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The Sac's Page

Links have come to town

Poetry and stuff I write
Angelfire - Free Home Pages
Free Web Building Help
Meeg site
Better meeg site
Nice color codes
Angelfire HTML Library
Little Eric & Webley's page
Mateo's page...not bad, not bad!
Biz's page. Yes, it's Biz,if you knew Biz, you would know Biz, but if you don't know Biz, don't know her
My news
htmlGEAR - free polls, guestbooks, and more!
Some things that just don't make sense
Round 2
Russel 1e

College is hard...look where I go


Listen to good music!...very little rap if any...Type O Negative is the best lately..but, never forget the Metallica!

Also, anyone, if you can, try and find some stuff from Zymotic Flow. They're a local band in the Newark, DE area, and seriously are some of the best I have heard for a long time.

And now, for your user enjoiment, team 12.3 from MEEG101


The meeg team is Eric Venette(yours truly) Steve Orelli, the mafia boy, and AJ Nealy, aka Racer X.

Hey, wanna email me?

Want pics? Look at links..most are my other pages. Scanners are alot of fun really.