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And thou shalt love
the Lord thy God
with ALL thine heart,
and with ALL thy soul,
and with ALL thy might.

Deuteronomy 6:5

Therefore thou shalt love
the Lord thy God,
and keep His charge,
and His statutes,
and His judgments,
and His commandments,

Deuteronomy 11:1

Jesus said unto him,

Thou shalt love the Lord thy God
with ALL thy heart,
and with ALL thy soul,
and with ALL thy mind.

This is the first and great commandment.
And the second is like unto it,
Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.

On these TWO commandments hang ALL the law and the prophets.

Matthew 22:37-40

And it shall come to pass,
when all these things
are come upon thee,
the blessing and the curse,

which I have set before thee,
and thou shalt call them to mind
among all the nations,
whither the Lord thy God
hath driven thee,
And shalt return
unto the Lord thy God,
and shalt obey His voice
according to ALL
that I command thee this day,
thou and thy children,
with ALL thine heart,
and with ALL thy soul
That THEN the Lord thy God
will turn thy captivity,
and have compassion upon thee,
and will return
and gather thee
from all the nations,
whither the Lord thy God
hath scattered thee.
If any of thine be driven out
unto the outmost parts of heaven,
from thence will the Lord thy God gather thee,
and from thence will He fetch thee:

And the Lord thy God will bring thee
into the land which thy fathers possessed,
and thou shalt possess it;
and He will do thee good,
and multiply thee above thy fathers.
And the Lord thy God
will circumcise thine heart,
and the heart of thy seed,
to love the Lord thy God
with ALL thine heart,
and with ALL thy soul,
that thou mayest LIVE.

And the Lord thy God will put ALL
these curses upon thine enemies,
and on them that hate thee,
which persecuted thee.
And thou shalt return
and obey the voice of the Lord,
and do all His commandments which
I command thee this day.
And the Lord thy God
Will make thee
in every work of thine hand,
in the fruit of thy body,
and in the fruit of thy cattle,
and in the fruit of thy land,
for good:

for the Lord will again
rejoice over thee for good,
as He rejoiced over thy fathers:

IF thou shalt hearken unto the voice
of the Lord thy God,
to keep His commandments
and His statutes
which are written in this book of the law,
and IF thou turn
unto the Lord thy God
with ALL thine heart,
and with ALL thy soul.

For this commandment
which I command thee this day,
it is NOT HIDDEN from thee,
neither is it far off.

Deuteronomy 30:1-11

Fallin' In Love With You
by Phil Driscoll

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