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Unknown Demise :: Home

Unknown Demise :: News Date

July 14. 2004
Wassup uD ::
Wassup this is ::Bubba DAMN! Its been a hella long time since we changed up the site and everything but you know its all good..Alright lets see what we have here.. so far I've changed the whole Insane-Skillz site into the newly formed Unknown Demise site (#team-uD) and so far so good. Also I took down the roster,league and all that good stuff pages down for now until I can make further changes. Peace ^^

July 14. 2004
Wassup uD ::
Aite thanks to Bubba/wHack we got our site up. We will be joining cal-open next season. PM me on mIRC if you are looking for a tryout. Must be active and above the age of 15 . Thanks uD :: randOm

Got News? _

Wanna post something up? Hit me on mIRc
Name - uD`Bubba
Thnx yo.



Unknwon Demise :: © Copyright 2004