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Welcome to This Site!!!

Last updated on January 09, 2003

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Welcome To My Home Page

There is a lot of information on this site! If you don't find what you're looking for, email me and I will try to look for it when I can. Or if you have some information about Traumatic Brain Injury you would like to see on this site, email it to me.

I have deleted the pages, message from the webmaster and the webmaster page. I'm going to work on combining this site to A TBI's Corner so that it will be easier for me to remember to keep the content fresh and current. I don't have a lot of time today to do this, but I hope to have all this planned out today and done by tommorrow.

Hello, my name is Alicia Payne. I sustained a traumatic brain injury on November 22, 1997. I am in college now. I wanted to create a site for other survivors, like myself, that they could go to and get input back about anything and just somewhere to go and have like a support chain.

There is another mailing list for the site. Only this list will deal with the look of the site and anything about the site. If you joined the mailing list, you would become part of a panel. The panel would help me with site. They would give me input every now and then. I would send email out about something I either needed help with, or comments about information I was thinking about putting on the site. Click below to send an email
TBI Community

Definition of TBI
"Traumatic Brain Injury" means an acquired injury to the brain by an external physical force, resulting in total or partial functional disability or psychological impairment, or both, that adversely affects a child's educational performance. The term applies to open or closed head injuries resulting in impairments in one or more areas, such as cognition; language; memory; attention; reasoning; abstract thinking; judgment; problem solving; sensory, perceptual and motor abilities; psychological behavior; physical functions; information processing; and speech. The term does not apply to brain injuries that are congenital or degenerative, or brain injuries induced by birth trauma.

My testimony
I was saved when I was 12 years old at church camp in Binger, Oklahoma. I tried living my life according to God's will. When I turned 16, my life got turned upside down. When I was broadsided at sixty miles per hour and put into a coma, I didn't know if God was going to allow me to live. I felt very blessed to have woke up from my coma. I came out three days before Christmas. I was able to get out of the hospital the day I said I would. I graduated with my class and am in college now. God sent me another blessing. I have wonderful friends from high school, church camp, dance, and at college that have helped me get through my bad days. I feel very blessed to have them in my life.

Please Email Me!!!
Email me if you would like to offer suggestions of whatelse you would like to see on the site. Click on the link below to send me a message
TBI Community

An encouragement to do something
I encourage each and every one of you who comes to my site to check each of the pages that I have on my site. I am continously working on my site. I'm either updating or researching stuff to put on my site. Right now at the moment I am studying for finals that I'm going to be taking next week at Rose State College. But during the summer I am definitely going to plan and try to dedicate more time to this and the other site that I created for other traumatic brain injury survivors. I'm going to be working on a favorites page so you can go to some helpful websites that have been created for those of us with traumatic brain injuries or in some way would be able to help us, once the semester is over with at school.

I wanted to start my own webring. Please join if you'd like. I would like this ring to be for survivors. If you are a TBI survivor or aren't but you have a site for those who have sustained a traumatic brain injury. I even want there to be universities or colleges on this webring. Otherwise how are TBI survivors suppose to know that there are colleges out there that can accomodate them? Please join if you would like.

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Alicia Payne
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I am working on a list of links to go on all the pages so that you can go to the other pages on this site. If you would like to tell another friend about this site just click on this:

View My Guestbook
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Here are the links to my other pages on this site:

I Want to Get Better
To Intrigue Your Mind
Comfort Zone
Facts About TBI
Becoming your own advocate
Check This Out Ya'll
To My Friends
