Švk 02-04
***j00 r pwned!!!***

good thing i forgot about my webpage. i dont know what this should be anymore. it was supposed to be for me and elisabeth's noiseXcore band, x-wiki, but we stopped making music together like a month ago. and then brianne and petrenko and i were going to put our music on here, but i got lazy. we were even going to make a cd...but again...laziness got the best of me. so i dont know. ill think about it and get back to yall some other time!




theres a big re-vamp of this page thats in the process of happening...once i stop being lazy. anyways the plan is just to turn this into what it was intended to be, which was a place for hilarious pictures and hilarious music. but see it takes time to do that...and to be frank, im just really lazy. and id rather spend my time eating or sleeping or something else which isnt sitting on the computer uploading hundreds of pictures and songs...



. photography . pictures . x-wiki . AIM convos . storytime . tiny pong
. sign . view .
--link o' the moment--