"Our task of Creating a SOCIALIST America  can only succeed when those who would resist us have been totally disarmed." – SARA BRADY (Chairman of Handgun Control to Sen. Howard in The National Educator, p3) (1/94)



           "Don't bring along the media unless you're really, really, REALLY sure you are not going to get your ass kicked." - LESSON NO. #3 ("Top Ten Lessons Learned by the BATF in the Waco Raid)



        "If I were to select a jack-booted group of fascists who were perhaps as large a danger to American society as I could pick today, I would pick the BATF. They are a shame and a disgrace to our country." - CONGRESSMAN JOHN D. DINGELL (D-Mich) (1980)



          "The consequences of the behavior of the BATF in these kinds of cases is that they are not trusted. They are detested, and I have described them properly as jack-booted American fascists. They have shown no concern over the rights of ordinary citizens or their property. They intrude without the slightest regard or concern. Now, if you want a more recent event, take a look at what they did in WACO, TX. Is that a defensible event? Scores of Americans were killed because of ineptitude by BATF acting under legal process,* as they said, and that whole matter is going to be suppressed after scores of Americans have been killed because of the ineptitude and crass misbehavior of the BATF." - REP. JOHN D. DINGELL ("Congressional Record") (2/8/95)


          (*I respectfully have to disagree, Rep. Dingell. I don’t believe it was “ineptitude.” That would imply accidental or unintended results. I believe these highly-trained assassins accomplished EXACTLY WHAT THEY WERE ORDERED TO DO. And I definitely disagree that this was done under a “legal process!” Can you tell us exactly WHICH law or Constitutional Article legitimized the MASS MURDER AND TORCHING OF UNARMED CITIZENS AND THEIR CHILDREN – just because they were “POLITICALLY INCORRECT”?!! – OL) 



         "Based upon these hearings it is apparent that enforcement tactics made possible by current federal firearms laws are constitutionally, legally, and practically reprehensible ...These practices, amply documented in hearings before this Subcommittee, leave little doubt that the Bureau has DISREGARDED rights guaranteed by the Constitution and laws of the United States...It has TRAMPLED UPON THE SECOND AMENDMENT by chilling exercise of the right to keep and bear arms by law-abiding citizens...It has OFFENDED THE FOURTH AMENDMENT by unreasonably searching and seizing private property. It has IGNORED THE FIFTH AMENDMENT by taking private property without just compensation and by entrapping honest citizens without regard for their right to due process of law...The rebuttal presented to the Subcommittee by the Bureau was utterly unconvincing...Evidence was submitted establishing that approximately 75 PERCENT of BATF gun prosecutions were aimed at ordinary citizens who had neither criminal intent nor knowledge..." - SUBCOMMITTEE ON THE CONSTITUTION (Senate Judiciary Committee) (10/80)


          "PHILLIP C. MC GUIRE, former associate director for the BUREAU OF ALCOHOL, TOBACCO AND FIREARMS (BATF), received substantial payments from HCI (HANDGUN CONTROL, INC.) for expense requests." - "FEDERAL LOBBYING REPORT" (for first half of 1989)



           "[The BATF]...has had its share of problems, including inexcusable errors leading up to the tragedy at WACO. [and] badly in need of internal reform. Waco was merely the most spectacular in a series of lapses in which the BATF became too aggressive..." - "NEW YORK TIMES" (Editorial) (5/4/95)



           "[The BATF's]...woeful record of sex and racial discrimination." "[The] BATF is struggling with a legacy of mismanagement and large, visible mistakes that have undermined the public's confidence in its ability to do its job." - "NEW YORK TIMES" (Editorial) (5/4/95)



        " 'No nation is drunken where wine is cheap' wrote THOMAS JEFFERSON, third President of the United States...'Wine is a necessity of life for me,' another famous quote from Mr. Jefferson, is used on the Kermit Lynch import labels. KERMIT LYNCH is a very prominent importer of wines from France - particularly from the south of France, Chateauneuf du Pape, and Burgundy - and is based in Berkeley, California.


"Federal wine regulator, the B.A.T.F (Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms) told Mr. Lynch he could not use this Jefferson quote on his import label. He fought the B.A.T.F., won the case, and the Jefferson quote now appears on every import label of every Kermit Lynch bottle of wine imported and sold in the United States. It's troubling to me that we have a federal regulator who mandates that nothing positive - quotes from Founding Fathers for example, or physicians, or Biblical quotes - can appear on bottles of wine in the United States." - BOB SENN ("Celebrate Santa Maria! It's the Fourth! - Wine Column -"Santa Maria Times") (7/4/01)



          "Dear MR. BUCKLES: I represent MR. JOHN ROSS of St. Louis, Missouri. Mr. Ross is an investment broker and financial adviser with a respected investment firm in St. Louis. He has degrees in English and Economics from AMHERST COLLEGE. Mr. Ross is very active in community and public affairs. He is the grandson of PRESIDENT HARRY TRUMAN's press secretary, CHARLES ROSS, and was himself the DEMOCRATIC PARTY candidate for the UNITED STATES HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES from the SECOND DISTRICT OF MISSOURI in 1998. In short, Mr. Ross is an upstanding and productive member of his community.


"Mr. Ross has had a lifelong interest in firearms and is both a FEDERAL FIREARMS LICENSEE and a SPECIAL OCCUPATIONAL TAXPAYER under the NATIONAL FIREARMS ACT. Of central importance to the purpose of this letter is the fact that Mr. Ross is also the author of 'Unintended Consequences,' a highly popular novel about the trials and tribulations of legal gun owners and dealers in the United States. Although the book is manifestly a work of fiction, it accurately depicts documented historical events in the long and sordid history of misconduct by personnel of the BUREAU OF ALCOHOL, TOBACCO AND FIREARMS. The book is in its fifth hardcover printing with some 50,000 copies in circulation and has become enormously popular among the gun-owners of the United States. Because the book is highly critical of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, it appears that some in your agency have undertaken to SUPPRESS IT AND TO INTIMIDATE ITS AUTHOR." - JAMES H. JEFFRIES, III (Letter from John Ross' Attorney to BATF Director Bradley A. Buckles - Page 1) (6/30/00)



          "For example, in 1997 the book's publisher became aware that individuals purporting to be BATF agents had THREATENED vendors of the book in at least three different states with 'problems' if they did not cease their sales of the book. A full-page ad in 'SHOTGUN NEWS' offering a $10,000 reward for the identity of these individuals put a stop to that particular business. Now we have learned that in late May of this year agents from your St. Louis field office have engaged in an official effort to enlist MRS. ROSS, who is amicably separated from her husband as an informant against her husband. On or about May 24 2000, at about 7:30 a.m. two agents approached Mrs. Ross on the street while she was walking her dog, identified themselves by displaying their BATF credentials, and proceeded to inquire what she thought about her husband's book. When she was noncommittal the agents terminated the conversation and departed. This contact had been preceded in previous weeks by pretext telephone calls to Mrs. Ross, by what were undoubtedly your agents, in an attempt to draw her out about her husband's book. An agent, using the pseudonym of PETER NETTLESON, and pretending to be a great fan of 'Unintended Consequences,' sought Mrs. Ross's agreement that the book was, in fact, 'A MANUAL FOR THE MURDER OF FEDERAL AGENTS'." -  JAMES H. JEFFRIES, III (Letter from John Ross' Attorney to BATF Director Bradley A. Buckles - Page 2) (6/30/00)



           "I note in passing that best-selling author TOM CLANCY in recent books has murdered a Director of the FBI, the President of the United States, the entire Congress, the Supreme Court, the entire cabinet, the Joint Chiefs of Staff and a few lesser functionaries. I presume he has not thereby become subject to investigation by your literary critic.

  1. “As an experienced federal prosecutor I am fully aware of what is going on here. Disgruntled former spouses are a prime source of intelligence for law enforcement, having as they frequently do both a strong bias against the subject of the investigation and the proximity and intimacy to know many things not available to others. A structured approach such as this required, according to your manuals, formal agency approval. It required the investment of time and effort in setting up the approach: determining Mrs. Ross's new address, learning her new telephone number, physical surveillance to determine her routine so that she could be approached in a way that she could not simply shut the door and where there would be less risk of confirming witnesses, the use of a female agent to lessen any apprehension at being approached publicly by strangers, etc." - JAMES H. JEFFRIES, III (Letter from John Ross' Attorney to BATF Director Bradley A. Buckles - Page 2) (6/30/00)


  1. "WHAT KIND OF PEOPLE ARE YOU? IS THERE NO HONOR WITHIN THE RANKS OF YOUR AGENCY? It has long been clear, from repeated court decisions and congressional committee reports, that your agents have no familiarity with the SECOND, FOURTH, FIFTH and SIXTH AMENDMENTS to the United States Constitution. Now it appears that they have not even been introduced to the very FIRST ARTICLE  of the BILL OF RIGHTS.


  1. "I am writing to express our outrage about this conduct and to formally demand that your agency cease and desist from this unconstitutional abuse of power. I am contemporaneously making formal 'FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT’ and 'PRIVACY ACT' demands upon BATF for the records and files pertaining to Mr. Ross, his book, and these events. By copies of this letter I am requesting the INSPECTOR GENERAL of the TREASURY DEPARTMENT to formally investigate this unlawful conduct and the ATTORNEY GENERAL to investigate to determine whether Mr. Ross's civil rights are being violated by the BUREAU OF ALCOHOL, TOBACCO AND FIREARMS." - JAMES H. JEFFRIES, III (Letter from John Ross' Attorney to BATF Director Bradley A. Buckles - Page 3 cc: Attorney General of the United States Inspector General, Department of the Treasury) (6/30/00)

          (*"Mr. Jeffries is a retired U.S. Dept. of Justice lawyer, retired colonel in the Marine Corps Reserve, and currently practices firearms law in Greensboro, NC. He is a graduate of the University of Kentucky College of Law, former Note Editor for its Journal, and a Life Member of the North Carolina Rifle And Pistol Association." -




          "...if you give me any normal human being and a couple of weeks, ...I can change his behavior from what it is not, to whatever you want it to be.... I can turn him from a Christian into a COMMUNIST....We can control behavior.” - JAMES MC CONNELL (Psychology Professor) (1966)




          "Beginning in the 1920s, the fields cancer, virology, and 'public health' were virtually entirely funded by the ROCKEFELLER family in cooperation with ALFRED P. SLOAN, chief benefactors and directors of the later developed SLOAN-KETTERING MEMORIAL CANCER RESEARCH CENTER." - LEONARD G. HOROWITZ, D.M.D., M.A, M.P.H. ("The CIA and the West Nile Virus: What New Viruses, Vaccines and Lethal Sprayings Have in Common" - "Prevailing Winds: The Journal of Current Events, Politics, History and Health" and (2000)


          "ERICH TRAUB - a world class virologist who became Hitler's biological weapons chief, and following World War II came to work for the US Navy under the top-secret CIA 'PROJECT PAPERCLIP' - likely received Rockefeller support before, as well as after, the war. A covert operation, 'Paperclip' was largely administered by HENRY KISSINGER with full knowledge and support from the Rockefellers and their business managers, JOHN FOSTER and ALLEN DULLES of the OSS/CIA. Thus, Erich Traub's early work was likely being funded by the Rockefeller-Sloan cancer directorship by 1937. Subsequents efforts in the West Nile district of Uganda by 'virologists' working for this cancer consortium also included the testing of the first cancer chemotherapeutic. A derivative of mustard gas used during World War I, the chemical toxin, Sloan investigators claimed, was highly effective in stopping the growth of cancer (*As well as dysgenic people!)." - LEONARD G. HOROWITZ, D.M.D., M.A, M.P.H. ("The CIA and the West Nile Virus: What New Viruses, Vaccines and Lethal Sprayings Have in Common" - "Prevailing Winds: The Journal of Current Events, Politics, History and Health" and (2000)


         "Furthermore, a LITTON BIONICS REPORT to the NCI in 1971 listed virtually every virus, viral recombinant, and infectious agent under study by the world's leading cancer researchers, vaccine developers, and biological weapons contractors. It lacked mention of WNV. Instead, the only encephalitis virus cited was called 'Dawson's encephalitis' virus, likely deriving its name not from the West Nile district of Uganda, but from a Rockefeller-linked cancer investigator by the name of Dawson who was clearly affiliated, by NCI contract, with Litton, the IARC laboratory, and by association to the CIA. Unfortunately, Preston did not relay this politically incorrect background in The 'New Yorker'-Rockefeller home turf." - LEONARD G. HOROWITZ, D.M.D., M.A, M.P.H. ("The CIA and the West Nile Virus: What New Viruses, Vaccines and Lethal Sprayings Have in Common" - "Prevailing Winds: The Journal of Current Events, Politics, History and Health" and (2000)


          "The use of Amygdalin (Laetrile/Vitamin B17) in the treatment of human cancer dates back at least to 1843, although the ancient Chinese are reported to have used bitter almonds containing significant quantities of it in the treatment of tumors some 3,000 years ago.” -


         "LAETRILE is not a miracle drug. It is simply a concentrated form of nitriloside. Amygdalin (Laetrile/ Vitamin B17) is particularly prevalent in the seeds of those fruits in the Prunus Rosacea family (bitter almond, apricot, blackthorn, cherry, nectarine, peach and plum) IT is found in natural foods which contain nitriloside and has been used and studied extensively for well over 100 years. It is also contained in grasses, maize, sorghum, millet, cassava, linseed, apple seeds, and many other foods that, generally, have been DELETED from the menus of modern civilization. Fruit kernels or seeds generally have other nutrients as well, some protein, unsaturated fatty protein, unsaturated fatty acids, and various minerals. The most common source of B17 is the apricot kernel and is present in about a 2-3 percent levels of concentration within the seed kernel." -


          "So there is no confusion please note [that] there are 3 names which are interchangeable: VITAMIN B17, LAETRILE and AMYGDALIN. Vitamin B17 was the name given to the purified form of Amygdalin by a Bio-Chemist named ERNEST T. KREBS in 1952. He also called it Laetrile, which is simply short for Lavo-mandelonitrile and was awarded its vitamin status officially in 1952, after advice from DR. DEAN BURKE who was the co-founder of the NATIONAL CANCER INSTITUTE. Amygdalin on the other hand is said to have been first discovered and used by a German chemist LEIBIG as far back as 1830. So, Laetrile/Vitamin B17 on the other hand is simply a more soluable and concentrated form of amygdalin which allows it to be administered in a much greater concentration. Either way ALL THREE ARE ESSENTIALLY THE SAME THING!" -


"[B17] is simply THE MOST SUCCESSFUL CANCER THERAPY AVAILABLE!  The Cancer Drug companies know this so they have made every effort and attempt to make it ILLEGAL & UNAVAILABLE. It's all about $$$$ in the BILLION DOLLAR CANCER INDUSTRY! Don't believe it? Research it for yourself - visit the references area":




"This method of choice of INCAPACITATING AND ELIMINATING EXCESS OR TARGETED POPULATIONS calls for the delivery of combinations of biological and chemical agents…Thus waged, biochemical warfare cannot be traced to its source, and affords the ability to deliver economic and 'non-lethal' substitutes for traditional warfare, while creating a dependance among those attacked…Given this background, it is absurd to believe, as many foolish internet surfers apparently do, that 'CHEMTRAIL' sprayings represent an earnest effort to immunize mass populations...Such deceptive reasoning and communications merely serve a Hegelian dialectic - to confuse the issues and shield the perpetrators of ongoing atrocities." - DR. LEONARD HOROWITZ, D.M.D., M.A, M.P.H. ("The CIA and the West Nile Virus: What New Viruses, Vaccines and Lethal Sprayings Have in Common" - "Prevailing Winds: The Journal of Current Events, Politics, History and Health" and (2000)


        "...The President shall submit to Congress not later than 90 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, and every 90 days thereafter, a report on...


"Sec. 7. DEFINITIONS. In this Act: (1) The term `SPACE' means all space extending upward from an altitude greater than 60 kilometers above the surface of the earth and any celestial body in such space. (2)(A) The terms 'WEAPON' and 'WEAPONS SYSTEM' mean a device capable of any of the following:

        "(i) (III) DAMAGING OR DESTROYING AN OBJECT (whether in outer space, in the atmosphere, or ON EARTH) by...DIRECTING A SOURCE OF ENERGY (including molecular or atomic energy, subatomic particle beams, electromagnetic radiation, plasma, or extremely low frequency (ELF) or ultra low frequency (ULF) energy radiation) against that object; or (*They are talking about HAARP! – OL)  (ii) (I) INFLICTING DEATH OR INJURY ON, OR DAMAGING OR DESTROYING, A PERSON (or the BIOLOGICAL LIFE, BODILY HEALTH, MENTAL HEALTH, or physical and economic well-being of a person - through the use of any of the means described in clause (i) (II) or subparagraph (B); through the use of land-based, sea-based, or space-based systems using RADIATION, ELECTROMAGNETIC, PSYCHOTRONIC, SONIC, LASER, or other energies DIRECTED AT INDIVIDUAL PERSONS or TARGETED POPULATIONS for the purpose of information war, MOOD MANAGEMENT, or MIND CONTROL of such persons or populations; or (III) BY EXPELLING CHEMICAL OR BIOLOGICAL AGENTS IN THE VICINITY OF A PERSON." - SPACE PRESERVATION ACT OF 2001 (Introduced in the House: HR 2977 IH 107th CONGRESS - 1st Session by Rep. Dennis Kucinich) (10/2/01)


        "(B) Such terms include exotic weapons systems such as (i) ELECTRONIC, PSYCHOTRONIC or INFORMATION WEAPONS; (ii) CHEMTRAILS; (iii) high altitude ultra low frequency weapons systems; (iv) plasma, electromagnetic, sonic, or ultrasonic weapons; (v) laser weapons systems; (vi) strategic, theater, tactical, or extraterrestrial weapons; and (vii) chemical, biological, environmental, climate, or tectonic weapons. (C) The term 'EXOTIC WEAPONS SYSTEMS' includes weapons designed to damage space or natural ecosystems (i.e., such as the Ionosphere and Upper Atmosphere) or CLIMATE, WEATHER, and tectonic systems WITH THE PURPOSE OF INDUCING DAMAGE OR DESTRUCTION UPON A TARGET POPULATION OR REGION on earth or in space." - SPACE PRESERVATION ACT OF 2001 (Introduced in the House: HR 2977 IH 107th CONGRESS - 1st Session by REP. DENNIS KUCINICH) (10/2/01)

        (*Let's think about this a minute, friends: the above is a Bill put through Congress CONFIRMING not only the PLANS, but their IMPLEMENTATION by the NEW WORLD ORDER leaders for the stated purpose of CONTROLLING, INJURING, AND KILLING YOU AND ME!!! – OL)  Now let's read HOW they are doing it, and what some insiders have to say about all this - according to a "SPOTLIGHT" SPECIAL REPORT:

        "The strange VAPOR-LIKE trails, or 'CHEMTRAILS,' from JETS flying high above much of the nation and elsewhere in the world are part of a massive TOP-SECRET MILITARY RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT PROJECT, possibly linked to the United Nations, researchers have concluded. A group of about a dozen researchers spent more than a year, mostly in secret, studying the CHEMTRAILS. They include experts in electronics, communications, environmental engineering, medicine, biomedical research, chemistry, governmental and political affairs and military theory and technology, as well as veterans of the CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY (CIA) and the top-secret NATIONAL SECURITY AGENCY (NSA). The group poured over thousands of scientific, government and military documents, most of which can be found in the public domain, but buried among countless papers in highly scientific web sites on the Internet. The researchers also talked with experts in the scientific and military communities." - MIKE BLAIR ("Chemtrails Said Part Of Top Secret Military Maneuvers Over America" - "The Spotlight") (10/9/00)



        " 'It appears that AEROSOL CHEMICAL TRAILS ARE BEING DELIBERATELY DISCHARGED INTO THE ATMOSPHERE from military and civilian registered aircraft over the continental US, Canada and Mexico. Selected commercial airliners have been secretly modified and EQUIPPED WITH SPECIALIZED AEROSOL DISPERSION DEVICES to supplement U.S. military aircraft to disperse the substances creating the ‘CHEMTRAILS,' - US AIR FORCE OFFICER (ret., attached to NSA and living in Virginia - 'The Spotlight') (10/9/00)



        "According to the NSA officer, civilian airlines were enlisted for the project, which some of the researchers referred to as 'OPERATION CLOVERLEAF.' The researchers concluded that the CHEMTRAILS are composed of BARIUM SALT MIXTURES. Some of the CHEMTRAILS also include POLYMER FIBERS. 'Several types of experimental polymer fibers are repeatedly being found in various locations subsequent to observed incidences of aerosol discharge by aircraft,' a member of the scientific study group told 'THE SPOTLIGHT.' 'Research and development of electronic polymer fibers is identified and described in DEFENSE ADVANCED RESEARCH PROJECTS AGENCY (DARPA) documents. Other polymer fiber types are mentioned in other government and military documents that we have obtained. 'It is believed that the COMBINATION of barium salt mixture and polymer fibers are responsible for the recent nationwide epidemic increase in cases of ASTHMA, ALLERGIES and UPPER RESPIRATORY system illnesses, including PNEUMONIA,' he said." - MIKE BLAIR ("Chemtrails Said Part Of Top Secret Military Maneuvers Over America" - "The Spotlight") (10/9/00)



        "The group found that based on the study of various military and scientific documents, the polymer fibers apparently have several applications in conjunction with the barium salt mixture. Among the applications is the 'CLOAKING' OF AIRCRAFT. When irradiated with the substances, an aircraft is INVISIBLE to radar and the naked eye. There also are advanced radar applications; the decontamination and detection of biological weapons; communications applications, including the ability to direct radio beams back to earth; WEATHER MODIFICATION as a military weapon; and the secret AIR FORCE VARIABLE TERRAIN REFRACTIVITY PARABOLIC EQUATION (VTRPE), which, with the use of sophisticated computers, enables a person to view what an enemy radar system sees. A scientist familiar with VTRPE research at WRIGHT-PATTERSON AIR FORCE BASE in Ohio and his knowledge of the use of barium salt mixtures led the group of researchers to delve into the 'barium salt connection' to the CHEMTRAILS." - MIKE BLAIR ("Chemtrails Said Part Of Top Secret Military Maneuvers Over America" - "The Spotlight") (10/9/00)



        "A member of the research group told 'THE SPOTLIGHT' that 'an over-whelming array of ongoing military research and development and defense-related activity is layered from ground level into space, including SPACE WARFARE BATTLE PLANS and SPACE WEAPONS that have been developed and include advanced laser and refinement of famed scientist NICOLA TESLA’s SCALER (directed energy) weapons technology. Tesla's concepts of 'directed energy' are being developed, refined and applied,' the researcher continued. 'HIGH FREQUENCY ACTIVE AURORAL RESEARCH PROJECT (HAARP) ionospheric 'heaters' are positioned around the world (Alaska, Ukraine, Norway, Russia, Puerto Rico, etc.) and are used to 'heat' and modify the ionosphere. The UNITED NATIONS, we have found, has knowledge of and sanctions the HAARP project, which is a MILITARY project." - MIKE BLAIR ("Chemtrails Said Part Of Top Secret Military Maneuvers Over America" - "The Spotlight") (10/9/00)



        "The group determined that scientists worldwide are working in cooporation with an organization known only as 'COMMISSION G.' Different aspects of atmospheric and ionospheric advanced radar studies, research projects and experiments are being studied at the UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETS AT LOWELL, the UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO, the UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA AT DAVIS, and the UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT ARLINGTON. 'One of the key aims of the studies and experiments is the MILITARY OBJECTIVE 'to CONTROL RAIN, DROUGHT, STORMS, TORNADOES, HURRICANES and weather patterns generally,' a researcher explained. 'Precipitation suppression and enhancement are strategies being refined SPECIFICALLY FOR IMPLEMENTATION IN THE CONDUCT OF FUTURE WARS.' This experimentation 'is directly responsible for the STRANGE WEATHER that is being experienced in the U.S., if not worldwide,' the researcher said. 'They are simply screwing up our normal weather patterns by dumping barium salt and polymer fiber in vast quantities into the atmosphere'." - MIKE BLAIR ("Chemtrails Said Part Of Top Secret Military Maneuvers Over America" - "The Spotlight") (10/9/00)



        "The group said that ARMIES MAY EVENTUALLY BECOME OBSOLETE because of new computerized 'VIRTUAL WARFARE TECHNOLOGY,' which is being developed, refined and actually applied. According to the group, there is ongoing research and development that includes optics-based communications above the earth, which is similar to fiber-optics but without fibers and communications broadcast on optical beams; a potential chemical and electrical influence on human behavior on a massive scale from above, a SUPER-MK ULTRA MIND-CONTROL PROGRAM; and electrical power transfer. The former NSA researcher said 'ongoing study of this problem by individual researchers is eliciting concrete evidence that, at the very least, the atmospheric chemistry and circulation of the earth's atmosphere have been disrupted. There is a growing body of evidence to justify concern that the problem with our atmospheric chemistry will extend well into the future'." - MIKE BLAIR ("Chemtrails Said Part Of Top Secret Military Maneuvers Over America" - "The Spotlight") (10/9/00)



        "Someone is attempting to keep a lid on all of this military research and development activity and, in particular, the CHEMTRAIL activity that is literally CLOUDING UP AMERICA'S SKIES. According to the NSA researcher, individual members of the group have been threatened. Various document and other materials have been stolen from the homes of some of the researchers. He said he believes this was done under the direction of a GLOBALIST entity, probably the United Nations or a 'sub-group,' that remains in the shadows and beyond public exposure, at least for now'." - MIKE BLAIR ("Chemtrails Said Part Of Top Secret Military Maneuvers Over America" - "The Spotlight") (10/9/00)



        "A number of people have voiced their opinion...that in their view, they see no compelling reason why the global New World Order power elite would want to exterminate large chunks of humanity; as per scenarios put forth in material about the global ChemTrail activity. Well, how about this. Because THEY WANT THE PLANET AND ALL ITS AVAILABLE WEALTH AND RESOURCES, FOR THEMSELVES. Now considering the incredible resilience of nature, it's unlikely the New World Order elite expects every single human being on earth to die; and of course they will still want some of us around to, well, to kick around." - LARRY LAWSON ("NewsHawk") (10/7/00)



        "What WILL life be like for those who survive the global CHEMTRAIL poisoning? Survivors will truly be as the LIVING DEAD...AFTER the CHEMTRAILS have done their work, the big difference will be that through absolutely unending, relentless and truly massive global-wide implementation of super-hi-tech directed-energy, EM/RF, body-, mind-, mood-and thought-control weapons systems like HAARP, the very minds and spirits of those survivors will be...completely ENSLAVED...And thus, IN A LIVING HELL ON EARTH, WILL THE SURVIVORS ENVY THE DEAD." - LARRY LAWSON ("NewsHawk") (10/7/00)








           “The courts for many years have held: THE CHILDREN ARE WARDS OF THE STATE." - STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION v. BOARD OF EDUCATION OF NETCONG; 262 A.2d 21, 26 (Sup.Ct.N.J.) cert. denied, 401 U.S. 1013 (1970)

        (*This ruling came from the fact that we legally - albeit unknowingly - GAVE our children to the State, when we filed BIRTH CERTIFICATES with them! – OL)


           "Nations that stick to stale old notions and ideologies (*Like CHRISTIANITY and GOD-GIVEN RIGHTS, for instance?) will falter and fail. So I'm here today to say, America will move forward...NEW SCHOOLS for A NEW WORLD...Re-invent (* hmm. Now, where have we heard that word before?) - literally start from scratch and re-invent (*Oh! yeah: “The World” according to Clinton and Gore!) the American school...Our challenge amounts to nothing less than a REVOLUTION IN AMERICAN EDUCATION." - FORMER PRESIDENT GEORGE BUSH (announcing America 2000) (1990)


        "...ten years hence it should be more accurate to term (the teacher) a 'LEARNING CLINICIAN.' This title is intended to convey the idea that SCHOOLS ARE BECOMING 'CLINICS' whose PURPOSE is to provide individualized psychosocial 'treatment for the student, thus increasing his (their)values both to himself and to society...." - "TODAY'S EDUCATION" (1/69)


       "...the last thing we want our children to be able to do is to live independently of our society.  We don't want our graduates to have a survival value of 100%, because this would make them free to opt out of our carefully-constructed economic system and do whatever they please. We don't want them to do whatever they please, we want them to have exactly two choices (assuming they're not independently wealthy). GET A JOB OR GO TO COLLEGE *

          (*Where  they can continue with a far more advanced and intense indoctrination program! – OL)

         "…our high-school graduates are reliably entry-level workers.  We want them to have to grab the lowest rung on the ladder. What sense would it make to give them skills that would make it possible for them to grab the second rung or the third rung?" - DANIEL QUINN ("Schooling: The Hidden Agenda" - speech at a home-schooling/unschooling conference) (2000)


        "Those are the rungs their older brothers and sisters are reaching for. And if this year's graduates were reaching for the second or third rungs, who would be doing the work at the bottom? The business people who do the hiring constantly complain that graduates know absolutely nothing, have virtually no useful skills at all. But in truth how could it be otherwise? So you see that our schools are not failing, they're just succeeding in ways we prefer not to see. Turning out graduates with no skills, with no survival value, and with no choice but to work or starve are not flaws of the system, they are FEATURES of the system. These are the things the system must do to keep things going on as they are." - DANIEL QUINN ("Schooling: The Hidden Agenda" - speech at a home-schooling/unschooling conference) (2000)


        "The need for schooling is bolstered by two well-entrenched pieces of CULTURAL MYTHOLOGY. The First and most pernicious of these is that children will not learn unless they're COMPELLED to - in SCHOOL. It is part of the mythology of childhood itself that children hate learning and will avoid it at all costs. Of course, anyone who has had a child knows what an absurd LIE this is. From infancy onward, children are the most fantastic learners in the world.


       "If they grow up in a family in which four languages are spoken, they will be speaking four languages by the time they're three or four years old - without a day of schooling, just by hanging around the members of their family, because they desperately want to be able to do the things they do. Anyone who has had a child knows that they are tirelessly curious  As soon as they're able to ask questions, they ask questions incessantly, often driving their parents to distraction...We all know the truth of the joke about those childproof bottle caps: those are the kind that only CHILDREN can open." - DANIEL QUINN ("Schooling: The Hidden Agenda" - speech at a home-schooling/unschooling conference) (2000)

        (*DANIEL QUINN is the author of 'ISHMAEL,' which won the TURNER TOMORROW FELLOWSHIP in 1991. Ishmael has been in print continuously since its publication in 1992 and is currently available in TWENTY languages. Thoroughout the U.S. and Canada and in other countries as well, Ishmael is used as a TEXT in a broad range of classes that include anthropology, ecology, history, literature, philosophy, ethics, biology, and psychology, at age levels from middle school through graduate level. You will be reading various quotes by him throughout this list. Pay close attention to his quotes: Quinn is nearly single-handedly controlling what YOUR CHILDREN are learning - and unlearning!   - OL)


       "Children who know how to THINK for themselves spoil the harmony of the COLLECTIVE SOCIETY* which is coming where everyone is interdependent." - JOHN DEWEY (The "Father of American Education" - a Socialist) (1899)


            (*Yes. “Collective” – as in WORLD COMMUNISM!! – OL)



Here is a Man who was Born in an obscure village, the child of a Peasant Woman. He grew up in another village.

He worked in a Carpenter Shop until He was Thirty. Then for Three Years He was an Itinerant Preacher.

He never owned a Home. He never wrote a Book. He never held an Office. He never had a Family. He never went to College.

He never put His foot inside a Big City. He never Traveled two hundred miles from the place He was born.

He never did One of the things that usually accompany Greatness. He had no Credentials but Himself...

While still a Young Man, the tide of Popular Opinion turned against him. His Friends ran away. One of them Denied Him. 

He was turned over to His Enemies. He went through the mockery of a Trial. He was Nailed upon a Cross between two thieves.

 While He was dying His Executioners Gambled for the only piece of property He had on earth – His Coat. When He was dead,

 He was laid in a Borrowed Grave through the pity of a friend. Nineteen long centuries have come and gone, and today

He is a Centerpiece of the Human Race and Leader of the Column of Progress.





(Adapted from a sermon by Dr. Francis in “The Real Jesus and Other Sermons” by the Judson Press of Philadelphia) (1926)



        "Having undertaken FOR THE GLORY OF GOD, AND ADVANCEMENT OF THE CHRISTIAN FAITH...a voyage to plant the first colony in the northern parts of Virginia..." - "MAYFLOWER COMPACT" (the passengers and crew of the "Mayflower" made this COMPACT WITH GOD - before they ever set foot on American soil!) (1620)


        "...that whatever strikes at the root of Christianity tends manifestly to the dissolution of civil government...The authorities show that BLASPHEMY against GOD and...PROFANE RIDICULE of CHRIST or the HOLY SCRIPTURES are offenses punishable at common law...because it tends to corrupt the morals of the people, and to destroy good order. Such offenses have always been considered independent of any religious establishment or the rights of the Church. They are treated as affecting the ESSENTIAL INTERESTS OF CIVIL SOCIETY..." - CHANCELLOR KENT, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of New York (and one of the premier individuals in the development of legal practice in the United States, ruling in "REX v. WOOLSTON" 2 Strange 834 (93 E.R. 881), Fitz-g.64 (94 E.R. 655) (1731 -

         (*This ruling was made 45 years before the signing of the "Declaration of Independence" and 56 years before the signing of the "Constitution of the United States of America" - unquestionably showing the ORIGINAL INTENT of the Framers of both documents to be the exact OPPOSITE of the current interpretation!! – OL)


        "The free, equal, and undisturbed enjoyment of religious opinion, whatever it may be, and free and decent discussions on any religious subject, is granted and SECURED; but to revile...the religion professed by almost the whole community, is an abuse of that right...[We are] people WHOSE MANNERS...AND WHOSE MORALS HAVE BEEN ELEVATED AND means of the CHRISTIAN religion." - CHANCELLOR KENT ("Rex v. Woolston" id.)



        "Though the Constitution has discarded religious establishments, it does not forbid judicial cognizance (recognition) of those offenses AGAINST religion and morality, which have NO REFERENCE to any such establishment...This [Constitutional] declaration (noble and magnanimous as it is, when duly understood) [was] NEVER MEANT TO WITHDRAW RELIGION IN GENERAL, and WITH IT THE BEST SANCTIONS OF MORAL AND SOCIAL OBLIGATION from all consideration and notice of the law...To construe it as breaking down the common law barriers against licentious, wanton, and IMPIOUS ATTACKS UPON CHRISTIANITY itself, would be an ENORMOUS PERVERSION OF ITS MEANING,..CHRISTIANITY, in its enlarged sense, as a religion REVEALED AND TAUGHT IN THE BIBLE, is not unknown to our law..." - CHANCELLOR KENT ("Rex v. Woolston" id.)



        "It cannot be emphasized too strongly or too often that this great nation was founded, not by religionists, but by CHRISTIANS, not on religions but on the gospel of JESUS CHRIST!  For THIS very reason peoples of other faiths have been afforded asylum, prosperity, and freedom of worship here." - PATRICK HENRY

             (*Patrick Henry was largely responsible for the adoption of the first ten - including the FIRST - amendments to the Constitution, now known as the "BILL OF RIGHTS" - and not ONE of them said one word about "SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE!" – OL)


        "These [rights] may be best understood by reading and carefully studying the institutes of the great LAW GIVER and HEAD OF THE CHRISTIAN CHURCH, which are to be found clearly written and promulgated in the NEW TESTAMENT." - SAMUEL ADAMS, "The Father of the American Revolution" (from 'The Rights of the Colonists') (1772)



        "To the kindly influence of CHRISTIANITY we owe that degree of CIVIL FREEDOM, and POLITICAL and SOCIAL HAPPINESS, which mankind now enjoys. In proportion as the genuine effects of Christianity are DIMINISHED in any the same proportion will the people of that nation RECEDE from the blessings of GENUINE FREEDOM...Whenever the pillars of Christianity shall be overthrown, our present REPUBLICAN forms of government, and all the BLESSINGS which flow from them, must FALL with them." - JEDEDIAH MORSE (election sermon) (4/25/1799)



         "What we are up against is not dirty words and dirty pictures. It is a philosophy of life which seeks to remove the influence of CHRISTIANS and CHRISTIANITY from our society." - DONALD WILDMON (American Family Association - "New York Times") (9/2/90)



        "CHRISTIANITY AND POLITICS not only DO mix, but for democracy as we have known it to survive, they MUST mix." - DONALD WILDMON (American Family Association - "Miami Herald") (11/16/93)


          (*Unfortunately, Mr. Wildmon has it wrong. When our CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC was stolen - by secretly and illegally converting it into a “Democracy” we lost our CHRISTIANITY – and our CIVILIZED SOCIETY! Our Founding Fathers called democracy “MOBocracy” – and warned us that a democracy has NEVER “survived!” It only leads to Communism and Dictatorship!  – OL)



           "The problem is no longer the germ of diphtheria, but rather the ATTITUDES OF PARENTS who are incapable of accepting and using proven knowledge...Surely the training of children in home and schools should be of at least as great public concern as their vaccination...Individuals who have emotional disabilities of their own - guilts, fears, inferiorities - are certain to project their hates on to others...[S]uch reaction now becomes a dangerous threat to the whole world...We must be prepared to SACRIFICE much...If it cannot be done gently, it may have to be done ROUGHLY or even VIOLENTLY..." - G. BROCK CHISHOLM (First Head of the World Health Organization - calling for UN controls to abolish divisive CHRISTIAN BELIEFS) "The Re-Establishment of Peacetime Society" (2/46)





"If there is a Something which devours,


The world which bulks between me and the abyss (HELL!)

I will smash to pieces with my enduring curses.

“I'll throw my arms around its harsh reality,
Embracing me, the world will dumbly pass away,
And then sink down to utter nothingness,
Perished, with no existence


"My object in life is to DE-THRONE GOD and DESTROY CAPITALISM." - KARL MARX (1844)


"The NEXT (?) world war will make whole reactionary peoples disappear from the face of the earth. This, too, is progress. Obviously, this cannot be fulfilled without crushing some delicate national flower. But without violence and without pitilessness nothing can be obtained in history." - FRIEDRICH ENGELS  (1848)

(*WHAT "next" world war? This is 1848. There hasn't been ANY "world” war yet! – OL)


        "The Communist party must CONTROL THE GUNS.'' - MAO TSE DUNG


        "One man with a gun can control 100 without one...Make mass searches and hold executions for found arms.'' - V.I. LENIN ('Collected Works' - "Congressional Record") (4/28/70)



        "If the opposition disarms, well and good. If it refuses to disarm, we shall disarm it ourselves.'' - JOSEPH STALIN (from "Reply to the discussion on the Political Reports of the Central Committee'' Stalin, 'Works') (12/7/27)



        "The measures adopted to restore public order are: First of all, the elimination of the so-called subversive elements...They were elements of disorder and subversion. On the morrow of each conflict I gave the categorical order to confiscate the largest possible number of weapons of every sort and kind. This confiscation, which continues with the utmost energy, has given satisfactory results.'' - PRIME MINISTER BENITO MUSSOLINI (1923)



          "Ideas are more powerful than guns. We would not let our enemies have guns, why should we let them have IDEAS?!'' - JOSEPH STALIN

             "It would be the greatest mistake, certainly, to think that concessions mean peace. Nothing of the kind. Concessions are nothing but a new form of WAR." - VLADMIR I. LENIN



        Hair looking a trifle limp? Think you could use a perm? Well, the following ought to curl anybody's hair free of charge! Through treaties signed by a succession of our Presidents, our schools have now been Communized. Our American schools' current curriculum is EXACTLY the same as the ones in Russia, China, and other Communist nations. In fact, except for the language they are written in, the SAME TEXTBOOKS are being used by ALL SCHOOLS, WORLD-WIDE. The following is a picture of what our children are being taught in today's schools:


       "First we shall take Eastern Europe, then the masses of Asia, then we will encircle the UNITED STATES, which will be the last bastian of capitalism. We shall not have to attack. IT WILL FALL LIKE A RIPE GRAPEFRUIT INTO OUR HANDS." - V.I. LENIN (Done!)



            The establishment of an AMERICAN SOVIET GOVERNMENT will involve the confiscation of large landed estates in town and country, and also, the whole body of forests, mineral deposits, lakes, rivers and so on." - WILLIAM Z. FOSTER (National Chairman of the Communist Party, in Point One of the "Communist Manifesto USA")(1932)

        (*They are definitely doing that. And all under the cover of "PROTECTING" these lands - for the "ENDANGERED" animals or for "FUTURE GENERATIONS"! They never tell us WHO these "future generations" will be, though. We know they can't be ours, since they are blocking common people from setting foot on most of these lands - and regulating to death any land which we are permitted to visit! – OL) (Almost Done!)


        "...The battle will be lost, not when freedom of speech is finally taken away, but when Americans become so adjusted or conditioned to getting along with the group, that when they finally see the threat, they say, 'I can't afford to be controversial'." - GUS HALL (Chief of the Communist Party, USA)

        (*Try changing "controversial" to "POLITICALLY-INCORRECT." Then ask yourself "How close are we now to the point where "the battle will be lost?" – OL) (Again, Almost Done!)


       "In October 1917, we parted with the old world, rejecting it once and for all. We are moving toward a NEW WORLD (ORDER?), a world of COMMUNISM. We shall never turn off that road"…"Gentlemen, comrades, do not be concerned about all you hear about glasnost and perestroika and democracy in the coming years. These are primarily for outward consumption. There will be no significant change within the Soviet Union, other than for cosmetic purposes. OUR AIM IS TO DISARM THE AMERICANS AND LET THEM FALL ASLEEP." - MIKHAIL GORBACHEV (Partially Done!)


          ( * Shortly after the supposed “fall” of the Soviet Union, Gorbachev was installed in the PRESIDIO in San Diego to “oversee the communizing of America and the preparations for a Communist World Order” – under the watchful eye of BILL CLINTON! – OL)


            GORBACHEV’S BLUEPRINT FOR THE FUTURE is manipulating the world's people into accepting a One World Government under the pretense of saving the environment. He has created a global Foundation called GREEN CROSS which has as it's Magna Carta "THE EARTH CHARTER" - which he hopes will rival the Ten Commandments. He is helping to initiate a complete restructuring of our Economy,our Political system and also our Religious views. He has also been instumental in the scaling back of our Armed Forces - while at the same time increasing the presence of foreign troops on our soil.” – ANNE THEROUX ( (8/22/01)


            "War to the hilt between communism and capitalism is inevitable. Today, of course, we are not strong enough to attack. Our time will come in thirty or forty years.* To win, we shall need the element of surprise. The Western world will need to be put to sleep. So we shall begin by launching the most spectacular peace movement on record. There shall be electrifying overtures and unheard of concessions. The capitalist countries, stupid and decadent, will rejoice to cooperate to their own destruction. They will leap at another chance to be friends. As soon as their guard is down, we shall SMASH THEM WITH OUR CLOSED FIST." – DMITRII Z. MANUILSKII (Lenin School of Political Warfare, Moscow) (1931)

(*That would be in the 60s or 70s. Hmm. That’s about the time of the Revolution of our Young – OL)


The following is a warning by ANATOLIY GOLITSYN, a one-time high-ranking member of the Soviet KGB, who defected to the United States in December 1961. He has been trying to warn our government ever since. The CIA has ignored all of his warnings - despite a prediction success rate of 94%! Take it for what it's worth:

         "Western acceptance of the new 'liberalization' as genuine would create favourable conditions for the fulfillment of COMMUNIST STRATEGY for the United States...The pressure for united fronts between Communist and socialist parties and trade unions at national and international level would be intensified...The Soviet 'liberalization' is a major part of the strategy of the whole Communist Bloc... against the West. The main objective is to launch a political offensive against the United States and NATO..." - ANATOLIY GOLITSYN ('The Perestroika Deception') (7/12/90)


        "The essence of the strategy is to introduce a calculated and controlled FALSE DEMOCRATISATION and to revive a discredited regime by giving it an attractive aspect and a 'HUMAN FACE'...A further objective is to shape new attitudes towards the STRATEGIC DEFENSE INITIATIVE, the budget and the US military, and to DISARM the United States, basing these new attitudes on the premise that 'the new regime which has emerged in the USSR is liberal and no longer poses any threat to the United States'...It might eventually lead to the realization of the final goal of Soviet strategy, namely the convergence of the Capitalist West with the Communist East ON SOVIET TERMS and the creation of a WORLD GOVERNMENT as a solution to the arms race and nuclear confrontation.' " PERESTROIKA IS NEITHER SPONTANEOUS, NOR NEW. THE PLANS BEGAN DECADES AGO…:" - ANATOLIY GOLITSYN ('The Perestroika Deception') (7/12/90)



        "...during 1958-60...the Communist leaders envisaged the convergence of restructured and transformed capitalist systems leading ultimately to one system of World Government...Under the guidance of the Party apparatus, special research studies were initiated and carried out from September 1957 onwards by the SOVIET ACADEMY OF SCIENCES in preparation for the strategy.' " *Even scarier are their plans for US. They plan to:

             1) NEUTRALIZE the influence of the anti-Communist political RIGHT in the American political parties and
          2) Create favourable conditions for a VICTORY of the RADICAL LEFT in the 1992 US presidential elections...Strategists...are convinced that removing fear from American minds by projecting the Soviet Union as a peaceful, non-aggressive state can neutralize the influence of anti-Communism and convert the United States into a NON-IDEOLOGICAL SOCIETY, friendly to the USSR. This in turn will create favourable conditions for 'restructuring' in the context of US and Soviet-American convergence...and

3) The Soviet strategists believe that an ECONOMIC DEPRESSION in the United States would provide even more favourable conditions for the execution of their strategy. In that event, the Soviets and their allies would shift to the doctrine of CLASS STRUGGLE and try to DIVIDE the Western nations along crude class lines..." Hang on to your hat: it gets worse! Take a look at your future, under CLINTON/GORE, BUSH and his successor *(OBAMA!):" - ANATOLIY GOLITSYN ('The Perestroika Deception') (7/12/90)


        "The final period of 'RESTRUCTURING' (perestroika) in the United States and Western Europe will be accompanied, not only by the physical extermination of active anti-Communists, but also by the EXTERMINATION of the political, military, financial and religious ELITES. BLOOD WILL BE SPILLED and political RE-EDUCATION CAMPS (more commonly known as "concentration camps!") will be introduced. The Communists will not hesitate to repeat the mass repressions of their revolution in 1917, of the Soviet occupation of Eastern Europe in the Second World War or of the Chinese Communist victory of 1949. This time, they will resort to MASS REPRESSIONS in order to prevent any possibility of revolt by the defeated, and to make their victory final."


          "COMMUNIST CHINA is not a strategic partner but A CONCEALED STRATEGIC ENEMY of the United States. China will join in the Soviet offensive to bring about 'restructuring' in the United States and worldwide. Through penetration, Chinese Communist intelligence destroyed the CIA's sources in China during the 1950s, 1960s, and 1970s and prevented the Agency developing reliable sources on the strategic intentions of the Chinese leaders... (As early as 1958, the CIA was penetrated by both the KGB and by Chinese intelligence.)" - ANATOLIY GOLITSYN ('The Perestroika Deception') (7/12/90)



        "The NATIONAL SECURITY AGENCY cannot help because information on SECRET SINO-SOVIET STRATEGIC COORDINATION is not carried on accessible communications channels...In the late 1960s, Mao advised the Party not to take the Americans seriously in a strategic, but only in a tactical sense. DENG's well-known statement about a cat catching a mouse, made when China was introducing capitalism and receiving American technology, can be interpreted as meaning that the CHINESE COMMUNIST LEADER IS THE CAT THAT CAUGHT THE AMERICAN MOUSE...China is a TACTICAL, not a strategic partner of the United States and a tactical, but not a strategic 'enemy' of the Soviet Union...

        "COMMUNIST CHINA was one of the PRINCIPAL ARCHITECTS of the Communist' long-range strategy. The Sino-Soviet 'split' was a common strategic DISINFORMATION operation to secure the successful preparation of their common strategy of 'restructuring.' The Soviet and Chinese leaders have continued their SECRET STRATEGIC COORDINATION through a division of labor...China's close relations with the United States - and even Chinese helpfulness to the United States over the PAKISTAN-AFGHANISTAN situation - are tactics intended to secure China's primary strategic objective of becoming a modern superpower WITH THE HELP OF AMERICAN TECHNOLOGY...For China is destined to become a primary Soviet partner in the future WORLD GOVERNMENT  toward which Moscow and Peking are jointly proceeding..." - ANATOLIY GOLITSYN ('The Perestroika Deception') (7/12/90)



        "For the West, HUMAN RIGHTS are a sacred principle (*Or at least, they WERE – back when we were a CHRISTIAN nation! Today we hold nothing sacred, except MONEY! – OL). For the Soviets, the issue provides an opening to shape, influence, manipulate and exploit Western, and especially American policy...The Soviets see human rights in the context of their dormant but undying doctrine of CLASS STRUGGLE. For them, anti-Communist, Capitalist 'exploiters' and their supporters HAVE NO RIGHT TO EXISTENCE. The Soviets are carrying out their political reforms, not out of respect for human rights, but in the context of their development of 'COMMUNIST DEMOCRACY' (the application of 'democratism' - i.e., FALSE DEMOCRACY), in which the formation of genuine political opposition can be neutralized and prevented. Their understanding of the human rights issue envisages a shift to the revival of the class struggle and pressure to replace or 'restructure' the capitalist system in the event of a severe economic recession and mass unemployment in the United States or Europe...Their vision includes the EXTERMINATION of the American and European capitalists and elites..." - ANATOLIY GOLITSYN ('The Perestroika Deception') (7/12/90)







        "It is, of course, true that if we continue to lose our freedoms, CONCENTRATION CAMPS on U.S. soil would eventually become a reality.'' - THOMAS R. EDDLEM ("Patriot Beware!'' "New American" Magazine) (2/17/97)

        (*They already ARE!  Do read on. – OL)


        "The infrastructure is set up…seemingly devoid of activity, yet requiring strange accoutrements such as barbed wire-topped fencing (with the tops turned inward) and helicopter wind socks. Most have good logistical supportability, with major highways and railroad transport facilities adjacent to the sites.

        "These facilities, many in remote areas across our country, are set up to become concentration/detention camps, complete with gas chambers, for resisters and dissidents. Generally speaking, they're set up for dissenters who will not go along with the New World Order. The 'resisters' are GUN-OWNERS who refuse to give up their weapons; the 'dissidents' are CHRISTIANS, PATRIOTS and CONSTITUTIONALISTS. These camps are set up. I've seen many of them." - "MR. C," former inspector for the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the Department of Defense (interview with Professor Ian Stewart) (Spring, 1997)



        "On August 6, 1994, I toured the AMTRACK RAILCAR REPAIR FACILITY at Beech Grove, Indianapolis, Indiana. There are at least ten maintenance barns at this facility, covering 129 acres, with two separate fences with the tops leaning inward. The windows of several buildings have been bricked-up. Hence, you have three levels of security for Amtrak repair barns! There are three helicopter 25-knot aviation windsocks (which aren't the correct ones to use for chemical spills which require 10-knot windsocks). There are high-security NSA-style people turnstiles, and high-intensity/security lighting for 24-hour operation. The boxcar (GAS CHAMBER) building fence is marked with special 'RED/BLUE ZONE!' signs. This corresponds to the 'mission' of the RED/BLUE Lists which surfaced in June and July of 1996. Under MARTIAL LAW, this will become a DEATH CAMP. They're only going to handle category one and two (RED and BLUE) people there. This boxcar facility will be used for EXECUTION.


            "One of the barns is large enough to put four boxcars into. There are powered vents on the top of the barn to vent the gas out of the building after the boxcars have been fumigated. All of the buildings have newly-installed six-inch gas pipes and furnaces installed in all 'railroad barns.' Since...August 1994, FEMA has allocated $6 million to make the walls and roofs of the buildings 'airtight.' Under MARTIAL LAW, this facility could be immediately used as an SS-STYLE ‘TERMINATION’ GAS CHAMBER." - "MR. C," former inspector for the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the Department of Defense (interview with Professor Ian Stewart) (Spring, 1997).



        "On January 27, 1995, The 'INDIANAPOLIS NEWS’' ran an article titled, 'Amtrak Lays off 212 at Beech Grove: 170 Lose Jobs at Maintenance Center Today.' Why perform $6 million worth of renovations, and then lay off 212 people?  Because THE PEOPLE DOING THE FINAL EXECUTIONS WILL NOT BE AMERICANS. Thus, the 'lots' of the 212 will be filled with non-Americans. They'll hire foreigners for this 'cappo' task. Cappo ('chief' in Italian) was the title of the trustee prisoners who actually killed many Jews for the SS butchers at Dachau, and at other Nazi crematoria across Europe. The news article also said, '...hopes the yard may be able to solicit work repairing private train cars, and perhaps subway cars from Washington, DC, or other urban areas.' The repairing of PRIVATE TTRAINS is a dead giveaway to death cars! The article went on to say, 'Late last year, Congress ordered Amtrak to spend at least $5.9 million patching holes in the roof and fixing masonry on the walls of the giant machine sheds at Beech Grove.' These buildings have been 'sealed.' They're airtight. The facility is constructed to allow gas to be blown into all the buildings via the newly installed, two-story, hot air-heating furnaces." - "MR. C," former inspector for the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the Department of Defense (interview with Professor Ian Stewart) (Spring, 1997)



        "...The RED List is for pick-up and execution before unobtrusive preparations for martial law are initiated. The BLUE List is also for execution, but at a later date - within six weeks of martial law declaration. There are NO “RE-EDUCATION” PLANS for either category - just execution. When you get picked up on a RED pick-up, they'll take you from your home at night - probably around 4 a.m. - and put you in a black van, then drive you to a helicopter waiting to fly you to an intermediate point. There, you'll be loaded onto a big 64-passenger CH-47 Chinook helicopter 97 all-black, unmarked and illegally-operating under the TREATY ON OPEN SKIES. Then they'll fly you to one of 38 cities where you'll board a 747, 737, or 727. "You may be taken straight to a temporary detention facility. When you're RED-listed, you'll be taken to a red camp. Then you'll be executed." - "MR. C," former inspector for the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the Department of Defense (interview with Professor Ian Stewart) (Spring, 1997)



        "At some point, MARTIAL LAW will be declared. (Martial law is when the WRIT OF HABEAS CORPUS - to have a trial by jury - is suspended. Instead, of going to the judge, you go straight to jail for a limited time) I suspect there will be a major outage, or some other crisis, which will be the reason to declare MARTIAL LAW. At this point, the BLUE-listed people will be picked up. At that time, the country will be regionalized into ten regions, which are already designated by FEMA. Be advised that it has been proven (in Wyoming and at least one other location) that the black choppers have state-of-the-art radio (RF) frequency wideband jammers, and can jam cell phones and CBs while they're executing black operations missions (i.e., in your area). This means that your cell phone could be jammed just before and/or during any action against you." - "MR. C," former inspector for the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the Department of Defense (interview with Professor Ian Stewart) (Spring, 1997)


        "People say, 'It won't work.' But it will work if the 300,000 SOVIET TROOPS which are ALREADY here can get the guns. The name of the game is to blackball the people to get the guns...make the militia look bad, make guns look bad, make everybody give up their guns. Once they get your gun, they've got you, UNLESS you've got the ANGEL OF THE LORD at your door. If you've got the ANGEL OF THE LORD out there protecting you, it's another story...Who will be doing the actual picking up? Foreign 'cops' (UNITED NATIONS INTERNAL SECURITY FORCES). Over 30 foreign military bases under the United Nations flag are already set up in the US., all with the approval of special appointees in high Federal positions.


         “These bases are already manned with over ONE MILLION troops from RUSSIA, POLAND, GERMANY, BELGIUM, TURKEY, GRERAT BRITAIN, NICARAGUA, and ASIAN countries. Why are they here? Because unlike our own troops - many of which along with the Guard and Reserve of 24 states are being deployed overseas – THEY WILL HAVE NO QUALMS ABOUT FIRING ON U.S. CITIZENS when the time comes. There are more than 2,000 RUSSIAN TANKS, MILITARY TRUCKS and CHEMICAL WARFARE VEHICLES just outside GULFPORT, MISSISSIPPI. They began arriving in January of 1994. There are 180 foreign troops at FORT REILLY which was confirmed to me by a Brigadier General." - "MR. C," former inspector for the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the Department of Defense (interview with Professor Ian Stewart) (Spring, 1997)



        "There are 300 who came into the Birmingham, Alabama airport on a big white Russian cargo plane on December 13, 1995. As of 1995, there were 10,000+ foreign troops at FORT CHAFEE, ARKANSAS reportedly making preparations for 20,000 'detainees.' This is going on all over the country. GERMAN troops are known to be at HOLLOMAN AIR FORCE BASE in NEW MEXICO, WRIGHT-PATTERSON AIR FORCE BASE in OHIO, and FORT HOOD, TEXAS.

        "CHINESE TROOPS are known to be at the LONG BEACH NAVAL STATION  in CALIFORNIA. There's not going to be some future event when the invading troops are going to show up.! THEY'RE ALREADY HERE!  When MARTIAL LAW is implemented, these foreign U.N. troops will be policing our country, carrying out the plans of the New World Order." - "MR. C," former inspector for the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the Department of Defense (interview with Professor Ian Stewart) (Spring, 1997)


End of Part 2


Thank you for coming! All emphasis unless otherwise noted is mine.

I encourage you to check the information found here for yourself

and then please, please pass it on to everyone you care about!


Part 3 will be coming soon.