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Awaiting Orders
By Steve Bilyeu, Teeneseeaan- Posted: 11.15.00

This past week and a half have been pure hell!

As everyone has, I have been ill. I have watched as the socialists, yes I said socialists, have pressed the attack to take over what is left of the country, to cement their actions of the past forty years. There are two types of Democrats these days. Those who are just plain folk, like you and me, but Democrats through upbringing, or respect to family members, or what ever. Then there is the socialist. Like Bill and Hillary and Al, and the rest. Yes, two distinct sets of Democrat.

I have also been reading. Reading the words of true patriots like J.J. Johnson, Col. Dan, Boortz Col. Hackworth and others. I've read "BE PREAPRED" between the lines. No one has said "march" just yet; but that is coming soon I do fear.

Let me give you some back ground, or at least the view from my chair as to where we are at this point in history.

Since World War Two ended, the socialists have been infiltrating every university where they could get tenure. Setting themselves up to teach, no, preach their word, weave their spell into the minds of young people. People that would go out into the world with their marching orders firmly ingrained in their heads.

The socialist as defined above, then moved into high schools, turning out more little robots. Then on into elementary schools, continuing their onslaught of dis-education. They subverted the public schools. They successfully gained the control of every form of media. They permeated into business, into government, into every facet of life in this country, all the while continuing to spread like a cancer. Remember the 1960's"?

Remember Chicago in 1968, the riots at the democratic national convention?

Want to know where the hippies and yippies are today? In power in Washington, that's where! Did you view those incidents then with disgust? You might have been in some wet nasty hole in the ground with Uncle Charlie trying to blow your brains out in the jungles of 'Nam, or like me, in junior high school watching and not believing people really acted like that.
Hell, they sure didn't do that down south where I lived! We were proud to be Americans and Americans, real Americans, didn't do those things!

Well, that was all part of the plan! The plan included driving a solid steel wedge between the races. Suddenly, after all of my life 'till that point in time, growing up with black children, being friends with them, playing at school with them, visiting each others homes; it wasn't cool anymore. The 60's hit the south and you couldn't have friends that were not like you. The leaders of the black community, as well as a lot of white leaders, said so. Senator Albert Gore, SENIOR worked as hard as he could to prevent the passage of the Civil Rights act. Yeah Papa Al, senior! That wedge is bigger and deeper than ever today with hate mongers like Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, and Frizzell Grey (I refuse to insult his daddy by using that other name).

And the time now is right. Right for them to finish that cement hold. Do you want to know why? Because my friends, the only generation, the last generation that was untainted by them, is dying at a rate of 1,750 per day! That's right, our fathers and grand fathers, who fought their way across Europe defeating the Nazi's. Those that fought their way from Pearl Harbor
all the way to Tokyo Bay. The last generation that had the guts to pickup a rifle and charge into Hell with out a second thought, because they knew it had to be done.

It particularly gripes me that this attempted coup d'etat is being conducted on Veteran's Day. Not only is it an affront to the memory of all those who paid the ultimate price from the 1700's to today, but to those who are still with us. It is almost saying, "HA! Not much you can do about it now is there, you old coot!"

Well, after looking at and studying the "Battle Map", it seems like there is a lot of country out there that isn't blue, isn't going socialist. Looking at the map has given me heart, given me hope.

It has, along with the words of fellow patriots, renewed my resolve that it has to stop now. It will stop. Either peaceably -- preferred -- or muzzle first, but by Heaven it will end.

We all must prepare, prepare to retake our country now! There is not much time left. Drive into the sea the socialist that has tried to steal our very homes from us and turn us into mindless wards of the state.

What is needed is for one and all to stand tall and demand that "THEY" go, and go now. No longer will we allow our sons and daughters to be taught "crap" in schools. We demand that they be taught real math, real language skills, real science, and most importantly, real truthful history. We demand that political correctness be abolished now, immediately, without

We demand that the Constitution be followed to the letter of what is written. Not as some activist/socialist judge "thinks it says". We demand that the rule of law be followed, not what some weak-kneed politician wants it to say.

There is no need to speak of secession. If those small areas of blue want to live under the tyranny of a socialist regime, LEAVE. Cuba will take you! North Korea will, Viet Nam will too. You can take with you any and all of your assets. Just remember that the they will expect you to hand it all over to the state for redistribution. There are good people in the northeast, yeah Yankees, but good God fearing folks just like those here in the south. It is the socialist that MUST LEAVE.

We demand that, if this coup continues, the armed forces of the country remember their oath. "..To protect and defend the Constitution from all enemies both foreign and domestic." Al Gore, Bill Clinton, Hillary and the rest are a clear and present danger to the security and sovereignty of the nation. They pose a danger to the freedom of every man woman and child,
both born and un-born, in this country and they must be stopped!

Email this to General Schwartzkopff and General Powell. We need them. The troops will follow them. I'm from Tennessee. Unlike Al, I was born here and raised here. I can follow orders and I can shoot straight. I was defined as having a heart condition, therefore not fit for military service, but I will follow them! I'm sure that there are more than a few former Marines, infantry, pilots, sailors, some in their 60's, and 70's who could and will reach back into the closet and retrieve that old M1 or an old .45. We are ready and awaiting your orders!

If we are to ensure that our children will grow up free, we all must be prepare to follow, lead, do something, or get the hell out of the way!

Oh, and as a side bar comment,

To the United Nations:

DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT IT! 'Cause when we are done cleaning house, YOU'RE NEXT to be removed from our shores!

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