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Jesus Freaks***Teens 4 God!


Monday, October 7, 2002~ I updated the Spotlight section.. check it out! I'm back in the groove. *grinz*

Thursday, October 10, 2002~ Lyrics are updated! They have to do with the Spotlight so check 'em out!

Sunday, October 6, 2002~ Be sure to check the message board and Pray For Our World! I am "remodeling" the site... slowly but surely... :) Keep checking back for more details! Oh yeah, and the site has a new e-mail address:

Tuesday, September 17, 2002~ I have updated the devo so check it out!

Friday, August 9, 2002~ There is a new book review (fiction) that I wrote... :) I'm working on "getting back into the groove."

Thanks so much for visiting my page! I hope that you come back soon! I will be adding more stuff soon... hopefully! I have added Book Reviews! Be sure to visit them! Make sure to visit the Encouraging Verses and Devos ...also go the the Jesus Freaks-Teens 4 God message board. Be sure to tell all your friends about this site! You can do it through the "Pass-It-On"!! Click here--->
You can also sign the guestbook and tell me what you think of the site! Also just let me know that you were here... (Click Here ---> View My Guestbook OR Sign My Guestbook

I created this site for teens to go to and draw closer to God and get advice from other teens. I hope that someone stumbles over this site and is encouraged by it... Please tell me what you would like to see on here on the home forum of the message boards... thanx! God bless!

HEAVEN AND EARTH WILL PASS AWAY, BUT MY WORDS WILL NEVER PASS AWAY *Mark 13:31* Jesus Freaks: Teens Livin' for Jesus no matter the cost!!

Devo of the Month: Being Used by God Encouraging Verses
Music Lyrics: ApologetiX Suggested Sites
Pray for Our World: Mexico Mission Trip Messageboards
Readers' Reviews AIM Icons
Under the Spotlight: ApologetiX Martyr Stories

Be sure to vote for us! --->

E-mail Sammi-->

© Copyright Samantha S. "Jesus Freaks: Teens livin' for Jesus no matter the cost" slogan and all other elements. Use only with permission. E-mail: