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I had a giovanna 18" chrome wheel, that had kind of a fucked up tire on it, discount and shit wouldn't mount it so DJ said he knew some people at this place that could mount it so i gave him the wheel and tire, and said id give him 15 bucks to get it mounted.

well basically he went a few weeks without doing it, then i traded my car to my friend tom. Then i kept asking DJ about my tire and wheel because i had to give it to tom for the trade of the car and he said "well have tom call me and ill talk to him about it."

Then i called him again a few days later and he told me the same thing, so i was like fuck it and had tom call him while i was right next to him.

He told tom that the cops came and raided his house and took the wheel. He said wanted Tom to call him the next day so he could get another wheel or the money but the most important thing is he specifically said he would get me a wheel.

So me and tom called around and everyone wanted 375, but then we kept looking and found it for 300. We told DJ and he kept saying how he wanted to order through his parents shop cause he thought they couldget it for cheaper. So we waited and waited because he kept telling us how they were trying to find a price for it. I called him all the time, and so did tom, he never answered, and when he did i would hear new bullshit.

Then i later found out from brittany (vice president)that his car got broken into, and the wheel was stolen from his car and not by the cops. So i ask him, and he is like yeah thats how the wheel got jacked. I was like, "you told me your house got raided and the cops took it??" he said no, i told you someone stole it, i said my house got raided and then my car got broken into and the jackers jacked the wheel." So then he tells me that the car got broken into at his grandpas shop and his grandpa filed an insurance claim and that he was getting the money. So i was like whatever that might take a while so i waited some more.

Calling him just about everyday hopeing for an answer but only getting one rarely. Then he said his grandpa wont give him the money. I asked why and he said because his grandpa is being a dickhead and doesn't like him, so he isn't giving him the money.

So then dj says that he is going to talk to his friend that works at discount and get the wheel at cost and then get it for me. Well he said he would have a price on monday probably about 3 weeks ago. I called him that monday, no answer. I then called tuesday, finally he answered and he told me that he didn't end up hearing from him. So he told me he would get off the phone with me and call him. So i called him back 30 minutes later. Again no answer. Then i called him the next day, no answer, and i haven't heard from him since, also, i haven't been able to even try to talk to him because for the past like 5 days or so jesus has his phone, and jesus said dj left the phone at his house and he hasn't been able to give him the phone back because he hasn't seen him.

I just wanted everyone seeing this to realize what kind of person DJ the president of Wet Dreamz car club is. He is a shady scandolous person that lies. I managed the website for the club for no cost at all, i built it and managed it for free. I always updated things and added things that i was asked to add and did a lot, and i did it for no pay or anything at all. I was always a true member in the club, even not haveing a licence or car, or when i did have my car and now my truck, i always was super cool to everyone and helped people out. After seeing the type of person DJ is and what he did to me, i have decided to show everyone else out there. This type of person CANNOT represent a car club by being their president. This type of person doesn't even deserve friends. This page will be the wet dreamz website until DJ corrects himself, and even when he does, i will just restore the website how it was and i will never touch a thing and will not associate with DJ or most likely the club again, but possibly will keep in touch with friends i made from the club. I want to apologize to the club because this is their website also and because of their shitty president this had to happen.

If DJ does not correct his action, i will completely delete the wet dreamz website. That is all