"Once to every man and nation, comes the moment to decide.

In the strife of truth with falsehood for the good or evil side...
Then it is the brave man chooses, while the coward stands aside.

Til the multitudes make virtue of the faith they had denied.

Though the cause of evil prosper, yet 'tis truth alone is strong.

Though her portion be the scaffold and upon the throne be wrong.
Yet that scaffold sways the future and behind the dim unknown

Standeth God within the shadow, keeping watch above His own.”


                              JAMES RUSSELL LOW

                           (Written about Slavery in 1845. Will today’s

                           American accept enslavement once again?)


                   Part 4


            "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against PRINCIPALITIES, against POWERS, against THE RULERS OF THE DARKNESS OF THIS WORLLD, against SPIRITUAL WICKEDNESS IN HIGH PLACES. Wherefore take unto you the WHOLE ARMOUR OF GOD, that ye may be able to withstand in the Evil Day, and having done all, to stand. Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with TRUTH, and having on the BREASTPLATE OF RIGHTEOUSNESS; And your feet shod with the preparation of the GOSPEL OF PEACE; Above all, taking the SHIELD OF FAITH, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the Firey Darts of the Wicked. And take the HELMET OF SALVATION, and the SWORD OF THE SPIRIT, which is the WORD OF GOD: Praying always with all prayer and supplication IN THE SPIRIT, and WATCHING thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints; and for me, that utterance may be given unto me, that I may open my mouth BOLDLY, to MAKE KNOWN THE MYSTERY OF THE GOSPEL, For which I am an ambassador in bonds: that therein I may speak boldly, as I ought to speak. – EPHESIANS 6: 12-21



            "The ILLUMINATI claim to be descended of FALLEN ANGELS, who taught them the "Ancient Wisdom," also known as the KABBALAH, which they have been preserving throughout the centuries. These Fallen Angels are referred to in the BIBLE, [in the] Book of Genesis, as   NEPHALIM "Sons of God," and were said to have descended to earth and intermarried with human beings.

             Christian interpretations struggle with the passage, choosing to translate the term into "mighty men." However, apocryphal Jewish texts explain that they were the DEVIL and his LEGIONS, who were cast out of Heaven, and took wives from the female descendants of CAIN. They produced a race known as the ANAKIM." It is a well researched hypothesis that it is these 'Anakim' or rather their descendants who now occupy all the positions of real power in our world.


            Whether they are truly the children of the NEPHALIM is irrelevant so long as they themselves believe that they ARE, and use this assumed 'divine' right to rule, in order to justify the increasing Oppression, Control and Terror being enacted on all our lives.


             Reverence for the ROYAL EGYPTIAN BLOODLINE and worship of Amen Ra is still carried out in the world today, though it is veiled and secretive, but the symbolism remains true, as alway hidden in plain view. Adherence to such traditions is why each of the 3 city states of LONDON, VATICAN CITY and the DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA all have their own obelisks. The LONDON OBELISK is also accompanied by 2 SPHINX wrought in the image of THUTMOSES, indicating that it is in London that the royal bloodline actually resides. The fact that out of all the PHAROHS to choose from, the London sphinx depicts Thustmoses, is actually very telling indeed for a number of reasons but that is another tale.


            The BRITISH MONARCHY is steeped in ancient traditions and symbolisim and they do not attempt to hide these connections, they just don’t mention them or answer questions about them, but the signs and symbols are right there for discerning eyes to clearly see, again and as always, hidden in plain view. Just a look at the ROYAL COAT OF ARMS, the ROYAL REGALIA and the CORONATION THRONE clearly demonstrates these connections…


           More importantly however is the fact that Over the last 200 odd years there has devoloped behind this ruling bloodline, another elite class, somewhat similar to a priesthood, that remains hidden in the shadows. This shadowy priesthood, is the MONEY CHANGERS. The INTERNATIONAL BANKING ELITE, consisting of 13 VERY INFLUENTIAL FAMILIES, and it is this shadowy elite who ultimately control things from behind the scenes. This control is achieved through covert MANIPULATION OF THE GLOBAL MONEY SYSTEMS, and maintained through an intricate WEB OF INTERCONNECTED SECRET SOCIETIES, through which control over the flow of all money, all resources, all food, and most importantly, all information, thru MANIPULATION OF THE WORLD’S EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS AND CORPORATE MEDIA, is also achieved. Many of these smaller secret societies, are completely oblivious to the existence of the others, but all lead back to a ROUND TABLE OF SIX, and ultimately, to JUST ONE AT THE VERY TOP, that is populated by a virtual handful of individuals. It is this handful of very powerful men that controls all the other societies, and through them the heartbeat of the entire world.


        The society that sits at the very top, was founded on KNIGHTS TEMPLAR traditions in Bavaria in 1776 by a man called ADAM WEISHAUPT, and this is the ORDER OF THE ILLUMINATI. The man who commissioned Weishaupt for the task was MAYER AMSCHEL ROTHSCHILD, and it was done in order to carry out a plan conceived by Rothschild and the heads of 12 other families at a secret meeting that took place in 1773. These families included the WARBURGS,, the SCHIFFS and the OPPENHEIMERS. The ILLUMINATI has since become the most powerful society in the world, and in the last 230 years, it HAS BEEN INSTRUMENTAL IN HELPING THE ROTHSCHILD FAMILY ACCUMULATE OVER ONE HALF OF THE WORLD’S TOTAL WEALTH, AT THE COST OF QUITE LITERALLY MILLIONS OF INNOCENT LIVES. HE HOARDED WEALTH OF THIS ONE FAMILY ALONE, COULD COMFORTABLY FEED, CLOTHE, AND HOUSE, EVERY MAN, WOMAN, AND CHILD ON EARTH. And this is just ONE of the 13 ILLUMINATI FAMILIES.


            The GOAL OF THE ILLUMINATI has always been a simple one and that IS TO ACHIEVE, BY WHATEVER MEANS POSSIBLE, TOTAL OWNERSHIP AND CONTROL, OVER NO LESS THAN EVERY RESOURCE, EVERY GOVERNMENT, EVERY ROCK, EVERY DROP OF WATER, EVERY BLADE OF GRASS, AND EVERY LIVING CREATURE, BOTH HUMAN, AND NON-HUMAN, IN THE ENTIRE WORLD. And since its inception, for over 230 years, the ORDER OF THE ILLUMINATI has been tirelessly, relentlessly, and unfalteringly, steering its members towards the achievement of that one ultimate goal. Through secrecy, they have so far been extremely successful in their endeavors, in fact so much so, that we are, right now, living in the time when they intend to see this long-spanned work come to fruition. The situation we are witnessing in our world, right now, is in fact THE FINAL ENDGAME OF THE ILLUMINATI. This is their big grab for ultimate power and MASS DEPOPULATION


          THE ENTIRE ILLUMINATI SYSTEM IS TODAY OPERATED BY THE CROWN, and what is the crown exactly? Well contrary to popular belief the crown does not refer to the ROYAL FAMILY or to the BRITISH MONARCHY but to THE INNER CITY OF LONDON, WHICH IN ACTUAL FACT IS A PRIVATELY-OWNED CORPORATION THAT FUNCTIONS AS A COMPLETELY SEPARATE SOVEREIGN STATE, outside the Juristiction of Englnd, the same as its two sister city states of VATICAN and Washington’s DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, all of which combine to form the Empire of the three cities. Most people are completely unaware that when they swear allegiance to the crown they are actually SWEARING ALLEGIANCE TO A PRIVATE CORPORATE EMPIRE OWNED BY THE 13 ILLUMINATI FAMILIES. These are the same private individuals who also indirectly own and operate the WORLD BANK. And what does the world bank do exactly? Well, apart from other things, like control global oil prices, it lends money to whole countries by supplying each country’s FEDERAL RESERVE BANK, and then it collects interest on these loans - which are paid BY TAXING THE LABOR OF THE PEOPLE OF EACH COUNTRY.” – THE CROWHOUSE (11/09)


            "All religion, all love of country and loyalty to sovereigns, is to be annihilated...every effort is to be made to CREATE DISCORD - not only between princes and their subjects but...even between parents and children, whilst SUICIDE is to be encouraged by inculcating in men's minds the idea that the act of killing oneself affords a certain voluptuous pleasure." -  EX-ILLUMINATI (Testifying before a Court of Inquiry - from ‘Science of Government on Natural Law’)


            "As we watch the United States' newly-proclaimed 'SHADOW GOVERNMENT' interact with the United Nations and the European Union, we must realize that WE ARE WITNESSING THE FULFILLMENT OF SCRIPTURE BEFORE OUR VERY EYES. If you know what to look for, you can't miss it! ANTICHRIST symbols are popping up everywhere. Even the ROCKEFELLER’S ILLUMINISTIC EMPIRE of AMOCO has taken on a new look. Their symbol had always been a flaming torch, but the new 'BP' gas stations feature a symbol in the form of A BURSTING FLOWER with 18 petals or three sixes (6's). Emerging from the center of the flower are THREE SETS OF PETALS OR THREE 666's. Remember, the original pass words for the Illuminati were 'Ewige Blumenkraft,' which is German for 'ETERNAL FLOWER POWER'." - "THE LAST TRUMPET" ("The Illuministic Embrace Of Damnation!" - Last Trumpet Ministries) (5/02)


           "I have heard much of the nefarious, and dangerous plan, and doctrines of the ILLUMINATI, but never saw the Book until you were pleased to send it to me...I must correct an error you have run into, of my Presiding over the English lodges in this Country. The fact is, I preside over none, nor have I been in one more than once or twice, within the last thirty years." - GEORGE WASHINGTON ("Thank you" Letter to Reverend G.W. Snyder, upon receipt of a copy of 'Proofs of a Conspiracy.' 9/25/1798)


             "It was not my intention to doubt that, the doctrines of the ILLUMINATI, and principles of JACOBINISM had not spread in the United States. On the contrary, no one is more truly satisfied of this fact than I am. The idea that I meant to convey, was, that I did not believe that the Lodges of Free Masons in this Country had, as Societies, endeavored to propagate the DIABOLICAL tenants of the first, or PERNICIOUS principles of the latter." - GEORGE WASHINGTON (Letter to Reverend G.W. Snyder 10/24/1798)



            “During my service in the United States Senate, I took the initiative in CREATING THE INTERNET. - Al Gore


            Our “DEMOCRACY,” our CONSTITUTIONAL FRAMEWORK is really a kind of software for harnessing the creativity and political imagination for all of our people.The American democratic system was an early political version of Napster. - Al Gore


            The day I made that statement, about inventing the internet, I was tired, because I'd been up all night INVENTING THE CAMCORDER.

- Al Gore

            (*My goodness, but he’s a BUSY  little boy! And just think: only a couple of years ago, he invented “GLOBAL WARMING!”– OL)


            A SWEEPING INTERNATIONAL TREATY TO REGULATE HOW KNOWLEDGE AND CREATIVITY MAY FLOW ON THE INTERNET is now being negotiated. Haven’t heard of it? Funny thing, that’s exactly what the backers of the treaty want. The FILM, MUSIC, PUBLISHING, and INFORMATION industries don’t want a public debate about the issues or an open debate in Congress. So they have been working hand-in-glove with the U.S. TRADE REPRESENTATIVE to move U.S. POLICYMAKING OFFSHORE and throw a dark cloak of secrecy around everything. The next stop: draconian penalties for anyone who is accused of violating copyright law. Details about the treaty are murky. But the latest draft, according to a leak…would require:


v That INTERNET SERVICE PROVIDERS (ISPs) have to proactively police copyright on user-contributed material. This means that it will be impossible to run a service like FLICKER or YOUTUBE or BLOGGER, since hiring enough lawyers to ensure that the mountain of material uploaded every second isn’t infringing will exceed any hope of profitability.


v That ISPs have to cut off the Internet access of accused copyright infringers or face liability. This means that your entire  family could be denied to the internet - and hence to civic participation, health information, education, communications, and their means of earning a living - if one member is accused of copyright infringement, without access to a trial or counsel.


v That the whole world must adopt US-style “notice-and-takedown” rules that require ISPs to remove any material that is accused - again, without evidence or trial - of infringing copyright. This has proved a disaster in the U.S. and other countries, where it provides an easy means of censoring material, just by accusing it of infringing copyright.


v Mandatory prohibitions on breaking DRM [Digital Rights Management systems], even if doing so for a lawful purpose (e.g., to make a work available to disabled people; for archival preservation; because you own the copyrighted work that is locked up with DRM).


            Who would have guessed that such nasty stuff was embedded in a treaty called the “ANTI-COUNTERFEITING TRADE AGREEMENT” (“ACTA”)? That title was presumably meant to reassure people that it’s a non-controversial measure. But fighting counterfeits seems to be just the cover story. The real goal is to win a backdoor expansion of copyright law, much stronger enforcement powers and greater corporate control of the Internet - all without having to go through that pesky process known as “democracy.”


            If the first subterfuge was the misleading title, the second subterfuge was to call ACTA a “trade agreement” rather than a multilateral intellectual property treaty. A TRADE AGREEMENT can be implemented by the EXECUTIVE BRANCH on its own, and does not require Congressional approval. An INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY TREATY would require a Congressional vote. This could turn out to be a fatal legal maneuver, EDDAN KATZ of the ELECTRONIC FRONTIER FOUNDATION points [out], because an executive agreement like ACTA must “color within the lines of U.S. law.” Yet the U.S. Trade Representative has been quoted as saying that the treatment will “stick as closely to U.S. law as possible.” Oh, that’s reassuring. As Katz asks: “How can the USTR negotiate an international agreement that sets new global IP enforcement norms requiring changes to U.S. law and policy as an Executive Agreement, without the knowledge or involvement of Congress? (For more on this point, see Katz’s law review article in the YALE JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL LAW)


            The bad faith only gets worse. Beyond the misleading title and backdoor legal maneuvers is Very Deep Secrecy. Or more accurately, selective Very Deep Secrecy. Key Washington insiders and corporate players have been granted full access to the draft treaty - but we the little people have been excluded. Wanna read the draft? You can’t. The official rationale is that such disclosures would jeopardize national security. Seriously.


            When I blogged about the so-called ACTA treaty – ANTI-COUNTERFEITING TRADE AGREEMENT - in March 2009 PUBLIC KNOWLEDGE and others were trying to open up the treaty process through FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT requests and public pressure. As criticism mounted, the U.S. Trade Representative in September came up with an ingenious “solution” - let a handful of public-interest advocates read the ACTA draft - but only after signing a a non-disclosure agreement (NDA) that prohibits them from publicly discussing it. NDAs are a standard tool among SILICON VALLEY tech companies to prevent proprietary secrets from circulating. Notwithstanding PRESIDENT OBAMA’s other laudable initiatives in open government, this NDA approach to citizen participation is worthy of DICK CHENEY or GEORGE W. BUSH.


            Wait, there’s more! Even this form of restricted access is selectively granted. The U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) decided to pick and choose who would be invited to sign an NDA and thus be allowed to read the document (but not talk about it publicly). This ORWELLIAN FARCE prompted JAMES LOVE of KNOWLEDGE ECOLOGY INTERNATIONAL - a long-time critic of ACTA and the USTR - to prepare a petition that has garnered thousands of signatories. The PETITION reads in part:


            The opportunity to see the ACTA documents under the NDA was offered to a large number of business interests, but very few public interest or consumer groups, and there were NO OPPORTUNITIES for academic experts or the general public to review the documents. USTR officials have indicated that this policy of access by invitation and NDA fully addresses the legitimate demands for more transparency of the negotiation, and it is being considered as a model for the future. We are opposed to this approach because it creates a small special class of citizens who have rights superior to the majority of the population, and because it gives the government too much discretion in deciding who can monitor and criticize its operations. We have no confidence in this new approach. Some of the people who have signed such NDAs are grateful for the chance to have had special access to some information, but they also feel constrained by the inability to discuss the contents of the documents, and are confident that nothing they have seen constitutes information that in any way would prejudice the national security of the United States if it were in fact disclosed.


            In our opinion, the ACTA negotiations would not exist without the support and engagement of the U.S. government, and they are too important to continue under such questionable practices. The only rationale for keeping the proposed ACTA text from the public is to suppress criticism and critical thinking about the norms that are being proposed. It is Orwellian and an insult to our intelligence to claim that the secrecy of the ACTA text has anything to do with national security concerns, as the term is commonly understood. A secret process of arbitrary access, conditioned upon signing non-disclosure agreements to block public debate, does not enhance openness and transparency, and does not inspire respect for the norms that will eventually emerge.


            PUBLIC KNOWLEDGE also have prepared a petition as well, which has been signed by the AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF LAW LIBRARIES, ELECTRONIC FRONTIER FOUNDATION, ELECTRONIC PRIVACY INFORMATION CENTER, FUTURE OF MUSIC COALITION, INTERNET ARCHIVE and SUNLIGHT FOUNDATION, among others. Even some Senators are getting upset about the USTR’s high-handed approach to democracy. SENATOR SHERROD BROWN and BERNIE SANDERS have sent a letter to the USTR, asking that the ACTA text be made public:


            ACTA involves dozens if not hundreds of substantive aspects of intellectual property law and its enforcement, including those that have nothing to do with counterfeiting…There are concerns about the impact of ACTA on the PRIVACY and CIVIL RIGHTS of individuals, on the supply of products under the first sale doctrine, on the markets for LEGITIMATE GENERIC MEDICINES, and on CONSUMERS and INNOVATION in general.


            The MOTION PICTURE ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA has no qualms about the secrecy. In its own letter to the USTR, the MPAA dismissed such concerns with a wave of the hand: “Outcries on the lack of transparency in the ACTA negotiations are a distraction. They distract from the substance and the ambition of the ACTA…”


            You heard right: DEMOCRATIC PROCESS IS A “DISTRACTION” At a time when the U.S. is trying to rehabilitate its international image and show others how democracy works, the ACTA treaty is not a very good advertisement for the “American way.” At this point, it’s unclear how the whole misbegotten mess will play out, but there is no doubt that the key players, including the U.S. Government, are trying to use international law to neuter the Internet, subvert the innovation and participation that open platforms enable, and violate people’s privacy and due process rights - all of this without meaningful public dialogue.


            I don’t think the USTR or PRESIDENT OBAMA really want to go there. It would ignite a political and cultural explosion. If they are too frightened to have an open, honest debate at the draft proposal stage – IF THEY ARE TOO FRIGHTENED OF THE CITIZENRY - imagine the political blowback that will occur if the treaty actually becomes enforceable law. Let’s face it: A public reckoning will have to occur at some point, and the sooner the USTR backs away from the ledge and opens up its deliberations, the better it will be for it, President Obama and the rest of us. – DAVID BOLLIER (On the Commons) (12/2/09)

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            “In my father’s house are many mansions. If it were not so, I would have told you. I GO TO PREPARE A PLACE FOR YOU. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I WILL COME AGAIN, and receive you unto myself: that WHERE I AM, THERE YE MAY BE ALSO.” – JESUS THE CHRIST (JOHN 14: 2)


            "I tell you, my friends, do not be afraid of those who kill the body and after that can do no more. But I will show you whom you should fear: FEAR HIM WHO, AFTER THE KILLING OF THE BODY, HAS POWER TO THROW YOU INTO HELL. Yes, I tell you, fear him." - JESUS CHRIST


        "Enter ye in at the strait (narrow) gate: for WIDE IS THE GATE, AND BROAD IS THE WAY THAT LEADETH TO DESTRUCTION, AND MANY THERE BE WHICH GO IN THEREAT: Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto LIFE (eternal), and FEW there be that find it. BEWARE OF FALSE PROPHETS, which come to you in SHEEP’S CLOTHING, but inwardly they are ravening wolves." – JESUS THE CHRIST (Matt. 7:13-15)


        "YE SHALL KNOW THEM BY THEIR FRUITS. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit." - JESUS THE CHRIST (Matt. 7:16,17)


       "But be not ye called RABBI: for one is your Master, even CHRIST; and all ye are brethren. And CALL NO MAN YOUR FATHER UPON EARTH: for one is your Father, which is in HEAVEN. Neither be ye called MASTERS (leaders or teachers) for one is your Master, even CHRIST." - JESUS CHRIST (Matt. 23:8-10)



            "And when he had called the people unto him with his disciples also, he said unto them, Whosoever will come after me, let him take up his cross, and follow me. For whosoever will save his life shall lose it; but whosoever shall lose his life for my sake and the gospel's; the same shall save it. For WHAT SHALL IT PROFIT A MAN, IF HE SHALL GAIN THE WHOLE WORLD, AND LOSE HIS OWN SOUL? Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul? Whosoever therefore shall be ashamed of me and of my words in this adulterous and sinful generation; of him also shall the Son of man be ashamed, when he cometh in the glory of his Father with the holy angels." - JESUS CHRIST (Mark 8:34-38)


        "They said unto him, Master, this woman was taken in adultery, in the very act. Now Moses in the law commanded us, that such should be stoned: but what sayest thou? This they said, tempting him, that they might have to accuse him. But Jesus stooped down, and with his finger wrote on the ground, as though he heard them not. So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, HE THAT IS WITHOUT SIN AMONG YOU, LET HIM FIRST CAST A STONE AT HER." - JESUS CHRIST (John 8:4-7)

        "And again he stooped down, and wrote on the ground. And they which heard it, being convicted by their own conscience, went out one by one, beginning at the eldest, even unto the last; and Jesus was left alone, and the woman standing in the midst. When Jesus had lifted himself, and saw none but the woman, he said unto her, Woman where are those thine accusers? hath no man condemned thee?  She said No man, Lord. And Jesus said unto her, Neither do I condemn thee: go, and SIN NO MORE." - JESUS CHRIST (John 8:8-11)



            ALEX JONES (born Alexander Emerich Jones, February 11, 1974) is an American talk radio host and filmmaker…his syndicated news/talk show THE ALEX JONES SHOW airs via the GENESIS COMMUNICATION NETWORK ...

            Jones, however, views himself as a libertarian, not a right-winger and calls himself a paleoconservative. In a promotional biography he is described as an "aggressive Constitutionalist." His syndicated news/talk show The Alex Jones Show, based out of Austin, Texas, airs via the Genesis Communication Network over 60 AM, FM, and shortwave radio stations across the United States and on the Internet. His websites include INFOWARS.COM and PRISON PLANET.COM.

            Mainstream news sources have referred to him as a conspiracy theorist. Journalist MICHELLE GOLDBERG has stated in THE NEW REPUBLIC that Jones represents "an old strain of American conservatism-isolationist, anti-Wall Street, paranoid about elite conspiracies - that last flowered during the John Birch Society’s heyday." - FREEBASE


            …Some have said that Alex Jones is a trouble-maker, a madman, and even deluded. These kinds of things are always said about true patriots…at first. I say that Alex Jones is a good man, who’s had the courage to take on an unpopular topic of discussion, our uniquely AMERICAN FREEDOMS. He does so eloquently and elegantly I might add. I would say that, even though he might not realize it, Alex Jones is a friend of mine. HE’S A FRIEND OF US ALL’s. If Alex Jones were able to see all of the people, side-by-side that he’s done good for, the line to his left and his right would extend beyond his vision – DONALD PENNINGTON (Associated Content) 2/09


                  (*I would agree with MOST of the above comments. I am a regular listener and member of Prison Planet, particularly when he has guests. He is #1 for a variety os reasons, not the least of which is the quality of his documentaries and the caliber of his guests. I do have a problem with Jones, though. It is not limited to his show, alone, however. So far, almost all the alternative talk shows I have listened to [with the exception of DERRY BROWNFIELD] have the same problem: they still all seem to be caught in that Rockefeller-created “POLITICAL CORRECTNESS” trap. Although Jones claims [and probably sincerely believes] he is a “CHRISTIAN,” he is also always careful to say it doesn’t matter if you believe in God or the Bible. I was shocked and saddened recently to hear him agreeing with JESSE VENTURA, who was proudly claiming to be an “evolutionist,” Then I realized I had heard Jones make reference several times to being on a planet “hurtling through space.” Ventura said he believed that all this bad stuff was inevitable, because it is just civilization “evolving.” Excuse me, Jesse – I thought evolution was suppose to be the process of growing more advanced? Isn’t what’s happening now [the DESTRUCTION OF CIVILIZATION] just the OPPOSITE?


          Both JONES and VENTURA [along with a huge segment of their listening audience] have either no knowledge of America’s history, or choose to ignore it for the sake of ratings. Of course, that is hard to believe of two such vocal patriots – especially Jones, who is justifiably proud of his family’s history. Have both of them forgotten how this country was founded? It was founded by CHRISTIANS and they made a compact with God before they even stepped foot off of the Mayflower. EVERY STATE IN THIS NATION – AND THE SUPREME COURT CLAIMED AMERICANS WERE CHRISTIANS. Mr. Jones this is not about defending our “Constitutional Rights.” Our “Rights” did not come from the US Constitution. Claiming our “Constitutional Rights” is exactly how we lost them! They came from GOD – our CREATOR – and are merely guaranteed by the US Constitution to PROTECT them. If you would read your BIBLE, you would see that everything that is taking place is already spelled out in DANIEL, REVELATION, ISAIAH, EZEKIAL, etc. WE BROKE THAT COMPACT AND ALLOWED THE “SUPREME” COURT TO TAKE AWAY OUR PROTECTED RIGHTS THAT MEN HAVE DIED FOR HUNDREDS OF YEARS FOR, AND ALLOWED THEM TO STEAL OUR CHILDREN’S HERITAGE. As they say, nature does not allow a vacuum. When we got rid of our Christian protection, we allowed the Devil to move right in. JESUS said:




Att: INFOWARRIORS: This is not about civil or constitutional “rights” This is a FIGHT TO THE DEATH

so it is time for you to choose which side YOU are going to be on:  CHRISTIANS or LUCIFERIANS!



"Sometimes THE LAW DEFENDS PLUNDER and participates in it. Sometimes the Law places the whole apparatus of Judges, Police, Prisons and Gendarmes at the service of the plunderers, and treats the VICTIM - when he defends himself - as a CRIMINAL." - FREDERIC BASTIAT ('The Law')


"         It will be of little avail to the people, that the laws are made by men of their own choice, if the laws be so voluminousthat they cannot be read, or so incoherent that they cannot be understood; if they be repealed or revised before they are promulgated, or undergo such incessant changes that no man, who knows what the law is to-day, can guess what it will be to-morrow. Law is defined to be a rule of action; but HOW CAN THAT BE A RULE, WHICH IS LITTLE-KNOWN, AND LESS FIXED?" - JAMES MADISON ('Federalist Papers' #62)



        "We now have so many regulations that EVERYONE IS GUILTY OF SOME VIOLATION." - DONALD ALEXANDER


                (*At last count – and I am sure by now, that number must be nearly double! – was 350 MILLION laws under BUSH W! And just think we started with only TEN!! Wonder how many of them are “null and void,” according to the Supreme Court, because they are unconstitutional. See Supremacy Clause below.  – OL)



               " There's no way to rule innocent men. The only power government has is the power to crack down on criminals. When there aren't enough criminals, one MAKES them. One declares so many things to be a crime that it becomes impossible for men to live without breaking laws." - AYN RAND


          "The law does not pretend to punish everything that is dishonest. That would seriously interfere with BUSINESS." - CLARENCE DARROW


                 "Following the ancient traditions of Biblical and Common Law, the Framers assumed that judges would know their limits. The judges are asked to judge, no more. They hear all sides in disputes about the law under the Constitution of the United States. They discover and decide the meaning of the laws. They apply the laws. They judge between the parties who disagree about the laws. But they do not MAKE laws...And those judicial judgments are not laws but only OPINIONS about the law." - PAT ROBERTSON ('America's Dates With Destiny') (1986)


          "What it is coming down to is who runs the country. It's us against them. It's the good guys versus the bad guys. IT’S THE GOD-FEARING PEOPLE AGAINST THE PAGANS, and some of the pagans are going to church." - RANDALL TERRY (Operation Rescue) (1992)


        "Our goal must be simple: We must have a Christian nation built on GOD's LAW, on the TEN COMMANDMENTS. No apologies." - RANDALL TERRY (Operation Rescue) (1993)


                 At the time the Constitution was written, the definition of the term "JURY" referred to a group of citizens empowered to judge both the law and the evidence in the case before it. Then, in the February term of 1794, the Supreme Court conducted a jury trial in the case of the STATE OF GEORGIA vs. BRAILSFORD (3 Dall 1). The instructions to the jury in the first jury trial before the Supreme Court of the United States illustrate the true power of the jury. CHIEF JUSTICE JOHN JAY said:

"It is presumed, that juries are the best judges of facts; it is, on the other hand, presumed that courts are the best judges of law. But still both objects are within your power of decision." "...YOU HAVE A RIGHT TO take it upon yourselves to judge of both, and to DETERMINE THE LAW AS WELL AS THE FACT in controversy."

               In an American courtroom there are in a sense twelve judges in attendance, not just one. And they are there with the power to review the "law" as well as the "facts"! Actually, the "judge" is there to conduct the proceedings in an orderly fashion and maintain the safety of all parties involved. - as published in the NORTHLAND READER

              As recently as 1972, the U.S. COURT OF APPEALS for the DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA said that the jury has an "unreviewable and irreversible power…to acquit in disregard of the instructions on the law given by the trial judge.... (US vs Dougherty, 473 F 2d 1113, 1139 (1972). Or as this same truth was stated in a earlier decision by the UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS FOR THE DISTRICT OF MARYLAND: "We recognize, as appellants urge, the undisputed power of the jury to acquit, even if its verdict is contrary to the law as given by the judge, and contrary to the evidence. This is a power that must exist as long as we adhere to the general verdict in criminal cases, for THE COURT CANNOT SEARCH THE MINDS OF THE JURORS to find the basis upon which they judge. If the jury feels that the law under which the defendant is accused, is unjust, or that exigent circumstances justified the actions of the accused, or for any reason which appeals to their logic of passion, the jury has the power to acquit, and the courts must abide by that decision." - (US vs Moylan, 417 F 2d 1002, 1006 (1969)). – A CITIZENS’ GUIDE TO JURY DUTY (Constitutional Rights Network)


That government is best – which governs least. – THOMAS PAINE


LIBERAL: A POWER LLLLLIBERAL LIBERAL: a power worshipper without power – GEORGE ORWELL

 The   (*I’m afraid things have changed just a wee bit since your day, George. Today Liberals DO have power - but it is a false and very temporary power. They are so busy worshipping power and themselves, that they don't realize that they are very soon going to meet the omnipotent CREATOR of ALL power - GOD HIMSELF! OL)


            LIBERALS, it has been said, are generous with other peoples’ money, except when it comes to questions of national survival, when they prefer to be generous with other peoples’ freedom and security.” – WILLIAM F. BUCKLEY, JR.


 WELL       (*Th"The most fundamental fact about the ideas of the political left is that THEY DO NOT WORK. Therefore we should not be surprised to find the left concentrated in institutions where ideas do not have to work in order to survive." - THOMAS SOWELL

           (*We certainly shouldn't be surprised. After all, the POLITICAL LEFT are one of the main armies of the GREAT COUNTERFEITER, SATAN, and their ideas come from him! – OL)


            "Liberty lies in the hearts of men and women; when it dies there, no Constitution, no Law, no Court can save it...WHERE DO YOU STAND CITIZEN?'' - JUDGE LEARNED HAND (1961)

        (*Interesting question. America's rulers no longer think of us as "citizens." Today, we are simply considered "human resources!" – OL)


            "If a nation values anything more than FREEDOM, it will LOSE its freedom, and the irony of it is that if it is comfort or money that it values more, it will lose THAT too.'' - W. SOMERSET MAUGHAM

          (*And what is it we keep hearing from our politicians and their talking heads? "Americans must be willing to give up a little of their freedoms, to safeguard our country!" Hmmm. That is EXACTLY what Hitler said in NAZI Germany - just before he began the holocaust! – OL)


        "You can only protect your liberties in this world by protecting the other man's freedom. You can only be free if I am free." - CLARENCE DARROW (1857-1938)


           "God grants liberty to those who love it, and are always ready to guard and defend it." - DANIEL WEBSTER



            "Liberty cannot be preserved without a general knowledge among the people, who have a right and a desire to know; but besides this, they have a right, an indisputable, unalienable, indefeasable, DIVINE RIGHT to that most dreaded and envied kind of knowledge, I mean the characters and conduct of their rulers*." - JOHN ADAMS (1735 -1826)

            (*Oops! America isn't suppose to have "rulers," Mr. Adams. You gave us a Constitutional Republic, remember? We supposedly have REPRESENTATIVES – or, at least, we DID! – OL


        "News reporters are certainly LIBERAL and left of center." - WALTER CRONKITE



          "The 'New York Times' is deliberately pitched to the LIBERAL point of view." - HERMAN DISMORE


            "The news media in general are LIBERALS." - BARBARA WALTERS

    (*For those of you unsure of the exact meaning of "LIBERAL," in THEORY a "liberal" is one who is tolerant of any and all ideas. I was one throughout my early adulthood - until I found out what it really means. IT IS SIMPLY A EUPHAMISM FOR A SOCIALISTIC OR COMMUNISTIC AGEND. "Liberals," however, have absolutely NO TOLERANCE [“Do as I SAY – not as I do!”] FOR TRADITIONAL AMERICAN AND CHRISTIAN IDEAS.  They demand respect and tolerance – but give none. In actual practice, therefore, "LIBERALISM MEANS "UNAMERICAN!" - OL  Too harsh?  I invite you to read the following:)


            "I love journalism. I never got the network here in the United States that I wanted, one of the major networks, but I'm very close to getting one in Russia. And I'll just move over there, gd#$%^@#, and I'll keep on trucking, because Russia needs me a lot more than the United States does anyway." - TED TURNER ("Press/Politics" - Shorenstein Center for Press and Public Policy - Harvard University) (Summer 2001)


        "The major TV networks are planning a full-scale attack on TRADITIONAL values and sensibilities... ABC, CBS and NBC are considering dropping many of the few remaining standards on network prime-time TV programs - and will likely allow expletives and four-letter words never spoken before on broadcast TV. The 'New York Times' reported over the Labor Day weekend that NBC's 'The West Wing' program is planning on breaking 'a longstanding network taboo' this fall..." - JOHN EDWARDS ("Networks Plan on BLASPHEMING GOD - Most Shocking TV Season Ever" - "") (9/4/01)


            "The world's biggest communist regime and the world's biggest media capitalists are cutting a deal to bring Beijing's televised propaganda into millions of American homes. As part of the package, the PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA is prepared to allow RUPERT MURDOCH’S 'STAR' network to telecast directly to a prospering mainland province near Hong Kong. If the Australian mega-billionaire's deal with communist China goes through, the stateside partner of his own umbrella international conglomerate, NEWS CORP., would be AOL TIME WARNER, another gigantic global media conglomerate that blankets the United States. The combination of News Corp.'s 20-plus affiliated television stations and numerous cable channels in the United States with AOL Time Warner's far-flung U.S. cable connections and other mass-communications operations would gain access for the Chinese government's TV programming to a fast-growing audience of millions of Americans whom the COMMUNIST RULERS IN BEIJING ARE EAGER TO INFLUENCE . " - JOHN L. PERRY ("Red China's TV Coming to U.S." - "") (9/7/01)


         "The producer of NBC's 'THE WEST WING' told the 'TIMES' he would insert into a script a character taking the LORD’S name in vain. 'We're seeing a coarsening of our society,' IRVINE said in reaction to that. 'I don't know how long it's been since we had a president that didn't swear or tell off-color jokes. But up until this time, it has never been considered fitting and proper that, just because it's 'reality,' it deserves to be put out throughout the country.' Remember, he cautioned, children pick it up. 'When I was growing up, if you used the cuss words, you got your mouth washed out with soap.'

            "There are those who liked to break through barriers, the AIM boss acknowledged, 'but what do you do if everybody uses the 'F' word constantly? What do they do next?' As for the broadcast network argument that the cable networks have made big money by breaking those barriers: Irvine sees that as a serious problem, where 'everything is reduced to the lowest common denominator,' but the cable channels are not reaching the same number of people that the broadcast networks are reaching." - REED IRVINE ("Watchdog: X-Rated TV Content Was Predicted 10 Years Ago" by Wes Vernon) (9/5/01)


             "I believe that during the next couple of years there will be a fierce struggle between the MILITANT LEFTISTS, SECULAR HUMANISTS, and ATHEISTS, who have dominated the power centers of American culture for the past 50 years and the EVANGELICAL CHRISTIANS, PRO-FAMILY CATHOLICS, and their CONSERVATIVE ALLIES. The radical left will lose its hold, and by the end of this decade control of the major institutions of society will be firmly in the hands of those who share a pro-family, religious, traditional value perspective." - PAT ROBERTSON ("Pat Robertson's Perspective") (7-8/91)

           (*Oops! Missed on that prediction, Pat. Talk about whistling in the dark: I’ve read the back of The BOOK. Have YOU? Perhaps you should go back and re-read your book about the End Times – or did you actually write it? Here’s a thought: try re-reading DANIEL, EZEKIAL, and REVELATION! – OL)


                "Most of these feminists are radical, frustrated lesbians, many of them, and man-haters, and failures in their relationships with men, and who have declared war on the male gender. The Biblical condemnation of feminism has to do with its radical philosophy and goals. That's the bottom line." - JERRY FALWELL


        "The feminist agenda is not about equal rights for women. It is about a SOCIALIST (read communist), ANTI-FAMILY political movement that encourages women to leave their husbands, kill their children (abortion), practice witchcraft, destroy capitalism, and become lesbians." - PAT ROBERTSON (direct mail) (Summer 1992)


             Renowned Jewish archaeologist NELSON GLUECK wrote: "It may be stated categorically that NO ARCHAEOLOGICAL DISCOVERY HAS EVER CONTROVERTED (opposed, disputed) A BIBLICAL REFERENCE." (*Whew! Now THAT is quite a statement!) Another archeologist, WILLIAM F. ALBRIGHT, states "...Discovery after discovery has established the ACCURACY of innumerable details, and has brought increased recognition to the value of the Bible as a SOURCE OF HISTORY...Until recently it was the fashion among Biblical historians to treat the patriarchal sagas of GENESIS as though they were ARTIFICIAL CREATIONS of ISRAELITE scribes of the DIVIDED MONARCHY or tales told by imaginative rhapsodists around Israelite campfires...[but] archaeological discoveries since 1925 have changed all that. Aside from a few die-hards among older scholars, there is scarcely a single Biblical historian who has not been impressed by the rapid accumulation of data SUPPORTING the substantial historicity of patriarchal tradition."


        MILLAR BURROWS of Yale observes: "The excessive skepticism of many LIBERAL theologians stems not from a careful evaluation of the available data, but from an enormous PREDISPOSITION against the supernatural (and yet these same skeptics have no trouble at all embracing ALIENS, GHOSTS, “ASCENDED MASTERS,” and EASTERN RELIGIONS - and believe it or not - LUCIFER!)...On the whole, however, archaeolgical work has unquestionably strengthened confidence in the RELIABILITY of the Scriptural record. More than one archaeologist has found his respect for the Bible increased by the experience of excavation in PALESTINE...THE PICTURE FITS THE FRAME; THE MELODY AND THE ACCOMPANIMENT ARE HARMONIOUS. The force of such evidence is cumulative. The more we find that items in the picture of the past presented by the Bible...are compatible with what we know from archaeology, the stronger is our impression of general AUTHENTICITY. Mere legend or fiction would inevitably BETRAY itself by anachronisms and incongruities."*


        (*Throughout the years, hundreds of archaeologists have attested to the AUTHENTICITY of the Scriptures - BASED ON ARCHAEOLOGICAL FINDS [hard evidence]. If this were any other subject, in a court of law this kind of evidence would be a slam-dunk! Should we ignore all these finds? WHY? We certainly have no problem accepting anything the United Nations-sponsored evolution-preaching scientists claim. And they have NO "hard" evidence to back up their claims. Again and again, they admit [almost always "off-the-record!"] that they are simply "theories," and yet the general public has been trained to accept them as FACT and are made to feel foolish if they question these so-called “facts” or demand proof. Have we all become so BRAINWASHED, we dare not question the validity of these so-called “experts”? – OL)


            "Individuality is the aim of political liberty. By leaving the citizen as much freedom of action and of being as comports with order and the rights of others, the institutions render him truly a freeman. He is left to pursue his means of happiness in his own manner." - JAMES FENIMORE COOPER


        "Mankind is at its best when it is most free. This will be clear if we grasp the principle of liberty. We must recall that the basic principle of liberty is freedom of choice, which saying many have on their lips - but few in their minds." - DANTE ALIGHIERI


            "...Not only has LIBERTY nothing to do with any other sort of equality, but it is even bound to produce inequality in many respects. This is the necessary result and part of the justification of individual liberty: if the result of individual liberty did not demonstrate that some manners of living are more successful than others, much of the case for it would vanish." - F.A. HAYEK


            "The object and practice of liberty lies in the limitation of governmental power." - DOUGLASS MAC ARTHUR


            "Liberty means responsibility. That is why most men dread it." - GEORGE BERNARD SHAW


            "The true danger is when liberty is nibbled away, for expedients, and by parts...the only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing." - EDMUND BURKE


           "If we truly cared about our children and future generations, instead of demagoging about them, we'd worry more about saving liberty than saving Social Security." - WALTER WILLIAMS



          "Extremism in the defense of LIBERTY is no vice. And...moderation in the pursuit of JUSTICE is no virtue.'' - BARRY GOLDWATER (Acceptance Speech at the Republican Convention) (1964)


            "The essential characteristic of Western civilization that distinguishes it from the arrested and petrified civilizations of the East was and is its concern for freedom from the state. The history of the West, from the age of the Greek polis down to the present-day resistance to socialism, is essentially the history of the fight for liberty against the encroachments of the officeholders." - LUDWIG VON MISES


           "The price of liberty is, always has been, and always will be blood. The person who is not willing to die for his liberty has already lost it to the first scoundrel who is willing to risk dying to violate that person's liberty. Are YOU free?" - ANDREW FORD


Therefore rejoice, ye heavens, and ye that dwell in them. Woe to the inhabiter's of the earth and of the sea,

for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time. - Rev 12:12



"And he shall exalt himself and magnify himself above every God, and shall speak marvellous things against the God of gods,

and shall prosper till the indignation be accomplished; for that which is determined shall be done." - Daniel. 11:36



            "SATAN, the SERPENT OF GENESIS, is the real Creator and Benefactor, the FATHER OF SPIRITUAL MANKIND. For it is he...who opened the eyes of the automaton (ADAM) created by YAHWEH, as alleged...An adversary to him...he still remains in Esoteric Truth the ever loving messenger...who conferred on us spiritual instead of physical immortality."


            "LUCIFER represents Life, Thought, Progress, Civilization, Liberty, Independence. Lucifer is the Logos, the Serpent, the Saviour" and "It is Lucifer who is the God of our planet and the only God"…"The CELESTIAL VIRGIN, which thus becomes the MOTHER OF GODS AND DEVILS at one and the same time, for she is the ever loving beneficent deity, but in antiquity and reality, Lucifer or LUCIFERIUS is the name. Lucifer is the divine and terrestrial light, the Holy Ghost and Satan at one and the same time." HELENA P. BLAVATSKY (The Secret Doctrine) (1831-1891)


            When BLAVATSKY died in 1891, ANNIE BESANT, a militant feminist, co-Mason, and a member of the FABIAN SOCIALIST SOCIETY of England took over the reigns of leadership. As a close friend of GEORGE BERNARD SHAW, H.G. WELLS, and other leading FABIANS, she was in an excellent position to disseminate THEOSOPHICAL ideas in some very influential circles. She took part in revolutionary street riots and wrote numerous occultic works to complement those of Blavatsky.


            After Besant, came ALICE BAILEY and her husband, FOSTER BAILEY, a 32nd Degree Freemason. Having assumed the leadership of the THEOSOPHICAL SOCIETY together, they formulated and built the foundations of what we now refer to as the NEW AGE MOVEMENT. They made no effort to conceal their demonic sympathies, and created the 'LUCIFER PUBLISHING COMPANY', along with the theosophical periodical LUCIFER.”'


            Acknowledging that the CHRISTIAN world at that time, had not been sufficiently undermined for their open preference for the SATANIC RELIGION, they renamed their project the 'LUCIS PUBLISHING COMPANY.' In 1922, they set up ‘LUCIS TRUST,’ which continues to serve as the umbrella organization for a multitude of ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT/NEW AGE/OCCULT sects, cults, organizations and programs that are the main players in the emerging NEW WORLD RELIGION…Members of the international board of trustees of Lucis Trust include: JOHN D. ROCKEFELLER, NORMAN COUSINS, ROBERT S. MC NAMARA, and HENRY KISSINGER. PHILIP JONES (Lucifer Rising – (5/13/09)


            When world government and religion are finally realized, the New Age, or the Age of Aquarius, will have dawned. Only then will the AVATAR appear, and the implementation of the New World Order fully begin.


            …This "Christ" is also known as LORD MAITRAYA said to be awaited also by Jews, Moslems, Buddhists, and Hindus, though he is known by these believers respectively as the Messiah, Imam Mahdi, the Fifth Buddha, or Krishna. Bailey makes it very clear that there is to also be a WORLD RELIGION: "The spirit has gone out of the old faiths and the true spiritual light is transferring itself into a new form which will manifest on earth eventually as the new world religion...JUDAISM is old, obsolete and separative and has no true message for the spiritually-minded which cannot be better given by the new faiths...the CHRISTIAN faith also has served its purpose; its Founder seeks to bring a new Gospel and a new message that will enlighten all men everywhere." – ALICE BAILEY


             "Throughout history, humanity's evolution has been guided by a group of enlightened men, the Masters of Wisdom, a Spiritual Hierarchy at the center of which stands the World Teacher, Lord Maitreya, known by Christians as the Christ." – BENJAMIN CRÈME (British Theosophist and author of this Nation-wide Newspaper Ad) (4/25/82)


            Famous Elitist Followers of LUCIFER include:, Prince Andrew, Princess Anne, Isaac Asimov, Bill Bennet, Robert Bennet, Jack Benny, Leonard Bernstein, Tony Blair, William F. Buckley, Jr., George Bush, George Bush, Jr., Robert C. Byrd, Jimmy Carter, Prince Charles, Dick Cheney, Winston Churchill, Edward Heath, William Clinton,Hillary Clinton, Queen Elizabeth (Mother), Queen Elizabeth II, Gerald Ford, Mikail Gorbachev, Al Gore, Billy Graham, William Randolph Hearst,Sir Edmund Hillary, Himmler,  Adoph Hitler, Bob Hope, Lyndon B. Johnson, Queen Juliana, John F. Kennedy, Ted Kennedy, Kris Kristopherson, Max Lerner, Shirley MacLaine, Robert S. McNamara, Lord Mountbatten, Brian Mulroney, Richard Nixon, Prince Philip, Ronald Reagan, Eleanor Roosevelt, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Margaret Sanger, Pete Seeger, David Spangler, Stalin, Maurice Strong, Pierre Trudeau, Peter Ustinov, Kurt Vonnegut, Boxcar Willie,    


             *In movies and TV shows Martial Law is enforced against a poor, but honest slave-like populace, who go to each others’ houses and plan revolts, etc.  DON’T KID YOURSELF! THE REAL THING IS GOING TO BE A THOUSAND TIMES WORSE!!!  Think AUSCHWITZ: Most victims were killed in Auschwitz II's gas chambers using Zyklon B; other deaths were caused by systematic starvation, forced labor, lack of disease control, individual executions, and purported "medical experiments."

           But, don’t despair. Many of us have now read the back of the Book - and we know how it all ends: (The Globalist Government Schools,  the bought-and-paid-for Media, Politicians, etc. have all lied to you: GOD IS REAL and HE HAS A PERFECT FINAL SOLUTION.”) In fact, find a true Christian to show you what GOD’S PLAN is. And check out the following:



by Sam Adams











"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution INEVITABLE.'' - JOHN F. KENNEDY (1962)


            “And have we forgotten that powerful friend? Or do we imagine that we no longer needed his assistance? I have lived, Sir, a long time, and the longer I live, the more convincing proofs I see of this truth – that God governs in the affairs of men. And if a sparrow cannot fall to the ground without his notice, is it probable that an empire can rise without his aid? We have been assured, Sir, in the sacred writings that ‘except the Lord build the house, they labor in vain that build it.’ I firmly believe this; and I also believe that without his concurring aid we shall succeed in the political building, no better than the builders of Babel.” – BENJAMIN FRANKLIN


            “We need to become the Benjamin Franklins of our day and time, calling upon our leaders, our nation, and ourselves to turn away from the path we’re on. We need to send to Congress men and women who have within them a humbleness of spirit, a willingness to work for the good of the country, and a reliance on God that governs the affairs of men.” – SAM ADAMS (Understanding And Surviving Martial Law) (2009)



        "Today, WE NEED A NATION OF MINUTEMEN, citizens who are not only prepared to TAKE UP ARMS, but citizens who regard the preservation of freedom as the basic purpose of their daily life and who are willing to consciously work and sacrifice for that freedom." - JOHN F. KENNEDY


            "THE HIGH OFFICE OF PRESIDENT HAS BEEN USED TO FOMENT A PLOT TO DESTROY THE AMERICAN'S FREEDOM, and before I leave office I must INFORM the citizen of his plight.'' - JOHN F. KENNEDY (at Columbia University, 10 DAYS before his assassination) (11/12/63)

          (*WHEW! Talk about being "politically incorrect!" Several days BEFORE this speech, Kennedy ordered an initial issue of Treasury Department metal certificates to replace Federal Reserve phony money. Three days after the speech, he proposed to NIKITA KHRUSHCHEV that the UNITED STATES and the SOVIET UNION embark on a JOINT PROGRAM TO LAND MEN ON THE MOON - Khrushchev received this proposal favorably. ALSO shortly before his assassination, KENNEDY VOWED TO DISMANTLE THE CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY, which he blamed for the Bay of Pigs disaster. So, it would seem as if Kennedy WAS a hero, after all - and as usual, with the REAL ones - an UNSUNG one! – OL)


            "LUCIFER, THE LIGHT-BEARER! Strange and mysterious name to give to the SPIRIT OF DARKNESS! LUCIFER, THE SON OF THE MORNING! Is it he who bears the Light, and with its splendors intolerable, blinds feeble, sensual, or selfish souls? Doubt it not!" – ALBERT PIKE, 19th Degree of Grand Pontiff (Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, p. 321)


             MASONS from the first initiation which is the First Degree are urged to mightily "seek the Light!"  The average Mason is continually saying that he is "seeking the Light," and will spend his entire life "moving toward the Light." People who haven't studied this subject would assume that this "Light" is the REVELATION OF THE GOD OF THE BIBLE.  This statement is continuously held up to try to convince us that Masonry is Christian.  In the above quote, ALBERT PIKE is saying that LUCIFER IS THE ONE WHO BEARS THE LIGHT OF FREEMASONRY. The sentence immediately preceding confirms not only that Lucifer is the Light-bearer, but that MASONS OF PREVIOUS DEGREES HAVE BEEN LED TO BELIEVE THAT THE OPPOSITE WAS TRUE






          "The MASONIC movement... is the CUSTODIAN OF THE LAW; it is the HOME OF THE MYSTERIES and the SEAT OF INITIATION. It holds in its symbolism the Ritual of Deity, and the WAY OF SALVATION is pictorially preserved in its work. It is a far more occult organization than can be realised, and is intended to be the TRAINING SCHOOL for the coming advanced occultists. In its ceremonials lie hid the wielding of the forces connected with the growth and life of the Kingdoms of Nature and the unfoldment of the Divine aspects in Man." – ALICE BAILEY (1957)


          "When the new UNIVERSAL RELIGION has sway and the nature of esotericism is understood - will be the utilisation of the BANDED ESOTERIC ORGANISMS, the MASONIC ORGANISM and the CHURCH ORGANISM as initiating centres. These three groups converge as their inner sanctuaries are approached. There is no dissociation between the ONE UNIVERSAL CHURCH, the sacred INNER LODGE of all true Masons, and the INNER-MOST circles of esoteric societies." - FRITZ SPRINGMEIER (Be Wise As Serpents)


"Whoever CONTROLS THE MEDIA, controls the MIND." - JIM MORRISON (The Doors)


          "FREEDOM and LIBERTY were the ideals upon which our country was founded. Once upon a time, they were ideals that Americans were willing to fight and die for. But somewhere along the line we got sold a bill of goods that assured us comfort and security were a small price to pay for GIVING UP those ideals. Must have been true. They said so on TV." - UNKNOWN


            ''The public have an insatiable curiosity to know everything. Except what is WORTH knowing. Journalism, conscious of this, and having tradesman-like habits, supplies their demands.'' - OSCAR WILDE


        "When a well-packaged web of LIES has been sold gradually to the masses over generations, the truth will seem utterly preposterous and its speaker a raving lunatic.'' - DRESDEN JAMES


        "Our job is to give people not what they want, but what WE decide they OUGHT to have." - RICHARD SALANT


        "We are going to impose OUR agenda on the coverage by dealing with the issues and subjects WE choose to deal with." - RICHARD M. COHAN


          An agreement was reached; THE POLICY OF THE PAPERS WAS BOUGHT, to be paid for by the month; an editor was furnished for each paper to properly supervise and EDIT INFORMATION regarding the questions of preparedness, militarism, financial policies, and other things of national and international nature considered vital to the interests of the purchasers.” U.S. CONGRESSMAN OSCAR CALLAWAY (1917)


End of Part 4


Thank you for coming! All emphasis unless otherwise noted is mine.

I encourage you to check the information found here for yourself

and then please, please pass it on to everyone you care about!


Part 5 will be coming soon.