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Welcome to Christine and Gina's Webpage!


Yea! it's fixed!!!!!

8 August 2003 @ 12:27 AM - Gina

I'm not sure what has happened to our site, but I'm hoping that this update fixes it. I've been very, very busy with school and studying lately, so I haven't had time to mess with this site. I actually haven't had much time to get online, period. Oh well...I'll have a full week off after the 16th. =)

18 May 2003 @ 4:19 PM - Gina

I'd like to relate a story I read on the message board I frequent, just because I find it interesting. I don't know if it's true, and it's up to you whether or not you find a moral to the story or see it as just a story.

This is the story of an Irish wolfhound, which I believe is the largest dog breed and the reason there are no wolves in Ireland. There was a Prince, who owned and loved an Irish wolfhound named Gledden. Every morning, he went hunting with his dog. One day, his wife gave birth to a beautiful little boy, and he didn't go hunting for a week while he tended to his wife and son. He felt bad for neglecting Gledden, but knew what he had to do. Gledden didn't seem to mind though.

Finally, the Prince had a free morning and wanted to go hunting with Gledden. He looked everywhere for the dog, but couldn't find him. The prince left to hunt anyway, but came home emptyhanded. He headed upstairs and came to an alarming sight. The baby's nursery was completely disheveled, the bassinet was emtpy, and there was blood everywhere. Afraid of what might have happened, the Prince called out for help.

Hearing his call, Gledden came bounding out to his owner. He joyfully lept towards the Prince, with his mouth and chest covered in blood. The Prince was outraged; he figured that Gledden was jealous of the attention his son was getting, and had decided to take care of the problem. Anger overtook him, and he plunged his sword into Gledden's chest.

Gledden's howl as he passed away caused the baby in the next room to start crying. Alarmed, the Prince ran into the room to find his boy wrapped in his blankets, perfectly safe except for teethmarks on the blankets. Next to the small child was the corpse of a giant wolf. It was the wolf's blood that covered Gledden's body.

The Prince buried Gledden's body atop the highest hill in his land, and changed the town's name to Gleddenfeld, which means "Gledden's Bed." It's also said that the Prince never owned another dog.


HI ZACK!!! Today I would like to discuss fruit...mmm..tasty, my favorite used to be strawberries..dipped in sugar, well I still like it now, anything that requires me choosing a flavor, strawberry is usually my choice. I guess that was all that I liked..now that I have been open to other flavors, I also like honeydew, especially when it's really green and sweet, I Love taking a bite and the juices just flow into my mouth, that succulent melon...I like that flavor with my bubble tea as well...that new plave tends to taste kinda artificial though, the one in edmond is better, but I'd much rather drive 5 miles vs. 20...hmm what else is there, apples are just too boring, I don't like biting into it, for fear that my "chipped tooth" might be chipped again...where the fake piece is, I don't want it to break off..although it is doing remarkably well, since my dentist had said that it wouldn't last more than a year, but where are we now?? almost 3 years later..and it's still ther for smiles and consuming food...I HOPE YOU ARE SATISFIED THAT I UPDATED goodbye!

15 February 2003 @ 6:23 PM - Gina

WOOHOO! Red Hot Chili Peppers and Snoop Dogg on June 18th!!! =) Could there be a stranger combination? And I'll finally find out who The Mars Volta are and what type of music they play...this is gonna be so cool =)

2 February 2003 @ 11:07 PM - Gina

Evan and I have been together 2 years today! =) Sigh...so happy. Also, I'd like to wish everyone a Happy Asian New Year...good health to all!

On a different note, I'd like to send my thoughts and condolences to the friends and family of the crew of the Space Shuttle Columbia. I was only about three and a half years old when the Challenger accident occurred, so I don't think I fully understood what happened at the time. This time though, I am old enough to understand the sadness of this accident and wish there weren't those out there trying to exploit it for personal gain. Let's all hope for the best for NASA's future and for those who knew and loved Rick D. Husband, William C. McCool, Michael P. Anderson, David P. Brown, Kalpana Chawla, Laurel Clark, and Ilan Ramon.


Hey there! Sorry, my mom and jackie have been hogging the laptop, so I haven't been able to get online or to post a new msg. I think she said that the other night she was on my AIM, and she was telling me that people kept iming her and she told them she would tell me that they imed me...She acted as if it was like as important as a phone call, like she said, man I should have written them down...too funny, not that you all aren't important...by all means of course you guys and gals are!:-D Sorry I didn't get to hang out with you guys and watch the movie:( I bet it was good...LOL Gina;) heheh, yea school has started now, and I am still staying awake at these late hours...That and jackie is dressing up at James Smith tomorrow, some of you may ask who is that?? well, he is one of the signers of Declaration of Independence..hehe I didn't know who it was either, well maybe you are a history buff if you do know!...so she is dressing up as him(a man) and had to type up the speech, and make the paper old looking with the teabag and all, hahah and the burnt edges? but i didn't do to hot on that part..more like almost burning the whole page instead..anyhoo, well i think it is off to bed, I hope you are better Gina:-D....NIGHT! Au Revoir, until we meet again! This new web shell is kinda weird.....btw

19 January 2003 @ 2:23 AM - Gina

WHERE'S CHRISTINE??? I haven't updated because of school and homework, but CHRISTINE has been free...UNLESS SHE'S MISSING! CHRISTINE, if you're around, you need to update so we all know you're ok!!!

9 January 2003 @ 12:23 AM - Gina

I'm still sick with this stupid flu, so I haven't gotten around to updating in a long time. Hope everyone's ready for school to start back up! I'm looking forward to hanging out w/everybody before school starts, especially since I haven't been able to do anything since New Year's Eve. Time for me to go to bed now...i should try to get plenty of rest so I'll be healthy by this weekend =) Goodnight!


Wahoo! OU won the rose bowl.....New years was fun, lol, especially ringing it in Joe's car, although we couldn't decide which clock to use as the official timepiece..hehe i hope that the new year brings everyone happiness and peace and everything that you hope that it will bring:)


hi all...with all of zack's BADGERING about updating..jk zack..i haven't been feeling that well either...silly sickness...poo on you go away!!:-P i think i can hang out tomorrow, i am working from 5 until 10 so i will probably be able to stop by, not sure how long i can stay though, it shouldn't be a problem, but i don't want to be sick around everybody;) toodles for now!!!

28 December 2002 @ 3:44PM- Gina

Hi everyone, sorry I haven't updated in a while. I've been sick w/the flu =/. Is everybody free New Year's Eve? We should get together. Either call me and let me know or comment on Zack's site about it =). Hope you guys are feeling better than I am...see you soon!

23 December 2002 @ 10:24PM- Gina

I'd just like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! =)


Hello all, who does come to this site?? We want to know sign our new guestbook, if you didn't see it, it's up above!! I would sign it too, but i think that would defeat the purpose....;) I worked all day today 11-6 and i am exhausted which it doesn't really make sense that i am since i am still up at this late hour and have to be at work at 3 tomorrow...silly..i don't think i have ever worked so much in 2 weeks, but at least i'll be raking in the dough:) Christmas presents for everybody!!!!!

22 December 2002 @ 2:37AM - Gina

I found out I have the disc for "Microsoft Picture It!" so I was able to make tons of small pics and thumbnails. I managed to upload some, including a few from high school, which seems long long ago now =( Sigh...I miss the days of easy tests and having nothing to worry about. Well, I hope everyone's Winter Break is going well so far and that everyone's getting plenty of sleep =) Goodnight!

20 December 2002 @ 1:11AM - Gina

YAY!!! Today was lots of fun, and we all saw The Lord of the Rings!!! I found this animation on www.orlandomultimedia.net. I know it's from the first movie, but it's still an awesome scene. Enjoy, and go see the movie! =)


Hola! Lord of the Rings was pretty good... makes me want to go and get the books to read...i was wondering what gina was meaning, when she kept saying "we wants it, we must have it" haha i understand now...anyhoo, i recommend seeing it, pretty good:-D


Another post eh?? hum te dum what to write.......................................LOL everyone is just finishing up their finals and i finished last week WAHOO....but i have been bored without everyone because they are STUDYING...pooie.....well tomorrow should be tons o fun since everyone is coming out to hang out...EXCEPT for JOE NGUYEN...man, he has to go to the dentist or something....you don't have to get work done....lol, who needs teeth??? Just kidding?:-D, but you better be coming after that..no excuses about happy gas...SEE everyone in 12 hours...

18 December 2002 @ 12:05AM - Gina

LORD OF THE RINGS IS OUT!!!  I know it must seem awfully nerdy, but I'm really really really excited.  I can barely concentrate on studying for the micro test tomorrow...I keep thinking about going to see the movie.  It consumes me...We wants it...We must haves it...my preeeeeecccciiiioooouuussss


Hey this is Christine just wanted to say hi and thank you for coming Gina and i are starting this page again hopefully we can brush up on our HTML skills and do something cool...FRIDAY is Dirty Santa Day and movie afternoon... It should be lots of fun!! I'm looking forward to it..we'll try and take lots of pics and post them on here hopefully we'll get a comment or posting thing set up so you can tell us how we are doing! alrighty! gl on finals!

17 December 2002 @ 12:50AM - Gina

Hi!  Welcome to our little webpage.  My first post on our page...this is kinda cool =).  This won't be nearly as complex as Zack's site, but we'll work on it whenever we get the chance and post pictures here and there.  For those of you who remember, we had a site a couple years ago that we sort of took care of.  That too had some pictures on it, and little else.  Since Winter Break is coming up, maybe either Christine or I will take the time to add some really neat stuff to this site.  Hope everyone is doing well/did well on their finals.  Goodnight!