bought the rest of it of his aunt 2 CONC Margaret Weston which she had her life in" [Chapin 1:242]. On 24 June 2 CONC 1652 Ralph Earle of Portsmouth sold to William Arnold land which he had 2 CONC bought of Nathaniel Dickens, "which premises the said Dickens formerly 2 CONC bought of one Richard Harcutt the heir or assign of Fraunces Weston and 2 CONC Margarett his wife" [PrTR 1:106]. On 5 May 1656 "Richard Harcarte of 2 CONC Warwick" confirmed that he had five or six years earlier sold to Nicholas 2 CONC Power of Providence "commonage [which] was once my uncle Francis 2 CONC Weston's" [PrTR 4:231]. .................. Richard Harcourt, who later 2 CONC held some of the land of Francis Weston, noted that Margaret had held a 2 CONC life interest in these lands, so there should not have been a competing 2 CONC claim from her Pease heirs." 2 CONT INTERNAL SOURCE: 2 CONT 1. [Chapin] Howard M. Chapin, Documentary History of Rhode Island, 2 2 CONC vols. (Providence 1916, 1919) 2 CONT 2. [PrTR] The Early Records of the Town of Providence, 21 volumes 2 CONC (Providence 1892-1915) 2 CONT 2 CONT 2 CONT 2] SOURCE: Owen & Related Families by Calvin Owen (CalOwen@attbi.com); 2 CONC Ancestry World Tree Project; 29 Jan 2003. 2 CONT "Birth: Abt. 1623 England 2 CONT Death: 2 Aug 1696 Oyster Bay, suffolk Co., New York 2 CONT Marriage 1st: Elizabeth Potter 2 CONT Marriage Date: Abt. 1651 2 CONT Children: 2 CONT Daughters: (8) Susannah, Elizabeth. Mercy, Isabella, Sarah, Meribah, 2 CONC Dorothy & Mary 2 CONT Sons: (2) Daniel & Benjamin 2 CONT Marriage 2nd: Mirium Haight 2 CONT Marriage Date: Abt. 1683 2 CONT [Harcourt.FTW] 2 CONT Nephew: Maternal Uncle Francis Weston & wife Margaret West 2 CONT Immigration: Salem, Ma circa 12 June 1630 (part of Winthrop Fleet) 2 CONT 23 Jan 1648/49 - Signer of Fundamental Agreement of the Inhabitants of 2 CONC the Colony of Warwick (RI) 2 CONT 1655 - Freeman, Warwick, Rhode Island 2 CONT 1660 - Oyster Bay, Long Island, New York 2 CONT Twice Court of Commissions - Warwick 2 CONT Constable, Justice of the Peace, Surveyor & appointed to confer with 2 CONC Govenor at Oyster Bay 2 CONT [email to Calvin Owen] 2 CONT 26 Feb 1648/49 appears with Henry Townsend, Mr. (Robert) Potter & Mr. 2 CONC (Ezekiel) Holliman - appointed to lay out the meadow and upland in "ye 2 CONC neck." 2 CONT 1648 - chosen as Constable (highest office in the town government) 2 CONT 1652 - mentioned as heir or assignee of Frances Weston & Margaret his 2 CONC wife - suggesting that Richard's mother might have been the sister of 2 CONC Frances Weston 2 CONT 1652 - Licensed to keep a Victualing House & to sell spirituous liquors 2 CONT 1655 - Appointed as an Ordinary Keeper (i.e. tavern keeper) with Stukely 2 CONC Westcott 2 CONT 1657 - Jamaica, Long Island - listed as citizen along with three 2 CONC Townsends 2 CONT 16 Feb 1661 - Jamaica - on list of those proscribed for sympathy with 2 CONC Quakers 2 CONT Sept 1661 - Grantee of the Mill Right to Henry Townsend at Oyster Bay 2 CONT Property - 2 CONT 1st - Oyster Bay records show first residence was lot bought 2 CONC from Mark Meggs (situated on the South side of the main street & just 2 CONC East of the Mill Dam 2 CONT 2nd - South side of the road to the Cove (including property of 2 CONC the late Edward M. Townsend) 2 CONT Held offices of Overseer, Constable & Surveyor & was on sundry 2 CONC commissions for laying out lands in the Town. 2 CONT [Compiler: Diane Cukro] 2 CONT 1. Believes him (Richard Harcourt] to be a cadet of the Harcourt Family. 2 CONT 2. Following extracts beginning for future research: 2 CONT a. 1652 Richard Harcurt mentioned as heir or assignee of Frances 2 CONC Weston & Margaret his wife 2 CONT b. Another deed calls Richard cousin (nephew) of Francis Weston 2 CONC from whom he had inherited land. 2 CONT c. Suggestion that Richard's mother was a sister of Francis Weston. 2 CONT Francis Weston was of Salem, Mass., Providence and Warwick, Rhode Island 2 CONT Recalcitrant Puritan 2 CONT One of twelve original members of the Baptist Church at 2 CONC Providence 2 CONT According to Austin's General Dictionary of Rhode Island, p. 156, Richard 2 CONC Harcurt m. 1st, Elizabeth Potter, daughter of Robert Potter and Isabel 2 CONC Anthony (as shown by induction) dau. of John and Susannah Anthony of 2 CONC Portsmouth, Rhode Island, Inn Keeper, etc. 2 CONT Robert Potter in 1638, being under criticism in the Church moved to 2 CONC Portsmouth & Warwick, Rhode Island; where in 1643 he with sundry others 2 CONC including Samuel Gorton were notified to appear before the General court 2 CONC at Boston, as "they held blasphemous errors, which they must repent of" 2 CONC or go to Boston for Trial; and they were soon carried thither. At the 2 CONC time of the capture of the Warwick men, their wives and children were 2 CONC forced to betake themselves to the woods and suffered hardships that 2 CONC resulted in the death of three women at least, one of these being the 2 CONC wife of Robert Potter. 25 May 1655 he was appointed by the Court of 2 CONC Commissioners to keep a house of entertainment, but died before 2 CONC expiration of the year. 2 CONT Richard Harcurt, married 2nd, Mariam Hoyt, daughter of Simon 2 CONC Hoyt of Stamford, Connecticut, and widow of Samuel Forman, son of Robert 2 CONC of Oyster Bay. 2 CONT Richard died at Oyster Bay after 2 May 1696 - that being the 2 CONC date of the Codicil to his last will." 1 CHAN 2 DATE 20 APR 2003 3 TIME 21:45:35 0 @I28@ INDI 1 NAME Elizabeth /Potter/ 1 SEX F 1 BIRT 2 DATE Abt 1630 2 PLAC Hempstead,New York 1 DEAT 2 DATE Bef 1683 2 PLAC Probably Oyster Bay,Suffolk Co.,New York 1 IDNO 3028 1 FAMS @F12@ 1 FAMC @F13@ 1 NOTE 1 BIRT 2 CONT 2 DATE ABT 1636 2 CONT 2 PLAC (1635/36) 2 CONT 1 BIRT 2 CONT 2 DATE 1650 2 CONT 2 PLAC Rhode Island 2 CONT 2 CONT 2 CONT MY NOTES: Some people have Elizabeth Potter born in 1650 in Rhode Island 2 CONC and then getting married to Richard Harcourt in 1651 - AT ONE YEAR OF AGE 2 CONC ??????????? I think not! Her oldest child (Susannah) was born Abt. 1652 2 CONC so I will subtract 20 years and 16 years = circa 1631 to 1635 or 2 CONC thereabouts. They also have her listed as the daughter of Robert Potter 2 CONC b: 1639 in England & Isabel Anthony - he might be a brother but he 2 CONC couldn't possibly be her father. If Robert Potter is her father there 2 CONC has been a grave mistake with her age & or his. vlww 2 CONT 2 CONT SOURCE: Owen & Related Families by Calvin Owen (CalOwen@attbi.com); 2 CONC Ancestry World Tree Project; 29 Jan 2003 - vlww. 2 CONT "Robert Potter emigrated from England to Portsmouth, Rhode Island." 2 CONT Birth: 1639 England 2 CONT Death: 1655 2 CONT Marriage: Isabel Anthony 2 CONT Children: 2 CONT John Potter 2 CONT Elizabeth Potter 2 CONT [Compiler: Diane Cukro] 2 CONT 1. According to Austin's General Dictionary of Rhode Island, p. 156, 2 CONC Richard Harcurt m. 1st, Elizabeth Potter, daughter of Robert Potter and 2 CONC Isabel Anthony (as shown by induction) dau. of John and Susannah Anthony 2 CONC of Portsmouth, Rhode Island, Inn Keeper, etc. 2 CONT 2. Robert Potter in 1638, being under criticism in the Church moved to 2 CONC Portsmouth & Warwick, Rhode Island; 2 CONT 3. where in 1643 he with sundry others including Samuel Gorton were 2 CONC notified to appear before the General court at Boston, as "they held 2 CONC blasphemous errors, which they must repent of" or go to Boston for Trial; 2 CONC and they were soon carried thither. At the time of the capture of the 2 CONC Warwick men, their wives and children were forced to betake themselves to 2 CONC the woods and suffered hardships that resulted in the death of three 2 CONC women at least, one of these being the wife of Robert Potter. 2 CONT 4. 25 May 1655 he was appointed by the Court of Commissioners to keep a 2 CONC house of entertainment, but died before expiration of the year." 2 CONT 2 CONT 2 CONT MY NOTES: References I need to check on: 2 CONT POTTER, Elizabeth 2 CONT Birth Date: 1629 Birth Place: 2 CONT Volume: 139 Page Number: 162 2 CONT Reference: Gen. Column of the " Boston Transcript". 1906-1941.( The 2 CONC greatest single source of material for gen. Data for the N.E. area and 2 CONC for the period 1600-1800. Completely indexed in the Index.): 2 Oct 1916, 2 CONC 5764 2 CONT 2 CONT POTTER, Elizabeth (-) 2 CONT Birth Date: 1629 Birth Place: 2 CONT Volume: 139 Page Number: 164 2 CONT Reference: Gen. Column of the " Boston Transcript". 1906-1941.( The 2 CONC greatest single source of material for gen. Data for the N.E. area and 2 CONC for the period 1600-1800. Completely indexed in the Index.): 23 Oct 1916, 2 CONC 5764 1 CHAN 2 DATE 20 APR 2003 3 TIME 22:45:11 0 @I29@ INDI 1 NAME Susannah /Harcourt/ 1 SEX F 1 BIRT 2 DATE Abt 1652 2 PLAC Warwick,Kent Co.,Rhode Island 1 DEAT 2 DATE UNKNOWN 1 IDNO 3029 1 FAMS @F14@ 1 FAMC @F12@ 1 NOTE 1 BIRT 2 CONT 2 DATE 1654 2 CONT 2 PLAC Hempstead, New York 1 CHAN 2 DATE 20 APR 2003 3 TIME 21:45:35 0 @I30@ INDI 1 NAME Elizabeth /Harcourt/ 1 SEX F 1 BIRT 2 DATE 1654 1 DEAT 2 DATE UNKNOWN 1 IDNO 3030 1 FAMC @F12@ 1 CHAN 2 DATE 20 APR 2003 3 TIME 21:45:35 0 @I31@ INDI 1 NAME Mercy /Harcourt/ 1 SEX F 1 BIRT 2 DATE 1656 1 DEAT 2 DATE UNKNOWN 1 IDNO 3031 1 FAMC @F12@ 1 CHAN 2 DATE 20 APR 2003 3 TIME 21:45:35 0 @I32@ INDI 1 NAME Daniel /Harcourt/ 1 SEX M 1 BIRT 2 DATE 1658 1 DEAT 2 DATE UNKNOWN 1 IDNO 3032 1 FAMC @F12@ 1 CHAN 2 DATE 20 APR 2003 3 TIME 21:45:35 0 @I33@ INDI 1 NAME Benjamin /Harcourt/ 1 SEX M 1 BIRT 2 DATE 1659 2 PLAC Oyster Bay,Suffolk Co.,New York 1 DEAT 2 DATE UNKNOWN 1 IDNO 3033 1 FAMS @F15@ 1 FAMC @F12@ 1 CHAN 2 DATE 20 APR 2003 3 TIME 21:45:35 0 @I34@ INDI 1 NAME Sarah /Harcourt/ 1 SEX F 1 BIRT 2 DATE 1664 1 DEAT 2 DATE UNKNOWN 1 IDNO 3034 1 FAMC @F12@ 1 CHAN 2 DATE 20 APR 2003 3 TIME 21:45:35 0 @I35@ INDI 1 NAME Meribah /Harcourt/ 1 SEX F 1 BIRT 2 DATE 1667 1 DEAT 2 DATE UNKNOWN 1 IDNO 3035 1 FAMS @F16@ 1 FAMC @F12@ 1 CHAN 2 DATE 20 APR 2003 3 TIME 21:45:35 0 @I36@ INDI 1 NAME Dorothy /Harcourt/ 1 SEX F 1 BIRT 2 DATE 1670 1 DEAT 2 DATE UNKNOWN 1 IDNO 3036 1 FAMC @F12@ 1 CHAN 2 DATE 20 APR 2003 3 TIME 21:45:35 0 @I37@ INDI 1 NAME Mary /Harcourt/ 1 SEX F 1 BIRT 2 DATE 1674 1 DEAT 2 DATE UNKNOWN 1 IDNO 3037 1 FAMC @F12@ 1 CHAN 2 DATE 20 APR 2003 3 TIME 21:45:35 0 @I38@ INDI 1 NAME Mercy /Dickinson/ 1 SEX F 1 BIRT 2 DATE UNKNOWN 1 DEAT 2 DATE UNKNOWN 1 IDNO 3039 1 FAMS @F15@ 1 NOTE Daughter of Elizabeth Howland [daughter of John of the Mayflower] and 2 CONC Daniel Dickinson. 1 CHAN 2 DATE 20 APR 2003 3 TIME 21:45:35 0 @I39@ INDI 1 NAME George /Townsend/ 1 SEX M 1 BIRT 2 DATE UNKNOWN 1 DEAT 2 DATE UNKNOWN 1 IDNO 3040 1 FAMS @F16@ 1 NOTE Brother to the John who married a Susanna Harcourt (not sure if this is 2 CONC the sister of Meribah). vlww 1 CHAN 2 DATE 20 APR 2003 3 TIME 21:45:35 0 @I40@ INDI 1 NAME Robert /Potter/ 1 SEX M 1 BIRT 2 DATE 1610 2 PLAC Coventry,England 1 DEAT 2 DATE 17 JAN 1652/1653 2 PLAC Roxbury,Suffolk,Maryland 1 BURI 2 DATE JAN 1652/1653 1 IDNO 3044 1 FAMS @F13@ 1 IMMI 2 DATE APR 1634 2 PLAC England to Massachusetts 1 NOTE SOURCE: Ancestors of the Hudson Valley: Links to the Past by R. Daley 2 CONC [shorefarmer@hotmail.com], Ancestry World Tree Project; 30 January 2003 - 2 CONC vlww 2 CONT Born: 1610 Coventry, England 2 CONT Died: January 17, 1652/53 Roxbury, Suffolk, Maryland 2 CONT "Robert immigrated in Apr. 1634. They first settled in Lynn and Roxbury, 2 CONC MA. Robert and his friend Samuel Gorton appear to have been religious 2 CONC agitators, rejecting certain church ordinances. Troubles with the church 2 CONC compelled Robert to leave for Portsmouth, RI, where again he could not 2 CONC live peaceably, and then to Warwick, RI. In 1643, he and others were 2 CONC summoned to appear at court in Boston for some "unjust and injurious 2 CONC dealings" with some Indians. They declined to go, contending they were 2 CONC subjects of the King of England and not under the jurisdiction of MA. 2 CONC Soldiers were sent and the settlers made a defense in a fortified house. 2 CONC The wives were forced to flee to the woods where they endured some 2 CONC "hardships" and three of them died, including Robert's wife Isabel. The 2 CONC men were finally captured, tried and sent to prison at Rowley. Four 2 CONC months later, they were released, but banished from Warwick and MA. 2 CONC --Larry Overmire" 2 CONT 2 CONT MY NOTES: Some people have Elizabeth Potter born in 1650 in Rhode Island 2 CONC and then getting married to Richard Harcourt in 1651 - AT ONE YEAR OF AGE 2 CONC ??????????? I think not! Her oldest child (Susannah) was born Abt. 1652 2 CONC so I will subtract 20 years and 16 years = circa 1631 to 1635 or 2 CONC thereabouts. They also have her listed as the daughter of Robert Potter 2 CONC b: 1639 in England & Isabel Anthony - he might be a brother but he 2 CONC couldn't possibly be her father. If Robert Potter is her father there 2 CONC has been a grave mistake with her age & or his. vlww 2 CONT 2 CONT 2 CONT SOURCE: Owen & Related Families by Calvin Owen (CalOwen@attbi.com); 2 CONC Ancestry World Tree Project; 29 Jan 2003 - vlww. 2 CONT "Robert Potter emigrated from England to Portsmouth, Rhode Island." 2 CONT Birth: 1639 England 2 CONT Death: 1655 2 CONT Marriage: Isabel Anthony 2 CONT Children: 2 CONT John Potter 2 CONT Elizabeth Potter b: 1650 2 CONT [Compiler: Diane Cukro] 2 CONT 1. According to Austin's General Dictionary of Rhode Island, p. 156, 2 CONC Richard Harcurt m. 1st, Elizabeth Potter, daughter of Robert Potter and 2 CONC Isabel Anthony (as shown by induction) dau. of John and Susannah Anthony 2 CONC of Portsmouth, Rhode Island, Inn Keeper, etc. 2 CONT 2. Robert Potter in 1638, being under criticism in the Church moved to 2 CONC Portsmouth & Warwick, Rhode Island; 2 CONT 3. where in 1643 he with sundry others including Samuel Gorton were 2 CONC notified to appear before the General court at Boston, as "they held 2 CONC blasphemous errors, which they must repent of" or go to Boston for Trial; 2 CONC and they were soon carried thither. At the time of the capture of the 2 CONC Warwick men, their wives and children were forced to betake themselves to 2 CONC the woods and suffered hardships that resulted in the death of three 2 CONC women at least, one of these being the wife of Robert Potter. 2 CONT 4. 25 May 1655 he was appointed by the Court of Commissioners to keep a 2 CONC house of entertainment, but died before expiration of the year. 1 CHAN 2 DATE 20 APR 2003 3 TIME 21:45:35 0 @I41@ INDI 1 NAME Isabella /Anthony/ 1 SEX F 1 BIRT 2 DATE 1612 2 PLAC Portsmouth,Newport,Rhode Island 1 DEAT 2 DATE SEP 1644 2 PLAC Warwick,Kent Co.,Rhode Island 1 BURI 2 DATE 1644 1 IDNO 3045 1 FAMS @F13@ 1 FAMC @F17@ 1 CHAN 2 DATE 20 APR 2003 3 TIME 21:45:35 0 @I42@ INDI 1 NAME John /Anthony/ 1 SEX M 1 BIRT 2 DATE 1584 2 PLAC London,England 1 DEAT 2 DATE 21 APR 1655 2 PLAC London,England 1 BURI 2 DATE 1655 2 PLAC Saint Bartholomews,London,England 1 IDNO 3046 1 FAMS @F17@ 1 FAMC @F18@ 1 NOTE Anthony, John 1585-1655 2 CONT The Dictionary of National Biography. The Concise Dictionary. Part 1, 2 CONC From the beginnings to 1900. London: Oxford University Press, 1953. 2 CONC Contains abstracts of the biographies found in "The Dictionary of 2 CONC National Biography" (21 volumes, New York: Macmillan Co.; London: Smith, 2 CONC Elder & Co., 1908). (DcNaB) 2 CONT 2 CONT Anthony, John 1587-1655 2 CONT Allibone's Critical Dictionary of English Literature. British and 2 CONC American authors living and deceased from the earliest accounts to the 2 CONC latter half of the Nineteenth Century. Three volumes. By S. Austin 2 CONC Allibone. Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott & Co., 1858-1871. Reprint. 2 CONC Detroit: Gale Research, 1965. (Alli) 2 CONT 2 CONT Need to check out the above references. vlww 1 CHAN 2 DATE 20 APR 2003 3 TIME 22:17:52 0 @I43@ INDI 1 NAME Mary /(Anthony)/ 1 SEX F 1 BIRT 2 DATE 1583 2 PLAC London,England 1 DEAT 2 DATE UNKNOWN 2 PLAC Probably Saint Bartholomews,London,England 1 IDNO 3047 1 FAMS @F17@ 1 CHAN 2 DATE 20 APR 2003 3 TIME 21:45:35 0 @I44@ INDI 1 NAME Francis /Anthony/ 1 SEX M 1 BIRT 2 DATE 16 APR 1550 2 PLAC London,England 1 DEAT 2 DATE 26 MAY 1623 2 PLAC London,England 1 BURI 2 DATE 1623 2 PLAC Saint Bartholomews,London,England 1 IDNO 3048 1 FAMS @F18@ 1 FAMC @F19@ 1 NOTE Anthony, Francis 1550-1623 2 CONT Allibone's Critical Dictionary of English Literature. British and 2 CONC American authors living and deceased from the earliest accounts to the 2 CONC latter half of the Nineteenth Century. Three volumes. By S. Austin 2 CONC Allibone. Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott & Co., 1858-1871. Reprint. 2 CONC Detroit: Gale Research, 1965. (Alli) 2 CONT 2 CONT The Dictionary of National Biography. The Concise Dictionary. Part 1, 2 CONC From the beginnings to 1900. London: Oxford University Press, 1953. 2 CONC Contains abstracts of the biographies found in "The Dictionary of 2 CONC National Biography" (21 volumes, New York: Macmillan Co.; London: Smith, 2 CONC Elder & Co., 1908). (DcNaB) 2 CONT 2 CONT The Dictionary of National Biography. The Concise Dictionary. Part 1, 2 CONC From the beginnings to 1900. London: Oxford University Press, 1953. 2 CONC Contains abstracts of the biographies found in "The Dictionary of 2 CONC National Biography" (21 volumes, New York: Macmillan Co.; London: Smith, 2 CONC Elder & Co., 1908). Corrigenda begins on page 1457. (DcNaB C) 2 CONT 2 CONT Need to check out the above references! vlww 1 CHAN 2 DATE 20 APR 2003 3 TIME 22:14:43 0 @I45@ INDI 1 NAME Susan /Howe/ 1 SEX F 1 BIRT 2 DATE 1554 2 PLAC London,England 1 DEAT 2 DATE 26 MAY 1623 2 PLAC London,England 1 BURI 2 DATE 1623 2 PLAC Probably Saint Bartholomews,London,England 1 IDNO 3049 1 FAMS @F18@ 1 CHAN 2 DATE 20 APR 2003 3 TIME 21:45:35 0 @I46@ INDI 1 NAME Derrick /Anthony/ 1 SEX M 1 BIRT 2 DATE 1522 2 PLAC St. Katherine's nr. The Tower,London,England 1 DEAT 2 DATE UNKNOWN 1 IDNO 3050 1 FAMS @F19@ 1 FAMS @F22@ 1 OCCU Goldsmith-employment of value in jewel office 2 DATE 1558 2 _DATE2 1603 2 PLAC London,England 1 NOTE Source Information: 2 CONT Ancestry.com. Colonial Families in the U.S. [database online]. Orem, UT: 2 CONC MyFamily.com, Inc., 1999. Original data: Mackenzie, George Norbury, Ed. 2 CONC Colonial Families of the United States of America. New York: 1907. 2 CONC Colonial Families of the United States of America: Volume 2, ISSUE BY 1ST 2 CONC m. 2 CONT "DERRICK ANTHONY was born at St. Katherine's, near the Tower, London. He 2 CONC was an eminent goldsmith, and had employment of value in the jewel office 2 CONC during the reign of Queen Elizabeth (1558-1603). The earliest recorded 2 CONC docket of a Patent-of-Arms to the family of Anthony is dated 12th Aug. 2 CONC 1559, to Derrick ANTHONY, of London, Gent., by Diedrich. The college 2 CONC references are F. 1, 45, and Misc. Grants V. 237. He m. (firstly) 2 CONC Elizabeth ERLEY, dau. of Richard ERLEY, alias ELLERICLE, of Lincolnshire; 2 CONC m. (secondly) Margaret RIDGE, dau. and co-heir of Edward RIDGE of 2 CONC Staffordshire." 1 CHAN 2 DATE 20 APR 2003 3 TIME 22:57:15 0 @I47@ INDI 1 NAME Elizabeth /Erley/ 1 SEX F 1 BIRT 2 DATE 1519 2 PLAC Lincolnshire,England 1 DEAT 2 DATE UNKNOWN 1 IDNO 3051 1 FAMS @F19@ 1 NOTE Father might be Richard Erlye born abt. 1500 in Lincolnshire, England. 1 CHAN 2 DATE 20 APR 2003 3 TIME 21:45:35 0 @I48@ INDI 1 NAME John /Townsend/ 1 SEX M 1 BIRT 2 DATE UNKNOWN 1 DEAT 2 DATE UNKNOWN 1 IDNO 3054 1 FAMS @F14@ 1 CHAN 2 DATE 20 APR 2003 3 TIME 21:45:35 0 @I49@ INDI 1 NAME Deborah /Weeks/ 1 SEX F 1 BIRT 2 DATE 1695 2 PLAC Oyster Bay,Long Island,New York 1 DEAT 2 DATE 26 MAR 1719 1 IDNO 3055 1 FAMS @F20@ 1 FAMC @F4@ 1 CHAN 2 DATE 20 APR 2003 3 TIME 21:45:35 0 @I50@ INDI 1 NAME Richard /Ellison/ 1 SEX M 1 BIRT 2 DATE UNKNOWN 1 DEAT 2 DATE UNKNOWN 1 IDNO 3056 1 FAMS @F20@ 1 CHAN 2 DATE 20 APR 2003 3 TIME 21:45:35 0 @I51@ INDI 1 NAME John /Potter/ 1 SEX M 1 BIRT 2 DATE 1639/1642 2 PLAC Portsmouth,Newport,Rhode Island or Warwick,Rhode Island 1 DEAT 2 DATE 1694 2 PLAC Portsmouth,Newport,Rhode Island 1 FAMC @F13@ 1 NOTE Source Information: Edmund West, comp. Family Data Collection - 2 CONC Individual Records. [database online] Provo, UT: Ancestry.com, 2000. 2 CONT A. John Potter 2 CONT Birth: 1639 --, Portsmouth, RI 2 CONT Death: 1694 --, Portsmouth, RI 2 CONT Spouse: Ruth Fisher 2 CONT Parents: Robert Potter, Isabella Anthony 2 CONT B. John Potter 2 CONT Birth: 1642 --, Warwick, RI 2 CONT Death: 1694 -- 2 CONT Spouse: Ruth Fisher 2 CONT Parents: Robert Potter, Isabella Anthony 2 CONT 2 CONT POTTER, John 2 CONT Birth Date: 1639 Birth Place: Massachusetts, Rhode Island 2 CONT Volume: 139 Page Number: 195 2 CONT Reference: A genealogical dict. of the first settlers of New England, 2 CONC showing three generations of those who came before May, 1692. By James 2 CONC Savage. Boston. 1861. (4v.)v.3:466-7 2 CONT 2 CONT POTTER, John 2 CONT Birth Date: 1639 Birth Place: Rhode Island 2 CONT Volume: 139 Page Number: 195 2 CONT Reference: A genealogical dict. of the first settlers of New England, 2 CONC showing three generations of those who came before May, 1692. By James 2 CONC Savage. Boston. 1861. (4v.)v.3:467 Gen. Column of the " Boston 2 CONC Transcript". 1906-1941.( The greatest single source of material for gen. 2 CONC Data for the N.E. area and for the period 1600-1800. Completely indexed 2 CONC in the Index.): 27 Dec 1933, 7522 1 CHAN 2 DATE 20 APR 2003 3 TIME 22:40:03 0 @I53@ INDI 1 NAME Margaret /Ridge/ 1 SEX F 1 BIRT 2 DATE Unknown 1 DEAT 2 DATE Unknown 1 FAMS @F22@ 1 NOTE Source Information: 2 CONT Ancestry.com. Colonial Families in the U.S. [database online]. Orem, UT: 2 CONC MyFamily.com, Inc., 1999. Original data: Mackenzie, George Norbury, Ed. 2 CONC Colonial Families of the United States of America. New York: 1907. 2 CONC Colonial Families of the United States of America: Volume 2, ISSUE BY 1ST 2 CONC m. 2 CONT "DERRICK ANTHONY was born at St. Katherine's, near the Tower, London. He 2 CONC was an eminent goldsmith, and had employment of value in the jewel office 2 CONC during the reign of Queen Elizabeth (1558-1603). The earliest recorded 2 CONC docket of a Patent-of-Arms to the family of Anthony is dated 12th Aug. 2 CONC 1559, to Derrick ANTHONY, of London, Gent., by Diedrich. The college 2 CONC references are F. 1, 45, and Misc. Grants V. 237. He m. (firstly) 2 CONC Elizabeth ERLEY, dau. of Richard ERLEY, alias ELLERICLE, of Lincolnshire; 2 CONC m. (secondly) Margaret RIDGE, dau. and co-heir of Edward RIDGE of 2 CONC Staffordshire." 1 CHAN 2 DATE 20 APR 2003 3 TIME 23:03:55 0 @F1@ FAM 1 HUSB @I1@ 1 WIFE @I2@ 1 MARR 2 DATE Abt 1719 2 PLAC Long Island,New York 2 SOUR @S2@ 1 NOTE 1 REFN 57647 0 @F2@ FAM 1 HUSB @I3@ 1 WIFE @I4@ 1 CHIL @I1@ 1 CHIL @I5@ 1 CHIL @I6@ 1 CHIL @I7@ 1 CHIL @I8@ 1 CHIL @I9@ 1 CHIL @I10@ 1 CHIL @I11@ 1 CHIL @I12@ 1 CHIL @I13@ 1 MARR 2 DATE Bef APR 1681 1 NOTE 1 REFN 57485 0 @F3@ FAM 1 HUSB @I23@ 1 WIFE @I4@ 1 MARR 2 DATE Bef 1711 1 NOTE 1 REFN 61169 0 @F4@ FAM 1 HUSB @I14@ 1 WIFE @I15@ 1 CHIL @I4@ 1 CHIL @I24@ 1 CHIL @I25@ 1 CHIL @I26@ 1 CHIL @I49@ 1 MARR 2 DATE UNKNOWN 1 NOTE 1 REFN 60785 0 @F5@ FAM 1 HUSB @I17@ 1 WIFE @I5@ 1 MARR 2 DATE UNKNOWN 1 NOTE 1 REFN 60977 0 @F6@ FAM 1 HUSB @I6@ 1 WIFE @I18@ 1 MARR 2 DATE 20 OCT 1710 1 NOTE 1 REFN 61007 0 @F7@ FAM 1 HUSB @I6@ 1 WIFE @I19@ 1 MARR 2 DATE Abt 1730 1 NOTE 1 REFN 61035 0 @F8@ FAM 1 HUSB @I16@ 1 WIFE @I7@ 1 MARR 2 DATE Aft 1711 2 SOUR @S1@ 3 PAGE Page 177 & 179-180 1 NOTE 1 REFN 60802 0 @F9@ FAM 1 HUSB @I8@ 1 WIFE @I20@ 1 MARR 2 DATE UNKNOWN 1 NOTE 1 REFN 61040 0 @F10@ FAM 1 HUSB @I21@ 1 WIFE @I9@ 1 MARR 2 DATE UNKNOWN 1 NOTE 1 REFN 61073 0 @F11@ FAM 1 HUSB @I22@ 1 WIFE @I10@ 1 MARR 2 DATE UNKNOWN 1 NOTE 1 REFN 61087 0 @F12@ FAM 1 HUSB @I27@ 1 WIFE @I28@ 1 CHIL @I15@ 1 CHIL @I29@ 1 CHIL @I30@ 1 CHIL @I31@ 1 CHIL @I32@ 1 CHIL @I33@ 1 CHIL @I34@ 1 CHIL @I35@ 1 CHIL @I36@ 1 CHIL @I37@ 1 MARR 2 DATE Abt 1651 1 NOTE 1 REFN 61329 0 @F13@ FAM 1 HUSB @I40@ 1 WIFE @I41@ 1 CHIL @I28@ 1 CHIL @I51@ 1 MARR 2 DATE Abt 1629 2 PLAC Roxbury,Roxbury,Massachusetts 1 NOTE 1 REFN 61396 0 @F14@ FAM 1 HUSB @I48@ 1 WIFE @I29@ 1 MARR 2 DATE UNKNOWN 1 NOTE 1 REFN 61470 0 @F15@ FAM 1 HUSB @I33@ 1 WIFE @I38@ 1 MARR 2 DATE UNKNOWN 1 NOTE 1 REFN 61380 0 @F16@ FAM 1 HUSB @I39@ 1 WIFE @I35@ 1 MARR 2 DATE UNKNOWN 1 NOTE 1 REFN 61385 0 @F17@ FAM 1 HUSB @I42@ 1 WIFE @I43@ 1 CHIL @I41@ 1 MARR 2 DATE 11 FEB 1604/1605 2 PLAC London,England 1 NOTE 1 REFN 61414 0 @F18@ FAM 1 HUSB @I44@ 1 WIFE @I45@ 1 CHIL @I42@ 1 MARR 2 DATE 11 FEB 1604/1605 2 PLAC London,England 1 NOTE 1 REFN 61424 0 @F19@ FAM 1 HUSB @I46@ 1 WIFE @I47@ 1 CHIL @I44@ 1 MARR 2 DATE 1548 2 PLAC London,England 1 NOTE 1 REFN 61457 0 @F20@ FAM 1 HUSB @I50@ 1 WIFE @I49@ 1 MARR 2 DATE UNKNOWN 1 NOTE 1 REFN 61479 0 @F22@ FAM 1 _STAT MARRIED 1 HUSB @I46@ 1 WIFE @I53@ 0 @S1@ SOUR 1 REPO @REPO1@ 1 TITL Genealogies of Long Island Families, Volume I, From the New York 2 CONC Genealogical & Biographical Record, by Henry B. Hoff 1 PUBL Baltimore Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc. 1987 [[Thomas & Richard Brush 2 CONC of Huntington, Long Island]] Contributed by Connlin Mann, Member of 2 CONC Publication Committee 1 ABBR Genealogies of Long Island Families, Volume I, From the New York Genealogical & Biographical Record, by Henry B. Hoff 1 NOTE Source Media Type: Book 1 _MASTER Y 0 @S2@ SOUR 1 TITL WFT Vol 25, Tree 2888 1 ABBR WFT Vol 25, Tree 2888 1 _MASTER Y 0 @REPO1@ REPO 0 TRLR