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Entertaining And Interesting Links At The Coble's Place
Here I have a list of links to places to entertain you. All links should open in a new window. Be mindful, most of the places I visit are for those 18 and older. If you're still a kid, PLEASE, stay away from them. Parents: I am NOT responsible for where your kids are surfing to. You are.

- This mail is the shit!

- Tech and geek news.

- Bad translations for free!


- Fredryk Phox Rox.

- That's because he's a hillbilly. Seriously.

- This dudes mini interactive films are neat, but odd.

- Ever wondered what songs were #1 the day you were born? Me either, but you can look here.

- Phone pranks with Wal-Mart.

- Ann's Art. Good Stuff.

- Get your own personal barcode.

- Send some to a friend.

- News from drunken jerks.

- All you ever wanted to know about farts.

- They make fun of losers on the internet.

- Another group of drunken bastards.

- Create your own nation, then torture the people how you see fit!

- What can I say? Brian Setzer makes good music.

- They'll get you there... eventually.

- Badger Badger Badger Badger Badger Badger... (ad nauseum)

- Virtual excitement.

- Sign this before having sex.

- Ugly things done to cars.

- It is the tribute page to one of my favorite foods.

- Every day, for a year.

- Learn to make different origami projects.

- Neurotically Yours, at Ill Will Press.

- Old photos of America's past.

- Create your own medieval town.

- Make your own custom superhero.

- They're fat. They're truckers. They have a union.

- Admit it.

- Love the Gord, Fear the Gord.

Draw and post pictures on the internet.

- Oh, yeah.

- Create farts.

- What more can I say?

- Games.

- The internet makes you stupid.

- Read about one man's misadventures as a Wal-Mart employee. Associate. Whatever.

- He's so funny!

- Fine patriotic music from the best band in the US Armed forces.

- Great funny animations.

- Like the link says.

- Explore a virtual mars living area and the terrain outside of it.

- The Earth through the eye of Landsat 7.

- One more place on the internet that seeks out the strangest stuff in WebSpace for you to peruse.

- It's the home of the Muppets! YAAAAYYYY!

- Release the pleasures hidden deep inside each and every one of your bottoms.

- They can't say you never gave them anything!

- The ultimate pub, bar and club guide!

- A visual representation of the periodic table online. Very cool.

- This Webjournal is one of the more interesting, time-consuming sites I have come across. You couldn't get through all of it in one day if you tried.

- Fun clothes for everyone!

- The name of this place says it all.

- See Eric's many emotions!

- They find the weirdest stuff on the internet and put it here for your perusal. Updated somewhat regularly.

He's awesome. No, really, he is. Anyway, he's our new superhero, from the land of Stongbadia. (This site uses Flash media.)

- Jokes, chat, forums, and babes.

- Take the girls' or boys' entrance, then surf the site and see the many cool and fun things there. Links from there to other great sites as well.

- Yes, I know what DHMO is.

- Go Broncos!

- MmmHmm.

- See what happens when you microwave a Twinkie.

- For those days when you're condemned.

- The link says it all.

- Too much to describe. You need extra time to surf through this one.

- Offensive Apparel For The Whole Family!

- Get one of your own today!

- Home Of The Field Artillery. Hooah!

Fort Gordon - Home Of The Signal Corps - Hooah!

Fort Bliss - Home Of Air Defense Artillery - Where we're at right now. Pictured is the 32nd Army Air & Missile Defense Command Patch.

More to come later...


get this gear!