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ComStar knows all.
- Anastasius Focht

Jerome Blake formed ROM in 2811 after Chancellor Ilsa Liao attempted to bribe ComStar technicians to defect, and then sent a terrorist group in an attack against the HPG station on Nanking. He proposed the immediate creation of a covert security force to protect ComStar's precious HPG network from both external and internal threats. According to Blake's proposal, operatives would work as undercover agents within the ranks of ComStar's technicians, as well as posing as citizens. This secret intelligence network would locate threats to ComStar and eliminate them before any damage was done. ROM reported directly to the Prime Administrator.

Command Structure
Assisting the Precentor ROM are the State Administrators, one for each of the six Successor States and the four territories currently occupied by the Clans. Each of these ten administrators oversees operations within his or her respective jurisdiction and keeps the Precentor informed of foreign agents' activities within each region. The administrators also enforce official policies to ensure the continued security of the service in each region, including the recently enacted mandate that all Word of Blake agents discovered within ROM suffer immediate execution. Many ComStar members consider this policy unnecessarily harsh, but most ROM agents believe that only such drastic measures can ensure the protection of ComStar as a whole.

Each world still containing an operational, ComStar-administered HPG facility maintains a ROM base, normally located within the HPG facility. Under the command of an administrator, ROM personnel assigned to these bases protect the families from enemy agents and carry out all intelligence operations on the planet. To support these planetary ROM operations, Precentor Parrdeau maintains a standing core of fast-response groups who, with the aid of a fleet of JumpShips, can respond immediately to any crisis situation.

Rank Structure
ROM ranks its members according to a system similar to that of the ComGuards, using classifications based upon the Greek alphabet to identify ROM's various divisions. Each of the branches listed below also shows its operatives' standard classification.

ROM Branches
Counterintelligence (mu/delta)
Diplomatic Operations (rho/gamma)
Covert Operations (rho/rho)
Information and Analysis (mu/mu)
Clan Liaison (rho/chi)
Special Services (delta/epsilon, delta/xi)
Security (mu/iota)

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