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Kennedy Fire Relief Site

Greetings Everyone! The Kennedy family is doing really well as they move forward each day.They continue to appreciate all of the kind thoughts and willingness to help from their community and have been moved by everyone's concern and care. Strangers, close friends, teammates, classmates and aquaintances have shown interest in helping them as they move forward from here. Many friends and aquaintances have wanted to do something to help them and to let them know they are in everyone's thoughts. In a situation such as this it is sometimes difficult to know how to help. A neighbor of the Kennedy's set-up a trust account that has been opened in the Kennedy name at Exchange Bank. If you are moved to help in their recovery in this way you can send donations to the : Kennedy Family Fire Fund, Exchange Bank, 136 Calistoga Rd. Santa Rosa, CA. 95409 Many individual friends of Erika and Carey have wanted to contribute directly to them to help replace many of their lost belongings, clothes and items they need to be "regular" teenagers! We are collecting donations to get Erika and Carey gift cards so they can get items that they like. You can mail a contribution to: FOR CAREY : Sharon Baer, 122 Calistoga Rd. #198 Santa Rosa, CA, 95409-3702 FOR ERIKA : Sue Boden, 122 Calistoga Rd. #198 Santa Rosa, CA, 95409-3702 If you send a check for Erica make it out to Sue; for Carey make it out to Sharon. Include your name so we can give them the names of people contributing. We promise to pass the gift cards on to them as soon as possible. THANK YOU EVERYONE! It is so amazing to see how as a community we can support our friends as they deal with the loss of their home. Please continue to keep the family in your thoughts and prayers. We will update this site as needed.
