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 Blind Justice A Life Sentence Does Not Equate To Life

The scale that she hold represent the impartiality with which justice is serve and the sword signifies the power that is held by those making the decision. The lady blindfolded is to show that justice is not subject to influence from this the statue is also known by the name Blind Justice.       Image and phrase from:                     
Whenever life is taken away may it be motivated by cold blooded murder or premeditation the killer forfeit's his own life.  Life is precious and is priceless when taken away so the meaning to a life sentence does not equate to murder. Serial killers and cold blooded murderers tend to continue killing and has been seen time and time again.  Even though these murderers are put in tight security prisons they are no less than hard core criminals. Their callous demeanor does not cease as we can see that through the crimes committed in prisons. 

The following are links that provide insight and  understanding of what is consider ethical under the circumstances of capital punishment. Philosopher Ernest Van den Haag, presents the justifications regarding the truth about our moral reasoning behind the execution of condemned murderers. 

Ernest Van den Haag "The Ultimate Punishment" (

Michael Tremoglie "Abolitionists Distort Data to Make Capital Punishment Seem Unfair" Opposing Views Resource Center: Document# X3010036248 (

U.S Department of Justice, 01 2005: BJS Home Page; "Capital Punishment Statistics" (

Thomas Eddlem "Agruments Against the Death Penalty are Flawed" Opposing Views Resource Center: Document# X3010313203 (

The New Republic "DNA and the End of Innocence" Gregg Easterbrook 31, July 2000 (

Patrick Leahy "Effective Legal Counsel and DNA Testing Could Prevent The Execution of Innocents" Opposing Views Resource Center: Document# X3010249211 (

On July 15,2002 little Samantha Runnion was kidnap and brutally rape and murdered. When her killer is caught I would expect nothing less than to show the jurors the pictures taken of her little body.  Therefore nothing is left to the imagination and those who don't believe in capital punishment might think twice about it. Image from (

Danielle Van Dam 
        February 1,2002 Danielle Van Dam was kidnap while sleeping in her house. She like other victims was also brutally raped and murdered. Image from (