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An expert at PR, Hercule has always been a champion at gaining credit for himself. He is not always the tough guy he appears to be… in fact he can be quite cowardly. He was the World Martial Art’s Champion of the previous tournament and manages to win the title again by doing a side deal with Android 18...the other finalist for the championship title.
Despite his faults, he does the Earth a good turn. He befriends Buu eventually convincing Buu to stop hurting the people of Earth. Unfortunately, this pledge does not last when Buu becomes angry because his puppy gets hurt.

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Evil and powerful, the Ginyu Force is hailed as the most powerful team in the universe. It is composed of five members, each one very powerful and possessing unique attacks and fighting advantages. When Dodoria and Zarbon are unable to eliminate our friends and collect the seven Namekian Dragon Balls, Frieza summons the Ginyu Force. Between battles, they enjoy such goofy past times as watching soap operas, playing "paper, rock, scissors" to decide who will fight who, and making bets over chocolate nut bars, their favorite food. The Ginyu Force strike various poses during their battle. While individually and collectively they are very strong, each member is conceited and competitive which leads to their downfall. They hesitate to ask each other for help because they don't want to share the credit for the victory. The members of the Ginyu force don’t seem to care about each other, willing to stand back and watch while their teammates are destroyed. Jeice- With an orange face and huge white hair, Jeice is neither super fast or super powerful. Instead he is a more balanced combination of strength and speed...making him very dangerous.

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Jewel thinks he gods gift to women. He too fights in the Battle Royale during the World Tournament Three with the last four remaining contestants. He hits on No. 18 and tries to get her to throw the match, she answers with a hard blow that sends him soaring out of the ring and gets him disqualified.

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Kami, guardian of Earth is originally from the Planet Namek. He created the Dragon Balls on Earth. Desiring to be good and pure, Kami cast off his negative evil side which became Piccolo. Thus the two are mysteriously linked. If and when one passes away, the other will pass away also. And of course, if Kami the creator of Earth's Dragon Balls passes away, so will the power of Earth's Dragon Balls. He has some capability of seeing into the future, and can also sense the change when Piccolo starts becoming a better person. Kami brings Tien, Yamcha, Chiaotzu, and Krillin together for training in the famous Pendulum Room, the center of all past, present and future, and then sends them back to earth to prepare for the Saiyans. When Goku is killed fighting Raditz, Kami takes Goku to the Next Dimension for training with King Kai. Kami lives with his friend Mr. Popo on "Kami’s Lookout," a tower which floats high above the Earth. Later, Kami fuses with Piccolo to make Piccolo stronger.  When they rejoin they are renamed Kamiccolo.

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He is the loyal body guard of Supreme Kai. A strong fighter, he’s lived a long time, though he’s not as old as Supreme Kai. He has the ability to transport himself and others to any other part of the universe. He also has the power to heal those who are injured or near death.

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Kilah is a participant in the World Tournament Three and fights in the Battle Royale as well. He doesn’t last very long and with one punch Goten and Trunks disguised as Mighty Mask launch him from the ring.

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King Cold is a massive monster with evil ambitions. He is Frieza's father, and is similar to Frieza in many ways. His brutal personality, desire to destroy the world and even his glacial physical appearance and uniform makes the family resemblance to Frieza obvious. It is King Cold that Earth has to thank for 'resurrecting' Frieza following the destruction of Namek when all believe Frieza to have been destroyed. With a new android-like shape, Frieza and his father are headed to Earth!

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Living in the 'Next Dimension,' King Kai is known throughout the universe as one of the greatest fighters and martial arts teachers (although his teaching methods are rather unorthodox). His house is on a tiny planet at the end of Snake Way. The small planet has ten times the gravity of Earth, and is thus an ideal training site. His companions include a goofy monkey named Bubbles and a grasshopper named Gregory. King Kai possesses a humorous, corny sense of humor (he's always telling jokes or puns) as well as great wisdom. Fortunately for our friends, he can communicate telepathically, giving them good advice and warnings in critical situations. Goku trained under King Kai and now wears his symbol. Yamcha, Chiaotzu, Tien, and Piccolo also train under King Kai when they are sent to the 'Next Dimension.' When Goku seeks King Kai in the 'Next Dimension,' King Kai begins his training by having Goku catch Bubbles - no easy task with an energetic monkey and a gravity ten times the force of earth's. Goku catches Bubbles after only three months. His next task is to hit Gregory the grasshopper with a hammer. Goku, impressively, performs this task in three weeks. Only after these tasks increasing Goku's strength and speed, does Kai begin the personal training of Goku. In the 118 days left before the Saiyan's return, Kai teaches Goku the 'Kaio-ken' and how to gather energy from the planet into one great fighting energy ball. Later King Kai takes on the training of Yamcha, Tien, Chiaotzu, and Piccolo using the same techniques that were successful with Goku.

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Great King Yemma is the most powerful and the fastest ogre in the other world. He sits at the entrance desk of the 'Next Dimension' and admits people into 'The Upper World' or 'The Lower World.' He was also the first to make it all the way down Snake Way.

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Korin, a cat, is a wise martial arts master that lives in 'Korin's Tower'. Korin grows the magical healing Senzu Beans that often help the Z Fighters in battle. He hangs out with Yajirobe.

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