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The Spotlight


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The Spotlight

You won't get anything out of me, anything, you hear!! Well ok.....

[the basics]
@ Name: Jeffrey Levi Oldham
@ Nicknames: f'n nuts, goatboy, baby, goober
@ Birth Date: March 1, 1982
@ Height: 6' 3"
@ Sign: Pisces
@ Hair Color:  Brown
@ Eye Color: Hazel
@ Foot Size: 10 1/2
@ Heritage: English
@ Birthplace: Born in Mesa, Az at Desert Samaritan Hospital at 4:09pm
@ Parents Names: Teresa Ann Butts and Arthur Jay Oldham
@ Parents Together?:
They divorced when I was 18 months and I went to live with my grandparents.

@ Elementary School: Shumway
@ High School: Grady from my freshman until Christmas of my Sophomore; Bixby from January of my Sophomore until I graduated.
@ College: I have attended Tulsa Community College and Oklahoma State University
@ Extracurricular Activity of Choice: FFA in high school; I am looking forward to becoming a member of a new group we formed at TCC, called Newfound Freedom.
@ Favorite Elementary School Memory: The annual carnival in which we had booths and played bingo for homemade prizes.
@ Favorite High School Memory: Barbequing every day at the ag building

[love, hate, rejection, and all the fun stuff]
@ Define Love: When you close your eyes and the first thing you see is that person. That is love. When you wake up in the morning with that person on your mind and fall asleep with them in your dreams. You are in love. When you can't imagine your life without them. Love is forever.
@ Have you ever mistaken love for lust?: yes
@ Are you in love? With who?: yes. I am in love with Ashley
@ If yes, are you sure it is love?: there is not a doubt in my mind
@ Have you ever been used?: yes
@ What happened and why?: they were there when they needed me, but they weren't to be found when I need them.
@ Have you ever used someone?: yes
@ What happened and why?: I believed I was in love, but in all actuality I just didn't want to be alone.
@ Biggest disappointment?: I believed I wanted to marry someone when I really didn't.
@ First Kiss?: It was on Valentine's Day. I had the biggest crush on a girl who was a senior while I was a freshman. Didn't think I had a chance in the world to be with her. I would always go in to her work and say hi. She was very upset that day because she didn't have anything to do that night. I felt sorry so I went and bought her a rose. I took it back to her and she was so thankful that she kissed me.
@ Most Memorable Kiss?: The night I left for Arizona for the summer, Ashley came over to help me back. This was before we were together, but I had strong feelings for her. Just before she got into her car she took off my necklace as a promise that I would return to her and then she kissed me.
@ Ever been dumped?: Too many times to count.
@ Ever dumped?: Never
@ Worst kisser?: My last girlfriend. Way to rough and not enough passion.
@ Best kisser?: My babygirl. Always full of love and emotion.
@ Are you friends with any of your exes?: Most of them.
@ Sweetest romantic thing done for you?: Ashley has done way too many things to pick just one. She has taken care of me when I was sick, cleaned the house while I was away on vacation, bought me gifts she has put a lot of heart into purchasing, and just telling me how much she cares.

[play favorites]
@ TV Show: Seinfeld
@ Movie: Princess Bride
@ Book: American Skin
@ Solo Artist: Eminem
@ Band: 50 Cent
@ CD: The Eminem Show
@ Soundtrack: 8 Mile
@ Song: "Don't Change" by Musiq
@ Color: Ice Blue and Canary Yellow
@ Slang Word: cool
@ City: Cardiff by the Sea
@ Season: Autumn
@ Article of Clothing: Ecko Sweatshirt
@ Sport to Watch: Billiards
@ Sport to Play: Billiards
@ Animal: Panther

@ What do you want to do with your life?: I want to own my own business. I have two different ones in mind. First I want to own an auto customizing business and secondly I would like to open up a club.
@ One Bad Personality Trait: I tend to over-analyze things
@ One Bad Habit: I drive recklessly
@ One Good Personality Trait: I am very giving and caring
@ One Good Habit: I open doors for women
@ One Natural Talent: Writing
@ One Acquired Talent: my knowledge of cars
@ Thing you want to do once in your life:  I want to skydive
@ Thing you will never do in your life: I will try just about anything once
@ Where do you want to travel: I want to visit every place imaginable
@ What do people not get about you: I don't think people get anything about me.


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This site was last updated 06/23/03