Chian Ming's Homepage
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Welcome To Chian Ming's Homepage

My Favorite Links

Angelfire - Easiest Free Home Pages
My university--Oklahoma State University
My company homepage
My own bookmark
NBA link
Malaysia IT Online Shopping Site
Call to USA for free!!
Free SMS service!!
My sister Tracy's Photo Album!!

Travel Agents

RCI Travel Agent.

Singapore Travel Cam

Travel Cam (Singapore).

Free Email Links

Hotmail (1GB) (Free e-mail over the net).
Gurlmail (Free e-mail over the net).
Lycos (3GB) (Free e-mail over the net).
Yahoo (2GB)(Free e-mail over the net).
TMNET Email.

Forum & Internet Games

21GAMES Forum.
HK Pocket PC Forum.
Rose War -- 3.

Internet Share Trading

DBS Vickers Online Share Trading
Poems Share Trading

4-D Link

Singapore 4-D
Magnum 4-D

Computer and Computer Auction Links

Video Pro in Singapore
Surplus Auction
Onsale Auction
TOM computer technology
Haggle Auction
Street Price Search Engine
Hardware Zone in Singapore!!

News Links

Sin Chew Jit Poh
ZaoBao Online(Singapore)
Guang Ming Jit Poh
Star News Paper Online

Chinese Software Links

Unionway Chinese Software
NJStar Chinese Software
Magicwin Chinese Software

Novel Links

Chinese Novel
Chinese Culture Links
HJSM novels

Friends's Homepage

Cher Yeung's homepage
Kai Man's Homepage
Kain Hui's Homepage
Woi Leong's Homepage

Welcome to my homepage. Hope everyone will enjoy it, if anyone have any comment to me in order to improve my website, please feel free to email me, thank you.


Chian Ming's address.