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Draw to His Throne

In YOUR presence do I desire to be;
from the devil's grasp, LORD, do I now flee.
YOUR own sweet SON, JESUS, did come down
to lift me from myself, before I could drown.
YOU took these filthy garments, LORD, from off my back;
YOU gave me a robe of righteousness, for this did I lack.
When I was lost, confused, troubled and forlorn--
YOU picked up the broken pieces, a new creature now is born!
A babe in YOU--I lean on you for all of my needs;
like a baby robin, waiting from its mother's mouth to feed.
YOUR sweet SPIRIT comforts, and lifts me up on HIGH--
on the wings of an eagle, now my soul does fly!
If it is not too much to ask; Oh LORD, right now,
could I be drawn before Thine Throne--where I now wish to bow?
I come humbly and meekly--and with all due reverence,
for a precious little time from this world I seek deliverance.
Thank you sweet JESUS, for I feel your arms surround me;
the presence of YOUR SPIRIT here truly does astound me!
I'm not worthy, but by your sweet grace, LORD;
for you paid the price on CALVARY, and I now can this afford!
  Jose Campos 
