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My 2 Cents

I've been writing TMNT fanfiction for a full year now. I just realized that today, as I happened to come upon the original first page of "Principles", and I noticed the date. I'd like to say that I am going to keep writing forever. But who am I fooling? Sooner or later, this will come to a close. Whether by death, or disinterest, or the simple lack of time and energy, my writing will eventually stop.

For those of you who are freaking out and staring at the screen with wide eyes and your hearts hammering in your chests, this is not a good-bye letter. As of now, I still have plenty of ideas and inspiration, along with a handful of great friends and all the dedicated readers who keep me focused and encouraged. I'm more than grateful to every one of you for your patience, your longsuffering, your ideas... Thank god for editing, for 14-hour-long and VERY inspiring, spontaneous RPGs (*nudge nudge, wink wink*), and for all the people who have taken the time to encourage me through some of the roughest months of my life.

I don't see my interest in the boys in green wavering at all throughout the next few years at the very least. But someday... SOMEDAY, I'll be gone. And if there's a way to share what I have with someone else who can fill in the gap when I leave, then dammit I'll do everything I can to help that process along.

Enough sentimental shit from me. I'm not good at it. So let's get down to business. This right here? This is my reference. Everything I know and believe about the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, every suggestion I have, every vision I see. This right here is my probing into the minds of these characters, probably more deeply than you'll EVER see ANYWHERE else. I question if Eastman and Laird put as much thought into every little movement and word and scar on these boys as I've done over the course of my fanfiction writing.

Some of these things are kind of personal confessions. Treat them accordingly. I'm being very honest here. If you decide to use any of this against me, I will be forced to send Raph after you to kick your ass. *grins*

These are also MY thoughts, not necessarily those of Eastman & Laird, or anyone involved in the creation of the movies, cartoons, or other writers' fanfiction. You're free to disagree with me. For that matter, let me know if you do. Maybe you're seeing something I don't. I can only see the world through these two eyes so feedback is greatly appreciated.

Also... please... some parts of this section are explicit and not intended for children. If you're not old enough to look at porn, or if it offends you, please don't read them.

Martial Arts Weapons/Fighting/Sparring
Writing TMNT Erotica
Psychological Profiles of the TMNT (Based on first movie)
Human-like Turtles vs. Turtle-like Humans