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The scene opens up outside of the Nightclub where Jaymz went on a rampage looking for Delevega, when him and 8ball showed up. Shots ring out in the club and the alley side door swings open and Jaymz fly’s out hitting the wall opposite of the nightclub...He slams the door back shut and leans up against it...The police beat on the door inside, Jaymz hears a few muffled voices and the beating stops...He knows what they are doing. Their going out of the front door and back to the alley...Jaymz goes to the side and looks around the corner..A shot rings out and blows concrete from the corner of the building..Jaymz pulls his head back. Then he hears a muffled gunshot, immediately after shots ring out through the night nonstop. Jaymz looks around the corner again and sees the police firing into the sky to the top of a building across the street...Jaymz squints and looks at the gunman on the building...He knows this man, this is Vadim. Jaymz then looks back down at the police, one by one they fall to the ground...The remaining officers begin to pull back, only two of them left. Vadim gets up with his gun and we see him disappear. The remaining police then shoot across the street to the building, advancing on it carefully looking for the gunman. An ambulance speeds up the street, comes to a screeching hault and the two attendants get out and begin to work on the down officers

...More cop cars appear, they jump out and flank the building, some going inside. Jaymz walks up through the side of the alley and peers out into the street. News crews have made their way here taping the carnage out front...Three burly drunk men come from Nightclub, one notices Jaymz in the alley and points him out to his friends...Jaymz slinks back into the darkness as the three men walk into the alley. They lose sight of Jaymz in the darkness, slow their pace letting their eyes adjust to the lack of light. Suddenly two of the men go flying into opposite walls crashing hard...The third man begins to swing wildly, his left arm stops in sudden motion and we two hands grasp his forearm and snap it in half...The man begins to scream and we see the hands instantly snap the mans neck...The man gurgles for a moment then falls dead to the ground...Both of the men who got flung into the walls begin to get up...We see a hand grab the back of one of the men’s head and slams it into a steel garbage container..Not once, but three times. On the second time blood appeared from his head, on the third time...the man died. Jaymz then picked up the other man and flung him into the side of a small pickup truck. Jaymz ripped the mans shirt off, opened the door, pulled on the seatbelt..

We hear a snap come from the seatbelt as Jaymz pulls it out of the truck and ties the man up with it. He throws the man inside and stuffs him into the floorboard, unable for him to move....Jaymz then takes the mans shirt, twists it up until it looks like a loose strung rope. Opens the lid to the gas tank and puts the shirt inside. Jaymz stuffs about half of it down into the gas tank and pulls a lighter from his pocket. He sets the end of the shirt on fire and walks to the opposite side of the alley, away from the nightclub...Moments later the alley lights up as the truck explodes into flames...Pieces of metal fly between the buildings, all missing Jaymz. People come running from the Nightclub side of the alley, getting on their cell phones now getting the fire department involved. With all the flames and the smoke nobody sees Jaymz walk away and down the street. He gets into his black Tahoe and begins to drive away. He takes a left at the light as notices a man wearing a long coat and hat standing next to a building. Jaymz pulls off to the side of road and the man, Vadim, walks over to the passenger side of the Tahoe and gets in. He hits the gas and drives down the street...

I told you I didn’t need you help. What don’t you understand about that?

I’m sure that you could Yaroslav, but there are way too many people trying to take you out. You need me

NO. I don’t. Not for this anyway. This is business that I must take care of myself and,,,

and bullshit. I owe you one Yaroslav.

You don’t owe me shit, and quit calling me that...I don’t give a fuck if its my real name or not, I don’t go by that.

Ok then. I'll call you what you want...but you cant go on and do this by yourself

Jaymz slams the brakes on in the middle of the street, a car honks as it fly’s past him, nearly colliding. Vadim is thrown against the windshield, droplet’s of blood appear on the glass from his nose...Vadim collects himself and sits up in the seat

What in the fuck is wrong with you?

Your listening skills; that’s whets wrong. I fuckin told you that I don’t need your help in this situation. I can take on the Free World without your help. Obvisley you weren’t the only one there tonight. Erik was there, were you aware of that?

He was? I didn’t see him go in or come out. But you can have it your way, I will leave you alone in your business with the Free World. There are other things, Jaymz.

Tell me...

Its about your father....He’s here.

A car honks behind Jaymz as he realizes that he is still sitting in the middle of the street...He gives the driver behind him the finger and stomps on the gas..The tires of the Tahoe spin as Jaymz takes off down the street.

The things is Jaymz, he’s always been here. You didn’t come here by accident Jaymz..You are already aware of that.

Then why did you tell me he was here? You knew all this time and you hid it from me?

It was the best thing for you Jaymz. He was a smart man. He knew that if you came here you would take over, make a name for yourself. Now he knows who you are. He knows who will be looking for him. The time has come Jaymz...Like your father, your grandfather and the two before them...Its time for you to do what you have to do. You must find him and kill him. It all ends with you Jaymz. You are the last of your kind...You do what happens if you don’t kill him, right?

No, I don’t. But let me guess...That is something else that you have hid from me as well isn’t it?

Well...yes. If you don’t kill him Jaymz, you will die. ...The parasite inside of you will be transferred to your next oldest sibling. you do not know him, he’s from a different womb. You do not know the mother of this child, he is six years younger than you Jaymz...You, unlike the rest of your family before you, are aware of the things that you can do....You know the power that you possess. The soul that would harbor the parasite knows nothing of you. Knows nothing of what his father is or where his mother has gone. you cant let that happen....Because it wont be the end, it will keep on going. Unlike you, he can spawn children of his own that will carry on the parasite one day. ...I know all of that means nothing to you, for you will be gone.


..But watching you, and reading the scrolls of your past family..I know that you want to kill that man. That’s all your kind seems to want. Just that one thing. To kill the man that put you on this planet.

uh-huh...Well, aren’t you so fuckin special. Just tell me where is...what does he look like?

I do not know what he looks like. But you will know him when you see him, the instant that you make eye contact with him, you will know that he is the man that you seek. As for where he is...That is another thing that I do not know. ...All I know he is here. He does know that I am helping you, so therefore he is hiding...basically stalking you. Stop here...I'll walk from this point...

Jaymz glares at Vadim as he pulls over to the side of the road. Vadim removes the cloth from his nose, the blood as stopped. He puts his hat back on and gets out of the Tahoe. He nods his head at Jaymz, turns back and says...

Remember the Priest, Jaymz? ...Think hard, don’t forget that man.

Vadim makes his way down the street as he disappears into the darkness...Jaymz put the Tahoe in drive, then heads back to his stone building next door to the OWC Tower. moments later Jaymz pulls up to the building, steps out of the Tahoe and locks the doors. He then stands face to face with the massive steel doors, his eyes turn black, a soft breeze sweeps by and the door begin to open...Jaymz steps in, the blue light emanating the room from the two blue liquidish balls that the carved out demons on the staircase hold within their hands...The cameraman pans around the room and we see the marble pillars with people reaching out trying to escape whatever terrifying thing is trying to get them. The cameraman then pans up to the tall empty building with the stairs winding all the way to the top as we see Jaymz is already ascending the staircase, about a quarter of the way there. The cameraman hurries to catch up, letting the camera bounce around giving a bad picture on TV. We hear him mutter something under his breath about "climbing all these damn steps..get a fuckin elevator." Jaymz has already made his way into the room at the top when a few minutes later the fat cameraman got to the top..He was breathing really hard as he pushed the large steel door open..

Again, the blue light made its way out of the room as he stepped in. The light from the blue moving liquid all across the floor..This time he focused in on the blue liquid for a few seconds..Its as blue as the sky on a clear day, with darker blue streaks swirling and moving around inside...It didn’t appear to be deep, maybe no more than two inches thick. He pans into Jaymz at the other side of the room...He sits in the large chair on the other side of huge room..He motions for the cameraman to come closer then stays still again...The fat man begins to make his way across the room in the thin platform..He noticed that every time he took a step the blue streaks in the fluid would converge together and moving around with him...Frightened for a second that the fluid was somehow going to get him, he settled down and made his way all the way across the room on the platform. We see Jaymz, starring off into the liquid....His eyes reflecting the blue light, and suddenly they moved over to the cameraman. He rested his head against the back of the chair, never looking at the camera and spoke....

Well, shall I say that it was an interesting night? You know...I cant say that I honestly know why I did what I did tonight....I was sitting here earlier in the evening, contemplating my match with Delevega...In my mind, going over the things that I need and need not to do....The things that will bring Delevega down to his knees...thinking of the things that will have Delevega looking up at me, hands together and fingers crossed up close to his face...Fear in his eyes as his body shakes...I was thinking of the ways that I could punish that man in the ring...Then it just seemed like my body took over, I instantly jumped up from this chair and made my way down to the club. I remember now as I was driving, that the whole time I was in the Tahoe not one single thought crossed my mind. It was as if my mind was set to do something, focused on that one thing and one thing only...By the time I got into the front door of that club, the first thing that came to my mind was "What in the fuck am I doing here?" Then I thought, oh well..fuck it I’m already here, might as well do the deed. ...So then, while I was destroying the place after I saw that you were not there; I knew making a scene would bring you down....and I see that you dragged that street trash 8ball with you. ...and the cops? Well, I wasn’t surprised. I knew that if you showed up there would be at least three people with you. All those people you brought with you were only there for the same reason you call on the Free World, or the body guards to come with you. You are the lowest form of a competitor Delevega.

Always relying on someone else to do the work for you, or to have them there to save your ass in case something goes wrong...for example, the cops. I learned a few things about you tonight Delevega...I was glad that I went looking for you, it kind of refreshed my memory since its been a few weeks since we got in the ring...The things I learned tonight, you will see them in a few days...Now before you go off and tell people that you kicked my ass in the bar, you better think again. Go back and ask any of those people who were in there tonight, every time you hit me I just smiled...I played with you Delevega, that was basically all just a game...I gave you a show and you bought into it....Do you really think that I was going to miss all those punches on you? Get real...I toyed with you the whole time, just letting you think you had the upper hand...I was going to put you in the Silence, and some people may give you credit for escaping but I sure as hell wont...Come on, what a cheap move to poke my in the eye that was swollen shut just a few days ago from my match with Hero. ...So, remember all of that before you go off and boast what a great job you did against Jaymz tonight. ...Who told the cops to fire on me Delevega? Was it you? I didn’t see you say or motion anything to them, so I cant really accuse you of it then...But what is 8ball? Again, I cant really be sure of that either...I wasn’t paying to much attention to 8ball at the time, Erik was holding his own with that street trash...It wouldn’t shock me if you pull the old line "They misunderstood" or "Someone from the crowd screamed fire and the police mistook it for me"...So which one will it be?

Which same old line are you going to pull on me Delevega?...The best part of tonight was when I looked into your eyes and the frustration was there...I know that you were not giving it everything that you had, I know that you are capable of more...I was giving it even less, taking the shots that you gave me...smiling about it. ...I was glad that you hit me a few times though...It only been a few days since I have fought but you helped me a little...I sorta got a fix to hold me over for a while..the pain. ...That’s why I do wish that you would have come at me a little harder....But oh well, I played with you, got you all mad and frustrated....Am I bringing you out of your shell some here? ...How many time in the last few weeks have you told me that "Delevega does his business in the ring"...Are you tired of me yet? Am I finally starting to get to you? Remember this; you are the one who FUCKED with ME and brought this upon yourself....You just couldn’t stand that I was getting all the attention when I got here, you want the spotlight and you didn’t have that...I was told that I should have joined the Free World, and I declined it...That’s when you and the rest of the Free World decided to step into something that you shouldn’t have...I’m going to be here for a long time Delevega, I’m not going away...I’m going to be here, and I'll be over your shoulder...You decided to come at me, but I held back and waited...Now its time for you to pay for the bad decisions that have been decided and agreed upon by the FWA. All the things that have been done to me fall on your shoulders this week, you will be sacrificed for the entire Free World...

You will be the one who shall be exposed to the thrashing this beast will put you through...Delevega, not only will you be fighting for your Title but you also better be ready to fight for your life...One mistake, and I can end it all right there. You might still go around and tell people that you were the best Supreme Overlord ever, but who’s still going to believe that? I didn’t have the Title long, as you like to point out...But you wont either. Your time holding what is mine is short, so I guess what wouldn’t make you the best Supreme Overlord ever. And you cant say different, otherwise your a hypocrite. You have had you time here and things change; Its time for something new here. I will change this place and then I will show you what a great Supreme Overlord is. Same shit, new day...Wow, your so original Delevega...How many times have I heard people tell me that I am nothing but a fake? How many times have I heard all this bullshit about me wearing contacts and all these Hollywood effects? I’m so glad that you could be like everyone else and not be a believer....I thought you wanted the spotlight and you stand out from the crowd? Comments like that wont help you any, its not like you are the first person, or second or third that has come out and told me that week after week....But I don’t really care what you think, it makes no difference to me....I know who I am and where I came from. So you can sit there roll your eyes and laugh at me but it makes no difference one way or the other Delevega. Its ignorance like that that gets people killed, and I have a long list of people who have gone that direction. I don’t do the things that I do for your entertainment, I do them because I can. I do them because I want to. I was going to issue a challenge?? What in the fuck is wrong in your little head? You tell me that I need to lay off of the pills and all of that shit, but I think you are the one who is losing your short term memory.

Let me refresh you Delevega....Do you recall when we had the eight man match? Do you recall that you said you could take us on by yourself, referring to Erik, Crazy J and myself. Don’t tell me that you forgot about that already....And when you told me that I told you to be a man of your word and take up the challenge....But did you? Fuck no you didn’t. You made that statement and during the week I tried to get you to go forth with it, but you ignored me when I spoke of it....That showed me what kind of a man that you really are....You knew that you couldn’t take the three of us down, so now you act like a little bitch and say that I never challenged you...You brought the challenge onto yourself, I didn’t need to make that challenge because you issued it....I just tried to make you a man of your word and stick to it....After you took the Title did you ever say anything about it? You are a fucking coward of the lowest kind....You’re all talk and you cant back-up your word, once again you proved me true that you run and hide. You are the only failure that I see, so don’t go around calling me one when your the guy that hides from the challenges that you make and ignore that you ever said such a thing. Cops and lawyers, cops and lawyers.....I wasn’t aware that you needed all this protection from these people...You go and call a lawyer to have them press charges on me? That is the funniest shit I’ve heard in several days. Like I really give a fuck if you press charges...I can see you now, stomping up and down throwing a fuckin fit about how "Jaymz tore up my night club" fuckin hoo, you’ve got all the money in the world, remember? So why don’t you just go and fix it up? ...How weak of a man are you to try and have charges pressed on me, gonna put me in jail before the match? ...I know you want that to happen, I mean, it is the easy way out and I would expect nothing less from you Delevega. You are right, the Free World did win the Titles as a group, but where were you when the match came down to the end?

You just couldn’t hang in the ring with the OWC. You sit there and brag about and say "I told you so"...You didn’t tell me shit. I believe that the match was four on four, right? Those were the initial rules, right? Ok, now that we have that established in your small mind lets look at the match again...Did you see that I was pulling Grayson down from the ladder? Did you see that if I had gotten him down the Free World would have no Titles today? It was down to me and Grayson, technically 8ball was on my team....So if 8ball wasn’t a switch-hitter, in more way than one, then you would have lost. Your four basically couldn’t keep up with our three. Isn’t that correct? Yes it is, and there’s can go back and watch it if your to fuckin stupid to remember what happened that night. I know that you have the World Title, but you didn’t win it. Its that fuckin simple. You ass was on the outside looking in, just praying that 8ball would turn his back on me and hand you the Title...And that it exactly what he did...Yes, you are a hypocrite. What part didn’t you understand the first time? Do I have to sit here and explain it all over again? I feel like I’m wasting my breath, pay a little more attention before you go off your rocker. YOU didn’t win the Title. Correct? YOU were not the one who got out? Correct? Therefore, technically YOU didn’t win the Title. Just as I didn’t. So that makes you a hypocrite doesn’t it? YOU critized me for not using the Title to its fullest extent, yet you haven’t either...Does that clear a few things up to you now, you fuckin hypocrite? Should I sit you down at a desk, write all of this on a chalk board and hope that maybe then you understand? ...I don’t even know if that would help. Like I could ever claim that Title again? ...Oh yes, Delevega I will...You have no intentions of losing it? See, all of this just goes to show me that yes you do have tunnel vision..

I know that you may think tunnel vision is "cute", but I find it quite amusing. I know Delevega, I hear it every week..I hear how fuckin great you are, how you are the best World Champ to ever set foot in the OWC and how you haven’t lost a match in so-many months and all that other babble...So, should I fear you since you haven’t lost a match since you have been back? I’ve never lost a singles match here, big fuckin deal huh? Don’t get the idea in your head that you will be the first because you will be very mistaken. It makes no difference when you or I lost, who gives a shit? ...All that matters is now..the present. You need to look to that and get out of the past, get away from the things you claimed to have done and have not done. You can talk all you want about not losing a match since you’ve been back here, but what the fuck does that have to do with anything? As mush as you talk about it, its really going to sting you when you do get that loss...And make no mistake, that loss is coming soon..very soon. "Most feared man?"....Don’t make me laugh. Who fears you? ...Last time I checked your opponents have showed up in the ring with you. ...So, if your the "most feared man" then what in the fuck are you doing running around will all this protection?? Maybe you "fear men the most", because I sure as hell don’t see anyone here refusing to step into the ring with you....And exactly what part of you do people fear the most? ...The big mouth that you have? The fact that you haven’t lost since you came back? Your "wrestling skills?" ...I would like to Delevega, because I just cant comprehend what it is that makes you soo feared. Do you think that I fear you? I fear no man, in this business you will fail over and over again if you have fear. You gotta have the mindset that yes, there will be pain and your opponent may hurt you, but you cannot fear that man. I go with that mindset, also thinking that I WILL win every match that I go into...

Why would I think otherwise? Why would I put doubt in myself and not give it everything that I’m capable of? So your going to put a clinic on me, huh? Please...I’ve faced many a men like you, all who claim they are the greatest technical wrestler around...Your kind are a dime a dozen, their all over the place claiming to be the best around...Hell, 8ball is one of those people. I’ve seen and faced hundreds of people like you, I’ve fought the greatest fighters, wrestled the greatest wrestlers all over the world...I may put you in the top half of the list, but that basically just puts you with the "above-average" wrestlers. Woah, woah, woah, wait a minute. What in the fuck are you talking about? First you tell me that I didn’t do anything with the Title while it was in my hands for the short time so I was a weak Champion, but now you say that I think it needs to be used right away and shown off. That doesn’t even make any fuckin sense...Because if that was true I would have done some things while I had the Title, right? Is your mind soo eat up that you don’t know your ass from a hole in the ground? Why don’t you say one thing and stick to it, instead of saying things that contradict each other every time you open your mouth....I think you’re punch-drunk, or at least you should say that you are, therefore you would have an excuse for the ridicules things that you say....Damn, your almost confusing me..I just don’t know what you actually think because its one thing, then you change you mind and it turns into something completely different...When you get on a subject don’t throw out things that contradict each other, you make yourself look like a fool. Delevega, you don’t stand onto of this federation...Just because you have the Title does not mean you cant lose. I am on top of this federation, and you basically admitted that with the attacks on me when I got here...You saw me as a threat, you knew that in a short time this man would be on top, putting you below me. You are one of the most cocky, arrogant men that I have ever come across and I hope to make you realize that in a few days when we meet in the ring.

Only weak men tap out Delevega and you underestimate me to that point, there is not a chance in hell that you could put a submission on me that could inflict enough pain for me to tap...I’ve been in every submission move possible, put in them by much stronger men than yourself and they still couldn’t get me to tap...I my not be able to get out of it by sheer force, but I can use my power to pull you across the ring and to the ropes, where you have to break the hold. ...That’s the advantage that I hold over you, and every other man who has tried submissions on me. ...There is not enough pain that a single man could conjure up for me to submit to, not even yourself. You will feel the Silence, so you can down-play it all you want but it is inevitable that you will just be another victim to lay at the feet of Jaymz...Just one more soul who stepped into something they couldn’t handle, something that has more than you have ever seen...Something that can destroy you before you even know what happened. I was actually quite shocked to see that you can step up a little and tell the Free World to stay back. See, that is the only thing that I had to worry about...So now I know that when you feel the Silence your fuckin goons wont come running out attempting to save your ass...Now, maybe after I destroy you and get my Title back the Free World might come in, no big surprise there....You say "God what part of this don’t you understand, never once did we see you as a threat, not once have I ever out right called you a threat Jaymz, I have said it don’t get me wrong but it was far from being serious." What in the fuck does that mean? Again, it makes no sense at all...Not once have you ever called me a threat, but then you say that you did? ...but it wasn’t serious? Now I am confused. I think that you may be confused to...First you lie as say you never called me that, then you admit to it, but then it wasn’t serious. You realize you did all of that in one sentence? Wow, I don’t even know what to say to that, I mean...that’s so far beyond comprehension I don’t think there is a man in this world that can try and understand that...

You are fucked in the head aren’t you? ...Now do you see what I mean when I say that you are a hypocrite and you contradict yourself so much? ...Then right after that line of bullshit you fed me you go spout off that you have never lost. Again, you are nothing more than a liar....I went back and looked at the OWC record books, and it seems that you have lost matches...So why in the fuck are you telling people this when its public record that every match has NOT ended the same. Why do you come out here and pretend to be something that you are not....To make yourself feel better? ...Are you one of those people that actually believe the lies that come out of your mouth? Is your mind so fuckin twisted that you cant separate the truth from false presence? One thing that confuses me is that, you want to prove to everyone that you don’t need assistance to win...You said it yourself, you want to prove to the Free World, to me and to the World...Well, now why would you need to prove something like that if "all your matches in the same" if you are the "most feared man in the OWC"....I thought you were the greatest? ...So what do you have to prove then? When I see you say these type of things I know that I am getting to you...I know that inside, like 8ball, you constantly worry about Jaymz...You are not half the man that you present yourself to be...More than half of the shit that comes out of your mouth is a lie and you contradict yourself so much I don’t think anyone watching your last promo has any kind of idea what is going on. I look forward to you wrestling me in the ring...Since you pride yourself so much upon the fact that nobody can out-wrestle you in the ring...And in the end, that’s all you will have left....I will have the Title, but backstage you'll be running around screaming how unfair it was that you got beat by someone that you out-wrestled. Wrestle me all you fuckin want, but your not going to beat me on style points, there are no judges sitting ringside that are going to say "Well, even thought he’s getting his ass handed to him, he sure is out-wrestling that Jaymz fellow....Lets give him a style point!"

....Wrestle me, fight me, pinch me, poke me...whatever, I don’t give a fuck....The end result will be the same, I will have my Title back and there wont be a damn thing that you can do about it. Yes, Delevega you will be a failure of a champion. You can also plan on whatever you want, but what you have set out in your mind and what is going to happen are two completely different things....You wont hold this Title longer than anyone, not at this point and time. Maybe you can add up all the times you have held it and it equals out to something, but who cares? You are the man to beat Delevega, you do have the World Title right? Wow, aren’t you a fucking genius...And you will be the man that is beaten. It will not be me, don’t worry about how I fight and if you like it or not...None of that matters...All that matters is that you will lose to the style that I use. This is one man that you cannot bring down, I don’t expect you to understand that yet...But in due time you will. There are some things that you just don’t have control of, and being on the failure list is one of those things....That is where you will be, whether you will ever admit that or not makes no difference to me...The World will see...They will see that you are nothing that you say that you are.....The time is here for me Delevega and now I must take back what is mine...

The scene fades to black as Jaymz gets up from the chair, walks across the platform and out the massive doors.