So, your son, daughter, or husband is begging for your okay to play paintball. While you’d like to share their enthusiasm for the sport, you’re concerned with your loved ones shooting paintballs at other players and being shot at. You’re also concerned with the psychological effects of paintball. Well, I’ll show you that paintball is safe and promotes character.

:: Is Paintball Safe? ::

Safety is highly stressed at all fields. At the beginning of each session, referees/staff members on hand oversee the players. Where they discuss rules and regulations. Majority of the fields require goggles be worn at all times unless in designated areas. In addition to this, fields also require that barrel plugs (plastic inserts that prevent projectiles from leaving your gun’s barrel) be used while players are in the designated areas. Fields also limit the velocity of a fired paintball to less than 300 feet per second. Players who disregard any of these safety instructions are usually removed from the game and sit out the next. Fields which don’t enforce safety requirements should be avoided.

Does it hurt when you get hit? First off, paintballs won’t hit hard enough to cause an injury. Also, advocate paintball players say that with your adrenaline pumping, it’s likely you won’t notice getting hit. But you still must follow the rules and regulations to ensure a safe and fun filled day.

Paintball games are safer than all the major sporting activities. The following are statistics comparing various sports:

INJURY is defined as one which results in some degree of permanent impairment, or renders the injured person unable to effectively perform his regular duties or activities for at least one full day beyond the day of the injury.


Bowling 0.50
Archery 0.66
Boating 0.92
Wrestling 1.09
Golf 1.13
Swimming 1.30
Fishing  1.37
Water Skiing 1.90
Handball 2.42
Racquetball 2.53
Ice Skating  2.79
Snowmobiling 2.86
Snow Skiing 3.44
Volleyball 4.43
Gymnastics 7.13
Soccer 10.54
Bicycle Riding 11.30
Boxing 11.34
Hockey 12.46
Basketball 22.04
Tennis 23.14
Football 27.50
Baseball 27.67
Lacrosse 223.79

*Source: National Safety Council.

:: Paintball Markers are not Firearms! ::


Although a paintball marker may look like a firearm, there are many very important and significant differences, among them:

:: Does Paintball Encourage Violence? ::

Many people have heard of paintball and developed stereotypes of the sport. Some people say that paintball is disruptive to our youth. This misconception is far from the truth. Paintball is a good way for people to learn some good basic skills such as teamwork, problem solving, and social skills.

Team Work

When playing paintball, it is important that you have good teamwork skills. If you don't work as a unit with the other members of your team, you will not succeed in paintball. Paintball teaches this concept to kids, adults, and even business corporations. Many businesses schedule paintball outings just to build teamwork skills.

Problem Solving

In paintball, you will learn problem solving techniques. The objective in paintball is to capture the opposing team's flag and return it to your home base without getting marked or tagged by a paintball. Along the way to capturing the flag, you may encounter many problems. You may be outnumbered, have gun problems, or have your own flag captured. You must come up with a way to overcome these misfortunes. This concept is known as "problem solving" and is very valuable in everyday life.

Social Skills

Another thing paintball can help younger players develop is social skills. A lot of kids have trouble talking to adults about problems they are having. Sometimes they are embarrassed to talk about something because they think adults will think it is stupid. When you play paintball you are constantly talking to other people on your team. If someone has problems with their gun, there are usually people (adults) who will be more than happy to help them out. Adults at the field work with younger players, encouraging them to become better players, constantly giving them helpful ideas that will make them better players. When young players interact with adults in positive ways, they will overcome their fears and develop good social skills which they can use in life---the real world. As you can see, paintball can be the "terrible war-game" some make it out to be. By incorporating real life skills into a fast paced game, paintball can be a good influence for anyone. It's a great way to build many skills which can be taken from the paintball field and carried on to the real playing field or life.

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