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Part A


Fitness Components -


*      Flexibility


·        Flexibility is the range of movement about a joint

·        Flexibility is the interaction between the body’s skeletal and muscular systems to allow a full and unimpeded range of joint movement

·        Flexibility varies from joint to joint within the body


Flexibility would be the most important fitness component in Gymnastics because it would help you to do all the required movements in Gymnastics. E.g. Spilts, back arch, round offs, cartwheels, step kicks etc.  


Flexibility would enable you to do a wider variety of kicks, quicker, and with ease. Without efficient flexibility, moves become limited and reduce performance on apparatuses.


*      Balance

·        Is the ability to remain in a state of equilibrium while performing a desired task.

·        Dynamic balance – involves keeping the body’s balance under control while moving.

·        Static balance – involves keeping the body’s balance under control while not moving.


Balance is essential in Gymnastics as it is used in nearly all areas. It is especially used in beam, where u need to balance yourself while doing a range of artistical movements. It allows you to do a wider and more complex range of movement. Without balance, moves become difficult and very limited


*      Co-ordination


·        Co-ordination is the ability to link together a series of muscular movements into a flowing, well controlled movement pattern with appropriate timing and accuracy.


Co-ordination would help you to choreograph and perform complex floor, beam, bars and vault routines. Basic gymnastic movements would also require coordination. Without Co-ordination, basically no moves can be achieved and the difficulty of movements increases.


*      Muscular strength


·        Is the ability of the muscles to exert a single maximal force, to overcome resistance.

·        The resistance may be a body part, the weight of the whole body, or an item external to the body.


Muscular strength would help improve your perform on all apparatuses because it is a fitness component that allows all the movements in gymnastics to become entertaining and a lot easier to do.


*      Local Muscular Endurance


·        Is the ability of a muscle or muscle groups to sustain or repeat a force over a period of time.


Local Muscular Endurance is essential in gymnastics especially on uneven bars and vault, when spurs of energy is released during performances. Without local muscular endurance, movement’s difficulty increases, along with muscle strain.



Part C


Progressive Overload


Progressive overload is essential if you wish to improve in any sport or physical activity. The body will only improve by gradually increasing the load that the body is working against which could be the amount of time, distance or number of repetitions. However, incorrect use of this technique may result in injury or collapse of the body, if the workload is too great to be handled. In the weekly training program the principle of progressive overload has been applied over 6 weeks. Progressive overload has been gradually increased to reduce the risk of injury.


As the training program focuses on Agility, sufficient speed work and flexible and balanced movement must be attained. This could be done by slowly increasing the repetitions done in each training session and range of motion could also be altered to allow more variation in the training done. As for the muscle development, the amount of resistance could be slowly increased every session to develop specific muscle groups. To increase flexibility, the individual should know his/her own limits and slowly increase tension, fitting their physical capacity.



Part B


Training Programme




Training Method & Activity Description

Fitness Components




7:00 am – 9:00am

Flexibility and Skill Training

Flexibility – Stretching areas of lower body, including calves, groin muscles and quadriceps


Skill – Basic skills and routines on Gymnastics equipment (Beam and Uneven Bars)



Flexibility, coordination, muscular strength, balance

2 hours



4:30pm – whenever

Weight Training and Resistance Calisthenics


Weight Training – Power (60%) of max, medium speed with (10 - 20 reps). Weight training used to improve calves, quadriceps, abdominal muscles, pectoral muscles, biceps, triceps and other significant muscles for gymnastics


Resistance Calisthenics – Push-ups, Sit-ups and lunges to improve pectoral, abdominal and leg muscles

Muscular Power

As Long as it takes



7:00am  – 9:00am

Flexibility and Skill Training

Flexibility – Stretching areas of lower body, including calves, groin muscles and quadriceps


Skill – Basic skills and routines on Gymnastics equipment (Floor and Vault)

Flexibility, coordination, muscular strength, balance, local muscular endurance.

2 hours


Part D


Session 1


Training Method & Activity Description

Fitness Components


Warm Up

Jog 1 km at 40~50% of max


Aerobic Capacity

5 mins


Neck Mobility - Turn your chin laterally toward your left shoulder and then rotate it toward your right shoulder.


Shoulder Circles - Stand tall, feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent, raise your right shoulder towards your right ear, take it backwards, down and then up again to the ear in a smooth action. Repeat with the other shoulder


Arm Swings - Overhead/Down and back - Swing both arms continuously to an overhead position and then forward, down, and backwards.


Lower back stretch – Sit on the floor with one leg straight and the other placed across it. Support your body with the arm opposite the straight leg and use the elbow of the other arm to push against the outside of the bent leg


Ankle stretch – Sit on the floor, knees bent and the soles of your feet pressed together. Keeping your soles touching, push your knees upward to stretch the outer area of the ankle. Hold the stretch, rest and then repeat.


Quadriceps stretch – Stand on one leg. Bend the other leg up behind you and grab it with your hand. Hold and repeat stretch for the other leg.


Groin Muscles – Side splits used to increase flexibility of inner groin muscles. Back should remain up right and backside slightly protruding to produce maximum tension without injury


Lower Groin Muscles – Front splits used to increase flexibility of lower groin muscles. Heels should be stable on the ground and to create tension, back leg should be pushed backwards to prevent knee and ankle injuries

5 repetitions


5 repetitions




5 repetitions



5 repetitions



5 repetitions



5 repetitions



Hold for 30 secs



Hold For 30 secs


15 minutes

Skills Training







Uneven bars.



Using the Gymnastics equipment, go through the movements used on Beam. Start with basic movements to warm up, doing step kicks, toe stances, handstands and dips. Afterwards, concentrate on choreographing routine. Each should not take longer then 20 mins each. (with breaks)


Again, using the gymnastics equipment, warm up by doing pull ups on the bars. After 2 repetitions, go through the basics and work on some skills that need improvement. End this session by doing 5-7 mins of choreographing.



25 minutes





25 minutes



Balance, coordination, flexibility

50 minutes

Stretching – warm down

Sit ups

Push ups (20 women, 10 men)






Then repeat above stretches

20 repetitions

1 set

15 repetitions

3 repetitions

5 reportions

Once only.

Flexibility, muscular endurance

20 minutes (max)






Session 2


Training Method & Activity Description

Fitness Components



Jog 1 km at 40~50% of max

5 min

Aerobic Capacity

5 minutes


Neck Mobility

Shoulder Circles

Arm Swings

Lower back stretch

Ankle stretch

Calf stretch

Quadriceps stretch

5 repetitions

5 repetitions

5 repetitions

5 repetitions

5 repetitions

5 repetitions

5 repetitions


10 minutes

Weight Training

Weight Training - Power (40%) of max, medium speed with (10 - 20 reps)

*        Calves

*        Quadriceps

*        Pectoral

*        Triceps

*        Biceps


10 minutes

10 minutes

10 minutes

10 minutes

10 minutes


Muscular Power

50 minutes

Resistance Calisthenics

Push-ups – To improve pectoral muscles, use fists and bring chest down to the ground while keeping upper and lower body as flat as possible


Sit-ups (front and sides) – Lie on ground, bring knees up, and bring head up to knee for one repetition. Improves abdominal muscles


Lunges – Stand up straight, lower upper body by bending knees, while keeping back upright, lift body back up for one repetition. Improves quadriceps and calf muscles

25 repetitions



25 repetitions per side


15 repetitions per leg


20 minutes


Neck Mobility

Shoulder Circles

Arm Swings

Lower back stretch

Ankle stretch

Calf stretch

Quadriceps stretch

5 repetitions

5 repetitions

5 repetitions

5 repetitions

5 repetitions

5 repetitions

5 repetitions


10 minutes












Session 3


Training Method & Activity Description

Fitness Components



Jog 1 km at 40~50% of max

5 min

Aerobic Capacity

5 minutes


Neck Mobility

Shoulder Circles

Arm Swings

Lower back stretch

Ankle stretch

Calf stretch

Quadriceps stretch

5 repetitions

5 repetitions

5 repetitions

5 repetitions

5 repetitions

5 repetitions

5 repetitions


10 minutes


Skipping Rope – Use skipping rope and maintain rhythm, balance and a flowing movement


Bounding - jumping from one leg to the other straight up and down

30 minutes

Co-ordination and Muscular Power

20 minutes

Skills Training












Before starting set up the mats and the spring board and horse needed for vault. Next, do 10 mins of sprinting up and down the track. This warms up te leg muscles and also helps indicate our starting point. Next, go to the floor and do 2 sets of 10 handstands, 1 set getting spotted/against a wall, the other by yourself. Then, in the remaining time, do as many routines as possible



Using the padded spring floors in a Gymnasium, first, warm up by going through all the essential basics needed (eg, forward rolls, backward rolls, handstands etc). Afterwards, concentrate on skills that need improving for routine. This should not take any longer then 10 minutes. Finally, before finishing off, run through the routine with music.



30 minutes







30 minutes

Agility, Muscular Power, Co-ordination,  and Reaction Time


 1 hour


Neck Mobility

Shoulder Circles

Arm Swings

Lower back stretch

Ankle stretch

Calf stretch

Quadriceps stretch

5 repetitions

5 repetitions

5 repetitions

5 repetitions

5 repetitions

5 repetitions

5 repetitions


10 minutes