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A Perfectionist's Nightmare

Okies. This is me. Not really. Its actually my website. Interesting? I think so. But I don't quite have it finished yet, now do I?

I just lost myself.

I think I lost you too.

Anyways, if you're going to stay here, get used to it. If not, get out!

No, don't please stay. Check out my other areas of idiocy.  ::grins::


Okay, here's the directory for those of you who are getting as scared as I am.



A Perfectionist's Nightmare- You are Here

Written Dreams

Works of the Not-so-Famous

Lost Initiative

Glasses for Contacts

Truth be Told

Friendly Rivalries

The Guide to the Directory

A Perfectionist's Nightmare= Home/Index

Written Dreams= My Own Work

Works of the Not-so-Famous= Others' works

Lost Initiative= Ideas that no one had time to write

Glasses for Contacts= Where you can contact me and other sites

Truth Be Told= Original Writings

Friendly Rivalries= Writing Competitions