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List of Meteorological Formulas

List of Meteorological Formulas

New formulas will be added providing you submit any formulas you know of that are not listed here.

1° Latitude= 69.125 miles
Temp(F)= Tf= (1.8*Tc)+32
Temp(C)= Tc= (Tf-32)/1.8
Kelvin(Tk)= Tk= 273.15 + Tc
Temp (Reamur) = (25/36)(°F-32)
Temp (Rankine) = °F + 459.67
Knots= Knots= Wind Speed MPH * 0.868976241091
MPH= MPH= Knots * 1.15077944802
Miles= MI= Kilometers * 0.6214
Kilometers= KM= Miles * 1.61
Kilometers= KM= Meters / 1000
Meters= Meters= Kilometers * 1000
Meters= M= Feet * 0.305
Meters Per Second= M/S= Knots * 0.5148
Feet= Ft= Meters*3.2808
Inches= IN= CM / 2.54
Centimeters= CM = IN * 2.54
Pascals(Pa)= Pa= (Mb*100)
Kilopascal (Kp)= Kp= InHg * 3.38638815789
Millibars(Mb)(Hectopascal)= Mb= (In*33.86388158)
Inches of Mercury(InHg)= InHg= (Mb/33.86388158)
Dew Point(F) Knowing Tc= X= 1-(0.01*RH)
K= Tc-(14.55+0.114*Tc)*X-((2.5+0.007*Tc)*X)^3- (15.9+0.117*Tc)*X^14
Tdf= (K*1.8)+32
Dew Point(F) Knowing Tf= Tdf= ((((Tf-32)/1.8)-(14.55+0.114*((Tf-32)/1.8))*
Before Winter 2001/2002
Wind Chill(F)=
Wc= 0.0817*(3.71*SQRT(WIND SPEED MPH)+
5.81-0.25*WIND SPEED MPH)*(Tf-91.4)+91.4
Starting Winter 2001/2002
Wind Chill °F =
T = Air Temperature °F
V = Wind Speed MPH
35.74 + 0.6215 * T - 35.75(V ^ 0.16) + 0.4275 * T (V ^ 0.16)
Heat Index(HI)= HI= -42.379 + 2.04901523(Tf) + 10.14333127
(RH) - 0.22475541(Tf)(RH) - 6.83783x10^(-3)*(Tf^(2)) -
5.481717x10**(-2)*(RH^(2)) + 1.22874x10^(-3)*
(Tf^(2))*(RH) + 8.5282x10^(-4)*(Tf)*(RH^(2))
- 1.99x10^(-6)*(Tf^(2))*(RH^(2))
Wind Speed & Direction Estimation Calculation
Summer Simmer Index(SSI)= SSI= 1.98(Tf - (0.55 - 0.0055(RH))(Tf-58)) - 56.83
Saturation Vapor Pressure(Mb)= Es= (6.11*10^(7.5*Tc/(237.7+Tc))
Vapor Pressure(Mb)=
From Dew Point
E= (6.11*10^(7.5*Tdc/(237.7+Tdc)))
Vapor Pressure(Mb)=
From Temp and Humidity
E = (6.11*10^(7.5*((Tc - (14.55 + 0.114 * Tc) * (1 - (0.01 * RH)) - ((2.5 + 0.007 * Tc) * (1 - (0.01 * RH))) ^ 3 - (15.9 + 0.117 * Tc) * (1 - (0.01 * RH)) ^ 14))/(237.7+((Tc - (14.55 + 0.114 * Tc) * (1 - (0.01 * RH)) - ((2.5 + 0.007 * Tc) * (1 - (0.01 * RH))) ^ 3 - (15.9 + 0.117 * Tc) * (1 - (0.01 * RH)) ^ 14)))))
Specific Humidity(kg/kg)= SH= (0.622*E)/(Mb-(0.378*E))
Relative Humidity(%)= RH= (E/Es)*100
Relative Humidity(%) Knowing Tdf and Tf= RH = (((6.11*10^(7.5*((Tdf-32)/1.8)/(237.7+((Tdf-32)/1.8))))/((6.11*10^(7.5*((Tf-32)/1.8)/
Relative Humidity and Dew Point knowing Wet & Dry Bulb Temps Relative Humidity & Dew Point using Wet & Dry Bulb Temps

'Saturation Vapor Pressure Wet
Ew = 6.1078 * exp([(9.5939 * Tw) - 307.004]/[(0.556 * Tw) + 219.522])
'Saturation Vapor Pressure Dry
Es = 6.1078 * exp([(9.5939 * Td) - 307.004]/[(0.556 * Td) + 219.522])

E = Ew - 0.35 * (Td - Tw) 'Actual Vapor Pressure

Relative Humidity
RH = (E / Es) * 100

Dew Point
Tp = -1 * {[ln(E/6.1078) * 219.522] + 307.004} / {[ln(E/6.1078) * 0.556] - 9.59539}

Dew Point from just T and RH: Tdc = (Tc - (14.55 + 0.114 * Tc) * (1 - (0.01 * RH)) - ((2.5 + 0.007 * Tc) * (1 - (0.01 * RH))) ^ 3 - (15.9 + 0.117 * Tc) * (1 - (0.01 * RH)) ^ 14)
LCL Height (Estimated FT)= H= 222(Tf-Tdf)
Rankine Temperature(R)= R= Tf+460
Saturation Mixing Ratio(g/kg)= Ms= 3.884266*10^[(7.5*Tc)/(237.7+Tc)]
0.622 * Es/(P - Es)
Mixing Ratio(g/kg)= M= RH*Ms/100
M= ((0.622*E)/(Mb-E))*1000
Virtual Temperature(C)= Tv= [(1+1.609*M)/(1+M)]*Tc
Lifted Index= LI= Tc(500mb) - Tp(500mb)
Showalter Index= SI= 1) From the 850mb temp, raise a parcel dry adiabatically to the mixing ratio line that passes through the Tdc(850mb)
2) From that point, raise the parcel moist adiabatically to 500mb.
3) SI= Tc(500mb) - Tp(500mb)
Vertical Totals = VT= T(850mb) - T(500mb)
Cross Totals = CT= Td(850mb) - T(500mb)
Total Totals= TT= Tc(850mb) + Tdc(850mb) - 2*Tc(500mb)
(30 or greater strong thunderstorms)
Deep Convection Index =
DCI= T(850 mb) + Td(850 mb) - LI(sfc-500 mb)
K Index= KI= Tc(850mb) - Tc(500mb) + Tdc(850mb) - 2* Tdc(750mb) - Tc(750mb)
Basically double the KI value to calculate the chance of thunderstorms.

Energy Helicity Index = EHI= (CAPE * Helicity) / 160000
Significant Tornado Parameter =
F2+ damage associated with STP values >1
STP= (mean layer CAPE / 1000) * ((2000 - mean layer LCL meters) / 1500) * (0-1 km Helicity / 100) * (0-6 km Shear meters per second / 20)
ThetaE (any level) =
[Saturated Potential Temperature]
ThetaE = (Tc + 273.15) * ( 1000 / Mb ) ^ 0.286 + (3 * M)


ThetaE = (273.15 + Tc) * ( 1000 / Mb ) ^ 0.286 + (3 * (RH * (3.884266 * 10 ^ [( 7.5 * Tc ) / ( 237.7 + Tc )] ) /100 ))

Theta (any level) =
[Dry Potential Temperature]
Theta= (T + 273.15) * (1000 / P) ^ 0.2854
WMAX (Maximum Potential Speed of an Updraft) = WMAX = (( SQRT(2 * CAPE) ) / 2 ) / 0.5148
Vertical Velocities can overcome the cap if: VV > SQRT(2 * CINH)
Convective Temperature= CT = CCL Tc *(1000.0/CCL Mb)0.286 * (SFC Mb/1000.0)*0.286
Maximum Hail Size= Hail = 2*((3*0.55*1.0033*(MVV*MVV))/(8*9.8*900))*100
MVV = Max Vertical Velocities in M/S
Normalized CAPE= NCAPE = CAPE / (ELm - LFCm)
<= 0.1 Weak Updrafts
0.1 - 0.3 Moderate Updrafts
>= 0.3 Strong Updrafts
TQ Index (low top convection potential)= (T850 + Td850 ) - 1.7 (T700)
> 12 Storms Possible
> 17 Low-Top Storms Possible
Delta Theta-E=
(Wet Microburst Potential)
(SFCThetaE - LowestMidLevel ThetaE)
>= 20 Wet Microbursts Likely
<= 13 Wet Microbursts Unlikely
U and V Components of Horizontal Wind=
SPD is in Knots
DIR is in Degrees
U = -(SPD * 0.5148) * Sin(DIR * (PI / 180))
V = -(SPD * 0.5148) * Cos(DIR * (PI / 180))
Speed (Knots) and Direction (Degrees) from U and V Components= Speed = Sqr(U ^ 2 + V ^ 2) / 0.5148

If V > 0 Then ANG = 180
If U < 0 And V < 0 Then ANG = 0
If U > 0 And V < 0 Then ANG = 360

Direction = (180 / PI) * Atn(U / V) + ANG

BRN Shear = 0.5 (( 6km AVG U Component) ^ 2)
Bulk Richardson Number = BRN= (CAPE / BRN Shear)