For nearly forty years, the world's ecologists, climatologists, geologists, and scientists have been ringing the alarm bells regarding the consequences of global warming.

Unfortunately, most of the politicians, and world leaders of our planet, refused to take those warnings seriously.  Now that we have reached the point of no return, some politicians and world leaders decided to do something about the problem.

What brought about this change of heart?

For the last eight years, most of the scientific predictions regarding global-warming, have come true. The polar ice is slowly melting, the glaciers are slowly melting, the permafrost is slowly melting, Greenland is slowly melting, thousands of giant icebergs are slowly melting, many small islands are permanently inundated, forcing the affected islanders to abandon their homes and seek asylum in neigbouring countries.

Extreme weather is becoming more and more frequent.  Storms, wild fires, earthquakes, tsunamis, floods, prolonged droughts, cyclones, and other natural disasters, occur more frequently than in the past.

All the water from the molten ice ends up in the seas and the oceans, causing the level of the sea to rise. The rising sea water floods all the small islands and all the coastal areas of the continents. As most cities, and towns, are located close to the coast, the destruction of millions of buildings will be tremendous. Millions of people will have to move to higher ground to survive. The cost of finding accommodation for millions of ecological refugees is astronomical.

Holland, Bangladesh and Venice will be permanently submerged. Countries like Indonesia will be greatly affected because there are 240 million Indonesians living in thousands of small islands without hills and mountains. If the rising sea level floods all those islands, where will those hapless ecological refugees go? Australia is currently very concerned about the number of refugees seeking asylum. How will the Prime minister of Australia respond if a hundred million Indonesian ecological refugees seek asylum due to the rising sea waters inundating their islands and their homes?

Insurance Companies will go bankrupt because they will not be able to help all the holders of insurance policies. Very few governments will be able to find billions of dollars, in a hurry, to provide accommodation for millions of ecological refugees.

The rising sea water that will flood the coastal areas will not only destroy all the low-lying cities, and towns, it will also destroy all the arable land that will be permanently inundated. The salt in sea water makes arable land unproductive.

When I stated that we have reached the point of no return, I was not exaggerating. I am not a pessimist. I am a realist, and a pragmatist. If all the nations in the world agree to cease all CO2 emissions, within a few days, the problem will not be rectified. Why?  Because, the polar ice will continue to melt, the glaciers will continue to melt, Greenland will continue to melt, the permafrost will continue to melt, and thousands of giant icebergs will continue to melt.

It is a scientific fact that ice repels the Sun's rays and sea water absorbs all the Sun's rays, increasing the temperature of the water. When most of our planet's ice has melted, and the sea water temperature has risen, the problem will become even worse,  because the level of the sea will rise alarmingly.

The Greek philosopher Socrates once said: “Man’s greatest enemy is his stupidity”

Only Divine intervention can save our Planet.

Will Homo Sapiens be able to convince God that he deserves salvation?

John Salamis