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I was born into this crazy world on April 10th of 1980 in Los Angeles, California. I was born with Spinal Bifida that forced me to use leg braces and crutches until I was 11 and discoverd the benefits of using a wheelchair. I went to a Wheelchair Sports camp and discovered a whole new world. This camp literally changed my life. I had never tried any sports before and found myself enjoying any sport they would teach me at the camp. My favorites were swimming, tennis, archery and basketball.

Swimming became my ticket to a new life. While at the camp one of the swim coaches noticed my ability and approach my parents about competing in regional and national wheelchair competitions. They agreed and I started a 3 year career as an athlete. I was very successful at the regional and national levels, even so far as breaking two previous National Swimming Records! I consider myself very fortunate to have had that opportunity. Aside from competing this adventure changed my outlook on life and my level of self-esteem.

Needless to say this didn't last. I had to concentrate on finishing school and on boys. I met my husband when I was 17 on a blind date. He was the first and only person I have ever dated, but I can't complain...we've both been quite happily married for over 4 years.

I moved to Oklahoma in 2003 to be closer to family and have especially enjoyed the weather. I'm a tornado and thunderstorm fanatic. I will be returning to school this fall to finish my Bachelor's Degree in Liberal Arts. It will take me about 2 more years. I've had a 2 year break from school and I am anxious to return, I love to learn. Some of the I will be taking are Spanish, Comparative Religions, Compositon and Humanities.

And the story continues...


A little quiz I took told me what book I was most like:

You're The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy!
by Douglas Adams
Considered by many to be one of the funniest people around, you are quite an entertainer. You've also traveled to the far reaches of what you deem possible, often confused and unsure of yourself. Life continues to jostle you around like a marble, but it's shown you so much of the world that you don't care. Wacky adventures continue to lie ahead. Your favorite number is 42.
Take the Book Quiz at the Blue Pyramid.

How about poking a little fun?