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Can you say TYPOS ?

I've been chatting for a few years now.I've hoped my TYPING skills would improve some by now.BUT,as you will be able to tell from the experiences following,That HASN'T happened YET. LOL

I was having some problems with a program I had installed on my computer,This guy which I hadn't known very long was helping me try and fix this.He was telling me step by step what to do,he told me to uninstall the program and after doing this I asked him * OK, want me to stick the DICK in now? I meant DISK His response to me was *Joanie your CD rom is not where I wanna stick it* OMG if you could have seen my face 50 shades of red, but hey,that kinda broke the ice with us and he's more than willing to help me anytime I need it now

I don't even really remember the whole story with this one, I'm sure One_Big_Dude could tell this one better, after all I think he broke a rib laughing so hard something was said about kissing passionately and you know me,having to put my two cents in I typed *peckers up,waiting to be kissed passionately* Was supposed to be PUCKERS UP

I'm sitting in chat one day,in comes Wolfie.So I greet him like I always do, WELL SO I THOUGHT.After typing my greeting I looked on the screen as I hit enter and it says * Hey Wolfieeeeeeeeee How you dong?* OMGGGGGGGGG was supposed to be HOW YOU DOING? LMAO and he types back *we are BOTH just fine Joanie*

I've made this webpage and have included some of the people I chat with, so while in chat somebody asked me for the addy.I posted it, then told them to Scroll down and LICK chat friends LMAO Uh was supposed to be CLICK Chat friends. And they blame me for the TONGUE marks on their monitor

Sometimes while sitting in chat...I get the urge to bust out in a song and possibly dance..sooooooo this one night I typed *Jumps in middle of floor and starts singing I FELL GOOD* was supposed to be I FEEL GOOD ..well thats all it took for some of my chat buddies to take this and run with it....LMAO

While chatting with Farmersdaughter one day.I had eaten alot and felt so full...I typed on screen * I feel so aft* LMAOOOOOOOO and she UNDERSTOOD me Thats the scarey part !!! was supposed to be...I feel so FAT...SEE all my typos aren't always about MANHOODS *smiles proudly*

Oh and I can't forget about the times that I have butchered my own chat names Back when I chatted at geocities chat we didn't have to register our names...we just logged in and chatted...WELL...ater logging in,going to my normal chat room, I start getting all these PM's.....OMG I had signed in as JoanieAnel....forgot my G...people thought it was a TYPO and I meant JoanieANAL I used to use the name of JoanieNutKicker when some of the Pm's from the perverts would get too RAUNCHY...soooooooo one day I asked this guy..*Have you ever met JoanieNutLicker????* Ahhhhhhhhhhhh I wanted to dig a hole and crawl in it

I was sittin in chat..bored...soooooooooo I Typed in *Chews GUY...Blows bubble* Was supposed to be *chews GUM...Blows Bubble*

Well....I typed in the chatroom * You guys should see my NADS* Was supposed to be *you guys should see my HANDS * Now i'm known as the Chick with Balls

In chat..once again....we got on the subject of asses...I typed .."I hate my ass" A very nice chatter then commented and said I had a nice ass..I responded with *Well,elvis can make any ass look good * Was supposed to be LEVIS can make any ass look good