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The Devastation of Sabotage
Member required reading

Yes! It's long winded. But it is here for your reading, so there should be some questions answered before they need asked. 

Remember this.. You may not agree with anything or certain things typed below and that is your right to do so.

Keep in mind, that I have played this game for 7 years, almost on a daily basis!

So my experiences in the game and of the game, are why some things you might not like or agree with, are typed below.

If you have such a problem with any of it , that you believe upsets you too much, then I do wish you well in search of a more suitable guild for you.

At this moment,the guild is being restructured. The majority of toons you may see in the guild tab are all mine, the Guild Owner. Suffice it to say, that there was a mutany within the guild and as such,I took it upon myself to rid the guild of some of those individuals who thought to turn the guild in a way I didn't want it to go. Some left of thier own accord and others I sent on thier way.After the rest didn't show up after 11 months I booted them.

    1.) There is  A Minimum level a toon must be to be considered for recruitment into The Devastation of Sabotage. The New member will not have any access to the guild bank what so ever!

The minimum level is lvl 20. --- The reasons for this are as follows

           a.) It takes a level 10 to be listed on the World of Warcraft  sites Armory Character search. If your toon can't be pulled up via this on the World of warcraft site! then you will not be invited or you may be kicked from the guild once it's noticed. It's just too easy, for hackers and thief's to make a level 1 toon and then try to get into a guild, with nothing but bad intentions. Even then! There is no guarantee, that a person won't go ahead and level a toon to lvl 20, then attempt their bad intentions. It's easy to level a toon to level  20 in just a couple hours these days. Hence why they won't have access to many things for quite some time. I've been hacked before, as has many of the other past members of the guild had been. At one time, the person that hacked the first guild leader, managed to take all the gold and every epic item in the guild bank. I've seen it happen many times in the 7 years I've played wow. So once again, I'll do what I can to try to protect all I can.

          b.) The other reason, is that if a person takes the time to level a toon to at least level 20, it can show, that they may be serious about raising that toon and in time, be a help to others in the guild.

    2.) This is a Family/contribute sort of guild.

This does not mean it's a power leveling guild. On the contrary! It means that every individual which plays the game and is a member of  this particular guild, is expected to raise their own toon via the leveling process. This affords that player the capability to learn how to play their individual class and spec.  To learn where things are in the game and learn to level their chosen professions. In this! they inadvertently learn how to help others too.

The Family part, doesn't necessarily mean that each member is a legitimate member of another guild members real life family, but that, when you become a cooperating and contributing member of the guild, you may eventually be seen as a family member.

               a.) There are parts of the game, which require at times, a little help. Often times, it is difficult for a player to find a group, to do a multi player quest. There are many  of these types of quests throughout the game and the rewards for these quests are quite good, at the level they are for. In this instance, if a guild member, while leveling, would like to do one of these, then it is expected that someone from the guild help them if they ask.  It doesn't usually take that much time for a high level player to go knock it out for the other player.

               b.) If a player is having a hard time getting into a random instance group and other players in the guild decide they will run that person! Then go for it! Even if you want to do a little power leveling for that guild member, then that is fine as well. But what I do not want for the guild as a whole, is any type of reputation that it is a power leveling guild or that it might be seen as one. I do not want any member of the guild going out to promote for the guild and or to use any reason to suggest that the guild is a power leveling guild.

    3.)  Drama low Guild

It will happen! Someone will get into a dispute with someone else. In such a thing, the game affords many ways to deal with this. as well as a level of maturity. If someone is getting disruptive with you, then it is suggested that you put that individual on ignore using the in game abilities. If you do not know how to use those in game things then ask someone. Remeber! The truely only dumb question; is the one you dont' ask and should have. Please do not fuel the situation. It's better for everyone, that you diffuse the situation as quickly as possible and move on. Keep the drama at a low level.

    4.)  NEVER tell a guild member that:  "they don't have to do anything they don't want to" while in this guild. Yes, the guild is indeed a contribute guild and in this, everyone is to make an conserted effort in some way, fashion or form, to contribute to it and its members. This means, that if a group of people decide (as an example), that they want to do pvp things, but others in the guild don't want to, then that is fine. But if an officer went out to invite someone to the guild for that purpose, then that new invited member is expected to do the pvp when those events get scheduled. This does not mean that this is a pvp guild. Only that if for instance, a substantial few want to do pvp and we don't  have enough, that want to do it already in the guild and an officer, specifically goes out and recruits an individual for the particular task of doing pvp for the guild, then that individual is expected to do pvp.  This holds true if someone was invited/recruited to be a part of a raid group within the guild as well. So don't tell that new member they don't have to do it once they are in the guild. They were in essence, hired for that specific thing and so, they are expected to do that thing!  What is their pay! All guild perks! and the chance to do things they wouldn't be able to do easily on their own to just list a couple   No, this doesn't mean that's all they can do, but if brought into the guild to do it, then that is what they do when the event calls for them. As far as I'm concerned, if you don't help or do what you were in essence hired to do for the guild, then you don't deserve the perks of the guild, nor should you be in any guild for that matter. Simple as that! NOTHING IN WOW LIFE OR REAL LIFE IS FREE! If you want to be in a guild, to just to be power leveled and get stuff from a bank or just be in the guild becase it's a level 20 to 25, instead of having to work for an item, then as far as I'm concerned! You don't belong in the game, much less a guild.  Guilds are communities and a community is only as strong as it's weakest member. Non participating, selfish, self serving sorts, won't be tolerated in this guild. 

                                  a.) A note to any person who is a raid leader. A raid leader is a director, instructor and teacher, not a dictator. Most of the time, if you've been choosen to be a  raid leader; it's usually because you know the content and have experience of and in a particular thing and can instruct others on what they are to do. But you must never forget! Everyone learns things at a different pace. Some learn it quickly, while others may need more input and will learn it slower. Because of this, a raid leader MUST have a great amount of patience. A raid leader must be able to laugh at the inadequateness of the group. But never laugh at a individual person, just because they don't know. It is a big responsibility to be a "Good Raid leader". There are plenty of bad ones. If it takes a month to finish a content, then that is fine. Have fun with it. The game of wow was never designed to be a nascar racing game, so trying to get it done the fastest with little regard to others is not the way here. But have fun in whatever content you find yourself in.  Oh and by fun, I don't mean one individual run in on a raid boss to see how they fair and by doing so, wipes the whole group. That's not called fun to most people.

    5.) Only officers will have access to the guild bank. Since this is a contribute guild, it means that it's not enough to just be a member to get the perks of the guild level and things in the bank, you have to contribute to it.  The reason the guild bank is closed to all but the officers, is a simple one. Players which contributed to the bank, did so out of  kindness, generosity and of a sense to help the guild and its members. Too many times, I've seen people get into a guild, just long enough to get to a position to be able to get into a guild bank, then rob it and leave. Sometimes those that do this, will go as far as to spend the money to transfer their toon to some other realm just to avoid the wrath of others for being a thief.  The In game GMs nor blizzard as a whole, will do anything to these thieving types, so it's up to the guild owner to protect the bank and any in game monies in it as best they can.  

    6.) Speaking of the monies in the guild bank. The monies in the bank  will be used the following way.

               a:) For special event repairs & instance and raid repairs. Killing Sha for instance is a special event thing. But doing the Sha thing out side of the guild event won't allow you to use the guild bank for repairs. Meaning, if you go out with some other group and it's not many of the guild members, then your repairs are on you.

               b:) Individual special perks for doing a job well done in contribution. Not just to the bank, but as a member of the guild as a whole.

             b1:) the perks and what they are, is directly attributed to the amount of money there is in the bank at the time. Meaning for instance as an example: Let's say a member has been noted to be very helpful to other members of the guild and has done this for a long time. And it's been noted, that they want, but don't have, a Mekgineer's chopper Thank you Lou and family). Well at present (Jan.27, 2013) that chopper costs 15,899.00 gold if purchased from the Auction House, it still costs 12,500.00 gold just to get the parts to make it, not to mention the other mats it takes.  Well if the guild bank has in it at least 25,000.00 gold and a majority vote of the officers is agreeable, then that member may be awarded a chopper. Mind you, this type of gift is only awarded to the highest and most honored participating member and it is not something that is promised. It's just shown here as an example. But it can happen. A person that would be awarded this, would indeed, have been seen, to be a high level and helpful contributor to the guild and its members

             b2:) I leveled the guild myself from level 16 to 23. In fact and in truth, the guild was mostly leveled by me. Maybe 7 or so  levels were done via others that were in this guild, but are not any longer. I quested everyone of my toons  to level 90.  I raised all their professions to 600 too, meaning; I killed a whole lot of stuff while gathering mats. I've ran instances to nauseating amounts too. Both normal and heroics. I've been farming daily in the Hillsbrad farm for mats too.  Once all were done, the money in the bank from the guild perk Cash Flow was no more than 1064g. How do I know this! Because the prievious Guild Leader had emptied the bank of all monies and the balance was at zero when I took over.

Now for example, as to just what it takes to get any substantial amount of gold in a guild bank just from the guild perk; approx. 12s .5 c.  is how much that would go in the bank for  killing a mob that gave 1g 25s ( 1g 25silver is 125 silver) while questing.  For instance: killing Frenzyhopin the Valley of Four winds, drops 8 silver 3 copper (8s 3c=803 c). 10 percent of that is 80.3 copper. It takes 100 copper to = 1 silver and 100 Silver to make 1 gold. So you'd have to kill that mob 1.245 times   just to make 1s  for the guild bank. You'd have to kill that same mob, somewhere a little over 800 times for 10g 1.245 x 800 = 996 silver or 9g 96s). If you had a 5g repair from questing, it would mean that ole Frenzyhop would have had to be killed almost 500 times, just for you to be repaired by the guild bank. It would take 15 people to kill him 86.6 times each for 100 gold. The point is, that  a whole lot of things need killed and done to make money off that cash flow perk for any real, worthwhile monies, to show up in the guild bank from it. Now imagine how long it would take to get 5k gold with just 15 others going from 85 to 90 with nothing but that guild perk and doing nothing but questing and running a periodic instances! Well it took my 13 toons just to make the guild bank 1064g and they were doing heroics too by the time I looked at the guild bank to see how much was made. Try to crunch the numbers for how many mobs I alone have killed and such just to get that 1064g into the bank. Disclaimer: I think my numbers May be a little off, but the jest of the topic is the point and that is... that it takes a whole lot to get money off that guild perk for the bank. (Each time you loot money from an enemy, an extra 10% money is generated and deposited directly into your guild bank.)

I put this statement here, due to a whisper I got in trade chat, as to why I had the guild bank closed for repairs.  People seem to think, that everyone owes them something for nothing these days and that, even the fake money in wow, grows on money trees! To date, and after 7 years of playing, I've yet to have ever seen,  one wow gold money tree in the game. Besides, no one owes anyone anything!  period! And personally, I don't care what argument a person can try to come up with, to attempt and thwart any thought that they are owed something, for simply being in the guild.  Repairs are for GUILD RAIDING AND GUILD EVENTS in this guild. Don't like that! Well you know what is said about the door not hitting you on the way out!... Use it. I simply don't want to hear any whining about it.
Are my words too harsh for your sensitivities! They were for that one in chat that day and so, they were not invited into the guild.

            b3:) The other way a guild makes money, is by the contribution of items and monies by it's members and by, the guild Leader periodically either vendorsing or Auctioning items off, that are not or have not been used, then placing that money into the guild bank. More money is generated for the guild in this way, then the use of the Cash Flow Guild perk.

Anyway, this guild will never be real big, as in, a whole lot of members. This is why (at least for now) the only time guild money will be used for repairs, is when we, as a guild, get together and do some Instancing or raids together. You may think I'm cheap  and you are entitled to that opinion. But this is the way it will remain, until I see people actually helping the bank and proving to me that they want to be in this guild and help it and others too.

            C:) From time to time special events might be considered and done. I'll call them In-Game- Fun - Events put together by members. One of them might be, to have members that can, make a level one Human toon and have a foot race  from the starting Zone to see who can get to a particular area within the many places within the game first.  Some monies might be needed for things like mats so an Alchemist can make certain things as help items like health positions or something along those lines.  If such an event is put together, rules will be placed here on this site and all will be notified. 

    7.) Don't wear your emotions on your sleeve.

Most people of the guild will be well over 18.  Unless a member is a son or daughter of  a parent in the guild,  there will be no minors in the guild.  I will not be going out recruiting anyone not at least 18.  Age doesn't mean maturity in the sense  that:  maturity is the ability to respond to the environment in an appropriate manner. Or  that ; the response is generally learned rather than instinctive , and is not determined by one's age. Or that Maturity also encompasses being aware of the correct time and place to behave and knowing when to act appropriately, according to the circumstances and the culture of the society one lives in. It simple means, that  the members  either have to be actually 18 years of age or older (preferable older) to become a member of this guild.

Being of a mature age, means as an example...  that if a not so tasteful thing is spoken or typed, be it a comment or a joke, and it offends you so much, that your nose shoots high in the air and you can't take it. Simply move on.  I don't want anyone thinking that they are so much better than others, that something as simple as an off color comment made to your sensitivities sends you into a raging fit.
If you can't take, off color comments, cursing, sexual innuendos and so forth, then this guild isn't for you! So please don't waste your time or any member of this guilds time by staying in it. You will be far too sensitive for this guild. Besides it's fun and often funny when someone comes off with a not so socialized comment to or toward someone else. It's called laughter and laughter is healthy.

The Devastation of Sabotage

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