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go to alachat...its cool
shelley's page
nicole's page
whit's page
meghon's page

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These are my no particular order...

ShelleyWages: well i dont really no what all to say....there have been bad times....there have been good times....we dont talk as much as we used to and i want that to change....but all in all youve always been a good friend who listened to me complain and always gave good advice...thanks!

Nicole Parker: i love our 5th period talks....hairspray???...happy meals *L*...HER!...but that was last year and now we are seniors and im lookin forward to the good times to come.

Josh McCraney: uve always been like a big brother to me and youve always been there when it came rite down to it...thanks.

Brianne Bagget- hey

ashly weaver-well its been almost 5 years since i met you...and pimpin still hasnt gotten any easier...your the only ho i can find...*L*

caurie lundy- a great friend! Are you comin to church *S*

Amy Kelley-

Amie amee....whatever....when u gonna learn how to drive.....gosh!

Meghon Bryant: hello darlin *S* nice to see ya its been a loooong time your just as lovely as you used to beeee hows your new love are you happy? hope your doin fiiiiine...sorry i was listenin to conway twitty and got a lil carried no how much i love to sing *L* well it seems your becoming more and more of a friend to me...and to think until just last year i never even talked to you but im glad i do now...

Timothy Wilson: the goofiest person i no....but still a pretty good friend...who can be serious only when....ahhh youre hardly ever serious

Lesley Smith: i love ya to death...and thatll never change...wish we had been friends before u met cliff...but thats my fault...i no i aggravate the crap outta ya sometimes but i cant help but flirt...i mean pick on you....and your weenis....and now i wish i had never asked about the hairspray...gag...ahhhhhhhhh....if it were u that mite have been all rite....but ahhhhhhhh....

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