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Hi Sis. I've created this page especially for you because you are such a special friend. I've assembled some things I thought you might like. I hope I made the right choices. You are sooooooo deserving of this. I just wanted to do something to show you how much you are thought of and loved, Sis.


A friend is a rare and precious treasure
whose compassion is difficult to measure
A friend gives unconditionally,
never expecting anything in return.
A friend contacts you for no reason at all,
just to say "Hi, thought I'd give you a call."
A friend makes sacrifices in his own life
to lessen all your stress and your strife.
Who can you talk to at four in the morning
to help ease your pain when your heart is in mourning.
A friend "loves" you for who you are,
never asking you to change for them.
A friend believes in you and all you can be
He does all he can to help you succeed
A friend encourages you and makes you smile
He'd do anything for you, even walk the last mile
A friend lends an ear through good and through bad,
And helps cheer you up when you're feeling real sad.
A friend knows when to be there
and when to leave you alone. So hold tight to your friends,
don't let them get away,
for you may never find another
if they should ever stray
A friend is a very precious jewel,
so keep them close to you
in your heart and your soul

Copyright ©2000 Susan O'Keefe


A friend is one of the nicest things
you can have, and one of the best things
you can be. A friend is a living treasure,
and if you have one, you have one of the
most valuable gifts in life.
A friend is the one who will always be
beside you, through all the laughter,
and through each and every tear. A friend
is the one thing you can always rely on;
the someone you can always open up to;
the one wonderful person who always believes
in you in a way that no one else seems to.
A friend is a sanctuary.
A friend is a smile.
A friend is a hand that is always holding
yours, no matter where you are, no matter
how close or far apart you may be.
A friend is someone who is always there
and will always - always - care. A friend
is a feeling of forever in the heart.
A friend is the one door that is always open.
A friend is the one to whom you can give your key
A friend is one of the nicest things you can have
and one of the best things you can be.

Sometimes you find a very special friend,
Someone who changes your life just by being part of it!
Someone who makes you laugh when you need to laugh,
Someone who makes you believe that there really is good in the world.
Someone who convinces you that life is filled with doors
Just waiting for you to open them!
When you're feeling down,
And the world seems like a dark and empty place,
Your special friend lifts your spirit
And makes that dark and empty world
Suddenly seem bright and full!
Your special friend gets you through
The hard times and the sad times,
Your special friend holds your hand
And tells you everything is going to be all right.
And if you find such a friend,
You have a special friend for life,
And life is special!
Thanks For Being My Very Special Friend!
Author Unknown

Being a good friend is really an art-
A wonderful talent
that comes from the heart.
It's knowing the kind thing
To do or to say,
Listening and talking
A problem away.
It's being together
In good times and bad,
And just with a smile
Making each other glad.
It's caring for someone,
And showing it, too,
Thank goodness for good friends-
Friends just like you!


A good friend is someone
to do nothing much with
and find "nothing much" so much fun.
A good friend is talking and talking
A good friend is someone who really is glad
when you've worked for and won a success.
Someone you don't have to be on your guard with A
good friend is so many wonderful someones
all mixed in a marvelous blend
Of memory making, of giving and taking,
a "now and forever" Good Friend.


Although you are a friend of mine
And letters we exchange
I would not know you on the street
And doesn't that seem strange?
You hold a place within my life
Unusual and unique
We share ideals and special dreams
And still we do not speak.
I picture what I think you are
Perhaps you picture me?
An intriguing game for both of us
For someone we cannot see.
So for this friendship we possess
We owe this mail a debt,
Perhaps the charm lies in the fact
That we have never met.
~~Author Unknown.~~