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Hurst 4th Floor Forum

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Blood, Milk, and Sky


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Mrs. Krabappel and Principal Skinner were in the closet making babies
and I saw one of the babies and the baby looked at me.
-Ralph Wiggam



Ok, shits been kinda crazy lately with classes, so I really haven't touched the site for a while. I just added a new poll, all you 4th floor guys go check it out. Just so everyone knows what a message board is, here is an example. Ours wont be quite that nice, since I will be hosting it on a free domain. Please, don't be a fuckhole about the poll like someone has been doing.Also, Im taking all of the fucked up pictures off. Need some suggestions for what to put on the site.

Ok, Ive decided to start working on the 4th floor message board. I'll post a link to it when I'm done. In the mean time, I found the coolest site in the world, check it out here.

Ok, the message board is up and running. I know its a bit ghetto right now, but I am hoping to fix that in the future as I get more aquainted with it. Check it out here.

Hi again from good 'ole Muncie, Indiana. I'm working on a total revamp for the site that should me much more user friendly and more visually appealing. The message board has been up, but no one seems to be posting, I implore you people; GO POST ON THE MESSAGE BOARD! I didnt put it up for my health, you know. Oh, and on a side note, a new poll is up, go check it out.

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