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A Brief History of the Life of Peter Billingsly- by Jared Jefferson



"Four-hundred and thirty-two years ago, in a time of great depravity and ruin, there came a murmur of salvation amongst the people. A divine spirit, conceived in the image of hope and posterity was sent from the gods to free the masses from their anguish. His name was Peter Billingsly."

Peter Billingsly
-The Book of Tendar, Chapter 1, Line 6.2

Those were times of darkness, when Etherin and his Pack of 40 wolves roamed freely throughout the lands. Peter Billingsly's "Sorapa" had begun. It became known as "The Time of the Great Change". Leadership traits were quickly prevalent in young Peter's life. He had command of three regimental units in the Borean Army by his fifth Earth-birthday. His guidance and wisdom led eventually to the renowned Broker's Gate Uprising of Kalamathera and a short-runned stint on TV's "Real People". Although 23 million people perished during Broker's Gate, he freed another 78 million from lives of slavery and usurped the despotic rule of seventeen now sovereign nations. By the time he was nine Earth-years old he had become "Cintoshieree", or "King of the seven tribes of man", as described by the Kintrabi peoples of Menso Seven. Earth was experiencing a time of enlightenment and growth that had only been achieved twice before in the the entire history of the universe. Peter set up a World Tribal Community and founded schools and universities on each of the seven continents. This eventually led to a worldwide education rate of 87% and the eye of a Hollywood casting director who offered him the starring role in the adorable holiday classic "A Christmas Story." A series of events began to transpire, however, that would threaten all that had occurred.

"A Christmas Story"
Peter's success in Hollywood led him to the management company of Kirschner, Kirschner, & Davis. Their promises of "Grammys", "Oscars", & "respectable women" were simply window dressing intended to entice the growing star (and world leader) into their control. It worked. Unfortunately these promises were backed-up with a series of ill-conceived and egregiously produced box-office failures.

Still a failure
His Hollywood lifestyle was beginning to influence his decision-making as the head of the Tribal Community. He fell-in with a woman named Norma Lee Union. Union was an aspiring actress from Tupelo, Mississippi who was having more success performing favors for smack and rent than she ever hoped to find in the entertainment industry. Together, they journeyed into the depths of the drug culture and found it almost impossible to climb their way back out.
Norma Lee Union
More drugs

There was a long line of women, each one seedier than the last. The cherished utopia he fought so hard to create was crumbling. The Untied League of African Unity was the first member to declare its secession from from the Tribal Community. Others were soon to follow: Europe, Grundalon, Danieltopia, Japasia. Peter was feeling the forces of power slip through his fingers. Within two years of reaching his height of success, Peter Billingsly had fallen.

Years passed, each more torturous than the last. He felt imprisoned, sentenced to endure the auspices of his megalomania. One day, through a streak of chance, he stumbled upon an opportunity to rise up from the depths of despair. However, the evil that had consumed his life made this endeavor a blood-curlingly gruesome task. Only a soul in the midst of a Soparian Reign would have the knowledge or the mental fortitude to unleash this terror to the world. Peter Billingsly, through some form of the darkest magic in this galaxy, transgenderfied himself into the most hideous creature ever known to man.

Under his new guise he was inspired to surreptitiously claw his way into total global control yet again. It was neither through deeds nor intellect that he intended to gain favor. Instead, he had found a way to make himself so repulsively disgusting that the mere utterance of his name would send a chill of fear down the spine of even the stoutest of men. The face, the body, the voice, .....the stench. Everything about this demon on Earth was hell-bent towards a new world order of dominance. Thus began the Third Phase of Roan. (See Part 2- coming soon)