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Awards/Hanson Fiction/Past Poll Results

6/15/05-Chapter 6 in Superman's Covered in Rust was posted, the poll was changed. The other poll's answers were archived. The HTML for some things were cleaned up a bit, links were moved, etc. Hope the page is a bit more friendly.
6/13/05-Chapter 8 in Layers of Lies was posted! Chapter 5 in Superman's Covered in Rust, was also posted!
6/12/05-I uploaded all the awards each of the stories have won today. It took me quite awhile, as I had some trouble with them not wanting to show up, but they are up for you to go view!And guess what, Fear-HANSON Style Fans? It's updated! Chapter 13 is up! Go, Read! ENJOY!
6/11/05-Sorry for the long delay in updating. It was my senior year of highschool and things just got away from me. So much happened, writing a long story was a hard task. However, on another note, I bring good news. Layers of Lies was updated. I've started writing the newest chapter of fear so I hope I can get that up soon. I have awards to put up for some stories that won, that I will try to get up soon. Be on the lookout.
10/29/04-Just a note to say, that you must go back and vote in the Nickel Dime Awards again due to a error in the voting form script. Please go back and do it, as about 6 people have voted so far! Also, I am working on chapters for stories now, so be on the look out for them soon! (Yes I know, dreaded S word,lol)

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