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Green Country Softball Magazine Articles

If you would like to submit an article or story pertaining to girls fastpitch softball.
Send to: Green Country Softball Magazine in microsoft word or adobe format or type in an email.
Submission Guidelines:
1) Articles limited to 600 words or less, maximum 2 Photos per article.
2) Article must be in the contributor's own words. (NO COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL)
3) Contributor's (writers) will not be compensated for any articles or photos submitted.
    Contributor's will not retain publishing or editorial rights to any submitted article or story.
4) No solicitations or advertisements.
5) No articles or photos submitted are guaranteed to be published on the GCSM web site or GCSM magazine.
6) Articles and photos submitted become the property of Green Country Softball Magazine and will not be returned.

  • Coaching Psychology   by Steve Olsen
  • Scholarship Issues   by Steve Olsen