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center> From the heart of Thailand...

My Missionary Testimony

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July/October 2004 Newsletter

Dear Friends and Family,

God has been doing wonderful things the past few months! I feel like Paul who said,
“a great door for effective work has been opened to me”. (1 Cor. 16:9)

In June, I volunteered to teach English at one of the most prominent high schools in the Northeast. Khon Kaen Wittayayon High School has 4,200 students from some of the wealthiest and best educated families in the country. I feel like I am standing in the middle of God’s favor there. The teachers in the English department, though cautious at first, have been so warm and friendly. Some are becoming interested in Christianity and our church. Already two of them have come to different outreach events at our church and have brought family members.

God has given me several opportunities to teach the very best students in the school, the future leaders of this nation. I am so excited about this great door God has opened for me!

Another prominent high school near the church is Kanlia High School. I began an outreach cell there a few months ago. We have been able to talk to several people about God and build relationships with them. One girl who has been coming to the cell group is named Katai. Once, she came to church while some of the youth were practicing for an evangelistic drama. She began asking me question after question. Finally, she prayed to receive the Lord! She has been so hungry to study the Word of God. Please pray for me as I disciple her. Pray that she will stand strong through the social pressures against her becoming a Christian.

A few months ago, I moved into the church to be closer to the high schools in the city. Our church has become like a youth center for young people to come and hang out. I have enjoyed living and sharing my life with them.

I am truly blessed to be here and minister to these people. Nothing can compare to seeing a sincere heart turn to God in awe and adoration. I hold a great respect for these devoted Christians. Through so many difficulties, persecutions and terrible trials, they hold fast to Jesus. Though they may not have an abundance of Bible knowledge, there is simplicity in their love that I myself need to learn from. I am truly amazed at the work God is doing in Thailand.

I would like to thank you ever so much for your love and support. I am truly thankful for all of you. Please remember us in your prayers.

For the Harvest,

Janie Hughes