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Generations - Players Choiceis the first set in the Legend of Zelda: Trading Card Game to be created by the fans. Below is the growing Cardlist for the 100 card set. Every time I get new submissions, I will add them here.

Cucco Keeper, Kakariko Villager by JAdams
Cucco, Kakariko Chicken by JAdams
Chicken, Hyrule Chicken by JAdams
Dark Shield Knight, Hyrule Castle GuardTeed Lohkabre


Chicken Swarm by JAdams
Nature's Little Helper by Card Dreamer

Cry of the Warrior by Teed Lohkabre
Brain Food by Card Dreamer

Henpeckedby JAdams

Cucco Pen, Hyrule Kakariko Village by JAdams

Set Completion: 8/100
=Strategy Note
Want to submit a Strategy Note for a card on the list that doesn't have one already? E-mail them to me and I'll put them up.
=New Card

The Legend of Zelda is the property of Nintendo™. The Legend of Zelda: TCG design, look and gameplay is the intellectual of Chazz™ and the creator wishes any fans to request it's display on their pages before doing so, or submitting Dream Cards for the game as to not conflict with any cards currently in development. As of 6/22/2003, The Legend of Zelda: TCG is the intellectual property of Card Dreamer™.