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Luv Bug Indy Meetup

July 26, 2006

Doug and I had to drive in on Tueday, so Misty and Greg met us for dinner.

Uther woke up from his nap a little crabby, so the waitress brought him a bowl of ice cream while we were waiting to order.

He didn't really want to share it with PD, but PD kept helping himself anyway. You can see that Uther was not happy about that situation. Phillip, however, was quite pleased.

The kids playing in the little garden island in the parking lot.
It's hard to get good pictures when tired toddlers are involved.
One of the best parts of the Children's Museum was the coin souvenir thing. Uther, Leah and PD played with this for about 10 minutes while we were waiting for the rest of the Luv Bugs.
This just cracks me up.

It's from the Passport to the World section of the Children's Museum.

Poor Uther didn't feel well. But, it didn't stop him from having lunch.
Isaiah getting a drink from Mommy's water.
Miss Caiti holding her soothie during lunch.
You have no idea how long it got us to get them all to sit down....
Isaiah.... sit down!

Caiti.... sit down!

Phillip! Sit back down!
Trying to get all the mommies and all the babies.
Still trying...
At least you can see all our faces in this one.