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Aug. 29 to Sept. 2, 2001


It had been over thirty years since some of us had seen each other, a few had been together on individual meetings and some had attended the 1st reunion in 1999.  But for the sheer volume of emotion not much could surpass this event.

Sergeant Major "JJ" Carroll USMC Ret. had the agenda squared away with outstanding events.  For those into "Pasture Pool" there was a Golf Tournament.  An outstanding dinner hosted by VFW Post 1296 Everett McClay with a terrific slide show by some that had brought slides.  We had a impromptu auction which raised a lot of funds for the association.   We got to visit the Fort Snelling Tank Museum where a lot of the former tankers explained the working of these beast's to each other.  With related war stories.   Then it was off to the Fort Snelling National Cemetery for Memorial Services.  There we helped dedicate the 5th Marine Division Memorial Plaque along with some World War II 5th Division marines.  The Buffet Dinner at the Mystic Lake Casino was another big hit.  Most skipped breakfast the next as they were still full.   The Mississippi River Boat Cruise was another don't miss it event.  It was a real relaxing pleasure just slowly cruising up and down the river.  At the final Banquet Dinner our own BRAVO Company alumni Wally Young had to be the biggest hit.

Through it all was the Hospitality Room.  It wasn't supposed to be, but seemed to be open 24 hours a day.  When it was being cleaned the troops just moved to the lobby or the front of the hotel.  There was photo albums, maps, after action reports, slides, photos, laughter and crying.  The most emotional moment was when "Old ang Sine" and the "Marine Hymn" was played on the Bagpipes.  There wasn't a dry eye in the room.  All in all it was an outstanding event.

Some of the Bravo Company Alumni.
Front, Frank Vinning.
2nd row, ??, ??, Guy Wolfenbarger, Larry Parshall.
3rd row, Jack Butcher, ??, ??, Mark Anderson.
4th row, Pat Baddgor, Alphie, Wally Young, ??, ??, Lloyd Reynolds.
Rear, ??, ??, Bill Bisbee, ??, Mike Burnett, ??.

Front, Carl Fleischmann.
Next, Lloyd Reynolds, Frank Vinning, Larry Parshall, "JJ" Carroll.  Rear, ??.

Front, Wally Young, Lloyd Reynolds, Larry Parshall.
Rear, Harry Christensen, ??, Jack Butcher, "Alphie", Mark Anderson.

Harry "Super Jew" Christensen,
??, Jack Butcher, "Alphie", Mark Anderson, Lloyd "Pappy" Reynolds. Bill Wright photo.

Larry Parshall, Lloyd "Pappy" Reynolds.  Bill Wright photo.

"Pappy" & "Alphie".
Jack Butcher & Harry "Super Jew" Christensen.
Some may have come farther to the reunion.  But none drove farther than Jack who drove from Barriere, BC, Canada.


Tom Yax
& Wally Young going over photos and after action reports.

Harry "Super Jew" Christensen
& Lloyd "Pappy" Reynolds.

Pat Badger. Jerry Clark who runs our PX and "Buddy Fund".

Bill Bisbee.
Wally Young.


Getting ready for the big feast at the VFW Post 1296 Everett McClay.

A visit to the Tank Museum at Fort Snelling and watching an M-60 go through its paces.

Left. Dedicating the 5th Marine Division Memorial Plaque.
Right. The 3rd Marine Division Memorial Plaque.

Our Mississippi River Cruise on the Jonathan Padelford.  Some serious discussion taking place.

Left. At the Banquet.  Right. Frank Vinning, Donna ?, "Alphie".
Donna was a hit with all the guys, she was our Hospitality Room "House Mouse".